Sunday, 16 April 2006

Foul Mood

Hiya everyone - hope your still having a good easter!!  Even though I'm off work (any reason for that to be mentioned ;-) lol, I'm still behind in journal reading.  I've not been switching the computer on much, apart from today but more about that later.......
Yesterday Trina came round and we popped into town.  I don't remember if I mentioned it before but I needed new work shoes and my trainers had given me a blister a week ago so I was gonna look for new ones too.  I hate looking for work shoes, they have to be smart, comfortable to wear and not too old fashioned - if you know what I mean!!  Looked in Shoe Zone, can't stand that shop but it's cheap but there's no room to swing a cat (not that you would in a shoe shop lol), let alone browse..........  Next we went to Shoe Express.  Slightly more expensive and nothing but summer shoes, but as I got my last pair in there I thought I would be ok, obviously not!!  Becoming downhearted, not just for work shoes but trainers as well as I wasn't having any luck there too, we left these shops and ventured further up town.  We wanted to go to poundland (probably shouldn't admit to that lol), to have a look for inspiration for our costume at the Queen convention in a few weeks time.  On the way there though we stopped in a couple more shoe shops (expensive ones like Clarkes), and I managed to find a pair that were also in the sale!!  Woohoo!!  Still a bit more than I wanted to pay but we can't have everything can we?  Didn't find any trainers though!!  Trina managed to come up with an idea for her fancy dress, I know what I want to do, I just have to get my butt in gear and actually do something about it!!
We had coffee and cake and then argued about whether I should get an MP3 player or not!!  We browsed Argos to see if I should or not.  Eventually I was talked into having one as part of my birthday pressie (it's not till June so don't start leaving me best wishes lol), so I went home with new shoes and an MP3 player.
On a unhappier note I found out I can never have an Ipod unless I upgrade my computer :-(  I can't afford to upgrade my computer.  To do that will cost just as much as an Ipod itself!!
So we came home and I loaded the MP3 player in but of course, it didn't work!!  Wayne turned up to pick Trina up and he had a go at making it work!!  He had also brought me a microwave, which his mum had got me, and some daffodils, also from his mum - isn't that lovely :-)  Their in my kitchen with my microwave :-)
So here comes the bad news!!  I have spent the best part of today and last night trying to get this **@@"#~ MP3 player to work and it hasn't.  I am absolutely fuming!!  As you may have gathered.......but I'm also really upset!!  It just seems that no matter what I want, whenever I finally get it, it goes wrong!!  I just don't know what to do anymore, I've tried everything and anything, reloaded the computer about fifty times today and I'm not exaggerating!!  Such a waste of a day - this whole holiday has been a complete blowout and waste of time.  I would've got more achieved if I'd actually been at work!!  I'm not saying I wanna go back to work but why can't things just be straight forward and work properly.  I always assumed that once you had installed the driver for an MP3 player you could just put music onto it, but clearly it doesn't work that way :-(  I can't even burn cd's onto this heap of @*%$!!  I can't afford a new computer so where does that leave me??  Up %&*$ creek without a paddle.  I tell you the situation is getting bad coz I was actually contemplating putting a notice up and asking people if they would burn my music onto a cd for me and I'd pay them!!  Now that is desperate isn't it??  But when you spend hours downloading stuff and your so excited and want to listen to it on your walkman and you can't coz it's stuck on the computer with no option to get it off, it is frustrating and depressing :-(
Anyway I'm not gonna think about it anymore and when I'm in the right frame of mind I shall try it once more!!  If it doesn't work I shall ring the customer services number who will probably tell me what I know already - that it's my %^&$ting computer!!  Pardon my language!!  If that doesn't work it'll go back to the store and if they won't take it I'll try and sell it or something *big sigh*
Tomorrow I'm doing cool stuff I don't know what that might be yet lol - I might even venture out and try and find something to be cooked in my microwave ;-)  Gotta cheer myself up somehow!!
Bill Bailey was on Telly Heaven, TV Hell and he was just taking the mickey out of Brian on the roof top of Buck Palace.  It's a good job he didn't go to any of the gigs and seen Brian re-enact it lol..................Also whilst on the subject of TV, Peter Kay night on Channel 4 tomorrow.  I wasn't gonna watch, (I have it all on DVD), but apparently there's new Max & Paddy stuff in between :-)  yay!!
Well I've gone on for long enough and need to put the rest of my chilli in the fridge!!  Till next time.............Hope your having a better easter than me ;-)
Best wishes
another creation from Dianna @ sazzycreations :-)


Anonymous said...

