Sunday, 23 April 2006

Sunday catch up

Hiya Everyone, Have you had a good weekend?
Today's been fairly quiet at my end :-)  That's the way I seem to like my sundays lol......Gearing up for the week ahead I suppose!!  Quite a bit happening this week too!!  I got up after having a bit of a read in bed, and did my washing up.  Quite a few day's had been piling up - not intentionally you understand ;-)  Just pure laziness again lol.......Watched Shipwrecked (after a 1/2 hour phone call with Trina discussing the damn programme lol, plus other things)!  Watched a film I've borrowed from mum called Closer, which is odd, one of those that wins tons of awards and nobody understands it.  Well that's how I saw it anyway!!  Then decided to watch Roger Cam on the Wembley DVD.  All the girlies go on about it on the board a lot, and I was thinkin' I haven't watched it in ages.  Naughty me!!  But before I watched that I watched some of the other extras and I don't remember watching them before - why not??  I couldn't think of the answer to that!!  Roger cam was good though :-)  *deep sigh*  I've also made a new wallpaper, and written a bit, but not much!!
Yesterday I got up early and went to have my hair cut.  Got home, had a cuppa and hoovered and then went food shopping.  Came home had food and watched War Bride something else I borrowed from mum, which wasn't bad!!  Also ended up watching Me or the Dog and Supernanny!!  After that I decided to clear out the cupboard-nobody-should-ever-go-in!!  As I have two large boxes I decided to clear away the dustbin bags that everything is in and transfer it to the boxes.  It took me about two hours!!  Spent the rest of the evening chilling out :-)
The end of last week came quite slowly.  We were due to get the bills on Friday and we did but it took a while!!  P and I spent Friday morning sitting there talking, moaning and bitching.  We didn't even bother trying to look busy either.  There was a lot of moaning and bitching going on last week.  The teams are split into two us with A-M and the other's with N-Z.  Although we're pretty much doing the same job we all do things differently.  Like we go direct to the route, but the other's try to find out the whole history before they solve anything.  Well all last week P and I have been sat there bored stiff, trying to look busy and stuff, when the other team are finishing off the last of their accounts and they received phone calls about our part of the alphabet.  Instead of passing them on, coz we were both there, they deal with them themselves, which is ridiculous as if we talk to these people we aren't gonna know the background.  What annoys us the most is you can't complain about this, coz if you did nothing would get done about it!!  P reckons that once team leader has finished her AAT course she will be outta there, and I can't blame her.  But this would probably mean D would go for her position who works on the other team and working for him would be crap!!  Eugh it's just office politics and it's just eugh!!  lol
This week I have my 2nd ECDL exam, which I'll have to do the diagnostic tomorrow, (shall let you know my score ;-), we have a team meeting (snooze) and training for some time keeping thing (boooooooo).  But a week on Thursday will be my holiday woohoo!!  Covention coming up!!  I haven't been to one for two years, shouldn't really go this year looking at the finances lol......
Anyway I don't wanna bore you too much in one entry so i shall leave you here!!  I was thinking I should try and think of some stories to share with you, I see a lot of people share their memories and I don't seem to do that very much.  I'll see what I can think off!!
Have a good week peeps xx


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've had a lovely Sunday, I was going to ask could we swap lives and then I read about the office and the exam, no thanks!  Good luck for the exam by the way, I'm sure you'll score highly. Go to the convention and you can tell us all about it here - that'll be some memories for you xx

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your exam ,go for it Jen ,I borrowed 'War bride' from Kate my daughter I enjoyed it ,Well its late so your quiet Sunday is nearly over ,Have a good week Jen ,.......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a nice lazy weekend. Good luck with the exam. B. x

Anonymous said...

Lolol I have a cupboard nobody should ever go in.  Good luck with the exam Jen. Rache

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen, my cupboard under the stairs is one of those nobody should EVER go in lol, well done you for sorting yours out !! Good luck with your exam, don't forget to let us know!! And you have shared some great memories with us, of your Queen concerts for one :-) And when you come back from the convention, there'll be some more there lol
hugs n love Debbie ~xxxx~

Anonymous said...

sounds like a good weekend, good luck with the exams.......Jules xxx

Anonymous said...

Glad you got got your cupboard tidied its a great feeling when you come to go in it again. Hope the exam goes well and you have a good week. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Can you come and tidy out my cupboards?! Good luck with your exam.  :o)

Anonymous said...

LOL I cleared out my kitchen cupboards yesterday Jen!! Makes you feel good when you get a bit tidier doesnt it LOL!! - Ive done ECDL hun - I did it last year!!! Laine xxx

Anonymous said...

Ah, I hope the ECDL exam went well. Sorry I'm a little late!
I love laying in bed reading for a little while. Mind you I wish I had someone to hold the book up for me and turn the page when I needed it turning! lol!

I've not heard of any of those movies you watched. Though I do like watching Supernanny, I think she's great. And I try to take the tips on board in time for when I have my own children.

I had my clean out today...well, more like a "hide everything better" afternoon. Didn't take to long. But I figured it best to strike whilst the iron was hot.

Hope you're well. take care.
Shermeen xx