Hiya everyone :-) Thank you so much for your lovely comments. It's so lovely to know there's some fab people out there coz you are, you know? Personal note to Sara though - thanks for the offer hun I may take you up on that xx (((((hugs))))))
Yesterday I decided to spend it calmly after the harrassement of Sunday lol........So I went out to Sainsbug's to buy something to cook in my new microwave and went to Comet and treated myself to some new headphones. :-)
Well if I have to put up with my tape walkman I may as well make the best of it. Trina rang me as I was walking home with a solution to my problems. Bless her she does try!! At least they've seen something they need if the player doesn't work again!! Don't bother crossing those fingers peeps - I'm beyond caring lol........I'm dreaming of the things Trina can buy me at the Queen convention for my birthday pressie instead ;-) Something I'd treasure and enjoy much more lol.......Should've thought of that in the first place!! *rolls eyes*
In the evening I watched Peter Kay night - still love the biscuit joke - doesn't matter how many times I've seen it. I must say that the Max and Paddy bits in between were a bit risque!! Still a good laugh though :-) Bless 'em!!
Watching that of course meant I went to bed very late!! Today was back to work and I did think about going in early but as we couldn't order our bacon sarnies I couldn't be bothered with earlyness!! Oh I forgot to mention our work place is now doing bacon sarnies. You have to order them and you'll get it between 8.30 and 8.45am which isn't too early and I could've made it in that early for a bacon sarnie lol........But when K tried ordering them last week they said they weren't doing them until after easter boooo........
Work was soooooooooooooo boring and we've got two more days of that!! Boooooooooooo............. I was typing something up when everyone in my team left and PB came over to talk to me - I closed down what I was doing and he said 'stop writing your novel jen and do some work' LOL if only he knew!! I find work a great place to get some ideas down and start working on them - Well I would do proper work if there was any!! I was actually writing this day of as being boring until I came home............
I did some of my exercise video :-) Am up to date on my emails and journal alerts (well all bar one!!) up to date with the roger board and live journal. My yahoo email box has over 150 emails in it but most of them are forwards or newsletters that I've signed up to (I check it for important stuff). I tided my computer desk and untangled all the leads, put my washing away, cleaned up in the kitchen, etc.....Then I logged on and found a comment from Mum (aka my brother lol......that sounds odd - go read it you'll see what I mean!!) and that is sooooooooooo cool. So come on everyone wave hello to my family :-) Bless 'em!!
I missed a call earlier from my Nan - I hope she's ok!! I must ring her back - perhaps tomorrow and find out.........
Well I don't know what else to drivel on about ;-) so I shall leave you here!! Instead of a sig today I'm gonna leave you with an eye candy pic - which I've set as my wallpaper coz I think it's gorgeous!! Plus I'm in a fairly good mood.....................
Take care peeps
Best wishes
Jen xx
I watched Peter Kay night too, gotta love that biscuit joke, lololol!
Waving hi to your family... hellooo Jen's family!!!!!
Glad you're in a fairly good mood ;o)
Sara x
Well done on doing the exercise - you sound like you've been very busy. Shame your work is so boring, good that you are utilising your time so well! I don't know whether I should tell you this (don't want you stalking him!) but there's a man who lives in my town is the image of Roger...honest! I know him quite well and although I've never told him I have mentioned it to others and they see the likeness too. By the way 'hello' to all your family! xx
So what is it you would like? now your ,other idea has to shelved ? You wouldnt do your journal at work ,!would you ? well would you lol We watched abit of Peter Kay and yes saw the biscuit joke too .we've all done it dunked our bikkie and its sunk ,leaving a mess in the cup/mug ,did you ever get your Wallace and grommitt one ? Jan xx
I always get caught writing things when I shouldn't be :op Hope the new headphones are good.
i have had some of the worse headphones i have had to use all types of tape through out the world now i have these head phones my friend gave me and they are good and sturdy :)
Hi Jen, glad we got the happy, chirpy one back :-) And busy one by the sound of it !! And hi to Jen's family \o/ and I hope your nan's ok :-)
take care hon
love n hugs
Debbie ~xxxx~
PS nice pic ;-)
Hiya, glad you had a better day today, even if it was a little busy.
150 emails!! I think I'm popular if I get three, lol.
B. x
You have been a busy beaver tonight doing all that and just in from work. Stuart found our old headphones in a cupboard and is going to use them as ear protectors when he is cutting the grass as our lawnmower makes an awful noise. Think I must have missed ione of your entries going to look now. Love Joan.
you sound like you have been busy, glad you are feeling better......Jules xx
Hi Jen, Again I`m not ignoring you but AOL isn`t sending me any alerts from you...ya boo! to AOL for that..lol! I`ve just read your last entry and I can see why you were annoyed, so would I have been. I`m glad everything seems to be better today apart from your work being boring. :o)
Sandra xxxx
(smiles) when else will you find the time to write your novel!lol! Your mailbox sounds like how mine sometimes gets. I can't let myself get behind for more than two days else i'll never catch up on alerts.
Trina sounds like such a wonderful friend, how long have you two known each other? You always mention her and it makes me think of the relationship i have with my bf.
Reading your entry made me crave a bacon sarnie with brown sauce, yum! we Brits have some strange tastes, i mean, who else do you know who eats chip butties or pickled eggs? exactly! lol!
I hope you're having a good week.
Shermeen xx
Who was that chappie then? :o) oh and bacon sarnies..... yum yum! Yay to the new headphones........don't you just love gettin lost in the sound - go girlie!
Luv Jayne
Hello Mum!! Have a good time at the convention, i'd love to go
Hi Jen just popping in to say hi - Ive had my alerts turned off for a while - been a bit busy. Glad your feeling happy!!! I love peter kay - makes me die laffing LOL Laine xxxxxx
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