Ah Jen sorry you so het up luv !! Kels could probably help you but she's out I'm afraid. I will ask her thou and email you if we can help get you out of this frazzle :-) she sorted hers and Kaylee's out so you never know, fingers crossed eh ?!
chill with your chilli hon ;-) love n hugs Debbie ~xxxx~

Anonymous said...

I wish I could offer advice on your mp3/cd problems but I get so fruastrated with this stuff myself that I'm spitting more nails that you. I could tell you that since I got my Ipod I've been in music heaven and can play it in the car, through my main music system or through it's own docking staion! But I won't do that because you'll just get all jealous and want to hit me, lol.
The best cd burning program I used was 'WinOn Cd'. It was simple and easy to use. But since I got my new pc with Windows xp on it, I can't use it. I have a program called Pinnacle which came with the pc and I've also installed Nero but none of these are anywhere near as simple as my old system. <heavy sigh>.
Enjoy the fancy dress and forget all your troubles. B. x

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're having such a crap day :o( ...want some of my Dairy Milk?!?! I'm not very good with all that technical stuff either. Whoohoo for Peter Kay night tomorrow, I like him too....think it's Max and Paddy outtakes that's on in between...should be a laugh. Hope you have a better day tomorrow. :o)

Anonymous said...

You did say you couldnt decide if to have an MP3 seems the decision was made ,sorry your a bit down in the dumps ,enjoy your chilli .......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Wish I could help with the MP3 thing Jen, but I don't have one so unfortunately no idea.  I'll burn your CD's for you though if you like.  If you can email me the music you want, I can easily do that.  Have bags of spare CD's too.  Then I'll post them to you, no problem.
((((( for your frustrating day )))))
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen

Sorry to see your mp3 player driving you to pc rage.  They can drive you nuts.  Thanks for sending the hugs on me journal and it looks like you need the same so here we go: {{{{{}}}}, ps, if you want to be cheered up look out for American Idol where they did some Queen covers, truly dreadful!

Gary x

Anonymous said...

It's a shame about the MP3 player, I'm sure it'll all work out - puts your faith back in human nature reading all the offers of help here.  Pleased to find out Peter Kay is on tonight, I love Max and Paddy too - should be a giggle!xx

Anonymous said...

Sorry you have had such a do with your MP3 player. I am not technical at all so I would not have a clue. i just ask my sons to burn cds for me. I am sure they would do one for you. Just let me know what tunes you want. Love Connie.

Anonymous said...

I shop in poundland :)..........well why pay 2.99 when u can get it for a pound:)  Hope the grrr's have fled south . Haven't got an MP3 or anything Jen.........ooooooh how I wish I had. Rache

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should have spoken to your brother about it Jen :)
He's a puter whizz.

Give him a call , he's got loads of PC stuff lying around the house.

Speak to ya soon , Mum.

P.S. : Greg wrote this xxx

Anonymous said...

So sorry Jen about all the hassle you have had with you computer  there is niothing more flustrating than a puter not doing what you want. I bought a game and i can't get that to work at all waste of money.  Hope you can get it to work when you have calmed down. Love and keep cheery Joan.

Anonymous said...

I hope your computer gets fixed or that may not be the question.   It seems like you need a new computer probably.    But if that is impossible maybe someone can burn them for you, which raises another question which is can you send them the songs from your computer to do it.     I have read your latest journal entry and I am glad you are in a better mood.   I have been getting an AOL techs advise on getting my radio to play.   I hope it works after I re boot the computer.    Have a good weekend,    mark