Saturday 23 September 2006

More goings on

Evenin' all :-)

Thought I'd post some more of my memories and tonight will be the first part of Killerton Rocks.  Hope your all havin' a good weekend, mine's not so bad!!  Did a lot of cleanin' today and watched a film called School of Seduction - was very good *note to mum - I think you'll like it ;-)* Finished my book - that fourth bloke did it - I shan't give any more than that away as it would be mean!!  I'm now reading Cujo by Stephen King (love his books!!)  I've never seen the film but I know the basics behind the story something to do with a killer dog.  That reminds me talking of Stephen King films The Shining is on BBC 2 tonight!!  I've read that and it wasn't as scary as my colleague made it out to be lol *damn ryder cup is still on :(*

Just before I continue guess what..........I missed Roger on our local news on BBC 1 last night.  Trina rung saying Wayne had woken her up coz he was on and I didn't believe her and watched the other side local news in case they showed it but oh no!!  There's a piccie on and he doesn't look too bad :-) bless him ....................

Anyway let's continue with those memories :-)  Enjoy xx


So far this year my friends (aka Wayne and Trina) and I have been to some pretty good gigs, well up to this point we’d only been to the Foo’s but as that was so awesome we were in the mood for more!!  Wayne pointed this one out to Trina, who forwarded the idea to me and we were booked and off……………….

It was a beautiful day – unfortunately I had spent the day at work but as with every Friday we are allowed to leave at 4.30pm (ahhhh the beauty of working for social services ;-)  I decided to walk home and met Trina and Wayne there as Trina wasn’t getting into Exeter until 5ish and there was NO WAY I was staying at work that late lol…………… Once I got home I started getting the tea ready.  Wayne and Trina turned up not long after and were not able to park in my parking spot grrrrr………  Wehad a quick tea and got changed and were out by about 6.30pm.  We made our way to Killerton which is just outside of Exeter, and got there just before 7 I think??  (Please remember I am writing this from memory lol)

The car park was a field as the show was being held in the grounds of Killerton House.  We could see the stage so we headed in that direction.  When we got to the main show ground the scene that awaited surprised us.  Hundreds and hundreds of people all with picnic baskets, deck chairs, tables………you name it they had it!!  One even had a chandelier on their table.  Not a huge thing but a small one!!  I couldn’t get over what an odd setting it was for a gig but the evening sunshine was lovely.  Trina said that we should go and stand somewhere near the stage.  We all agreed and made our way round all the people eating and drinking towards the front.  Once we get there we are surprised once again as there is a huge gap between the people picnicking and the barrier.  As it was only tribute bands we decided to sit on the edge near the other people.  At this point some random said hello to Wayne, apparently he brought a car from this gentleman.  When Trina asked to be introduced, Wayne pulled her away as he couldn’t remember the bloke’s name lol……….

After a while of listening to the classic gold tunes (dj from the radio station entertaining the crowds) we decided we needed alcoholic beverages to make this strange situation a lot better!!  Trina and I headed off to find the beer tent, which was near the way we had entered the field.  Once armed with a couple of pints and a coke, we went back to join Wayne.  For a while we had a scary feelin’ we might not find him lol……..but this was short lived!!

Eventually The Beatles tribute band (Beatle Mania) came out.  A few people made their way down to the front for a bit of a boogie J  So of course we joined them!!  They weren’t bad, but I couldn’t help thinking what a freak the John was lol……………….Whilst we were boogieing when they were playing a lady in front of me turned round and asked if I was Jenny.  Freaked out I managed to answer yes, she said that she had taught me when I was at school and that she was Mrs Widecombe.  ‘Oh my god’ I said and thought how weird it was to meet someone like that out of the blue.  Trina wasn’t amused that she hadn’t recognised her as well (we had gone to the same school and college), apparently she had taught us at college not school.  I couldn’t remember so had to ask Trina lol……..Jess (Wayne’s neice – previously mentioned at the wedding and my moving day!) turned up and came down to say hello to us all.  Apparently she asked Trina when the Queen tribute act was going to appear on stage – bless her!!

When Beatle Mania left the stage, Trina said she wanted to get to the barrier for the next act and left Wayne and myself in charge of that whilst she went to get some more drinks!!  Even though we were sat leaning against the barrier all the little children pushed in.  It was very annoying!!


Right that's all for now - part two and photos coming soon xx


Anonymous said...

First time I saw the film of The Shining I had nightmares! couldn't read the book after that. Cujo -excellent. The film differs in one thing only - and I won't tell you till you've read the book. Suffice to say, the film makers bottled it, lol. Enjoy.
B. x

Anonymous said...

I saw The Shining when it first came out, no, I couldn't have done, I'm so young! Lol! Sorry you missed Roger on TV! A chandelier on the table?! Some people just won't let go of life's comforts! Have a great weekend! Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

The Shining was a pretty good movie as I enjoy most of Stephen King's work and Jack Nicholson can make any movie interesting.    One Flew over the CooCoo's nest is one of the best movies I have ever seen.    I would like to watch 5 Easy Pieces as I cannot even remember it now.    The concert sounded like you had a good time despite the kids pushing in to get close.     I have not had a TV for nearly a week and it may be 2 weeks more before I get my just over a year old one back from the repair with a large bill.    I will never buy an off name brand one again as the repair shop has to buy a manuel ( if they can get one ) to fix it.    I am having my old RCA 27 inch TV fixed also to sell to a friend on low monthly payments.     mark

Anonymous said...

I watched The Shining last night!!
Sounds like you had another one of your rocking weekends!!
Looking forward to the next part.
Ains xxx

Anonymous said...

I love The  Shining.
You  must see it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen, I agree with Stuart, THe Shining is a brilliant film, unmissable if you like Stephen King books. :o)

Anonymous said...

I've seen the film Cujo, and read the book... the book is sooo much better than the film.  The Shining is excellent, ooh I do love Stephen King :o)  One of my favourite Stephen King books is 'IT', have you read that one?
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

We watched the shining again ,loved it  ,.,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Well I'm pleased to see that you're doing much more updating than I am! :o) I appear to have missed all the stuff about the Vivis, so I'd better catch up.....

Anonymous said...

Yep Jen, The Shining is a good film, but Stephen King is excellent, love all his books and most of the films. Misery and It (the films) are  brilliant!!! It's amazing how you bump into people at the most weird places isn't it?? When I was working in the bakers my old typing/office studies teacher strolls in and we recognised each other straight away! At school she used to call me a "monstrosity" lol.....told her where I'd worked, on what she'd taught me, and I have to say she was impressed! Sounds like you had a blast girl ~ looking forward to part 2!
Hugs to you mate :-)
Debbie ~xxxxx~