Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Weekend, Movies and More Chiefs

Evenin' all :)  Hope you is all doin' fine??  I'm alright.  So I'll tell you any news that I have first and then you'll get the 3rd entry of Gig Diary seeing as how I got a lot of comments wondering what happened next ;)  Don't you just love cliffhangers ?

My weekend was quiet!  Didn't really do anything of significance to write about on here.  Saturday I cleaned the kitchen properly and hoovered everywhere.  Sunday I did nothing but sat here at the computer.  I paid the price for that as I've been suffering with back ache for the first half of the week :(  Stupid girl!!!  I'm getting nagged at by everyone to go to the Doctors but I fail to see why..............They don't do anything for people with bad backs and half the time it's me own fault for not sitting up properly.  I had to laugh yesterday at work cos I muttered to myself 'sit up straight for crying out loud' and my team leader sat up straight and went 'ok then'.  LOL

Monday night, although I didn't turn the computer on till later as is normal now on a Monday I didn't do any creative writing either.  I just wasn't in the mood for it plus I was hooked by the tennis.  I started watching Andy's game till 6.45pm when it looked like he was losing, so I turned it off.  Did some stuff, had tea, watched an episode of Gavin and Stacey and then went back to see how they were getting on.  So watched the rest from 9pm.  Jeez what a good match, edge of the seat stuff :o)  Unfortunately tonight's match pretty much went as I expected it too..............*sigh*

Yesterday Trina, Wayne and myself went out for the evening as it had been Wayne's birthday on Friday just gone.  We went to Pizza Express.........mmmmmmmm dough balls :o)  and stupid girl that I am dropped some of the garlic butter stuff down my top so there was this greasy mark all night :(   Plus there were some damn fine blokes serving in Pizza Express lol................That was until some girl came in and started flirting with them all grrrrrrrrrrrrr..............After the meal we went to the Vue, which I haven't been to as yet.  It opened in town last year (why one town needs 3 cinemas is beyond me!!)  Unfortunately Kung Fu Panda isn't showing yet and Wayne and I wanted to see that :(  So we saw Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian.  Trina and I got some popcorn to share but it was salted so we had to take that back lol...........then it turned out the tickets we'd brought via the machine were for next week but luckily the bloke said it was okay *phew* 

All I can say is what a BLINKIN' GOOD film :o)  if you've seen the first one and enjoyed it you certainly won't be disappointed with it.  A good plot with some great characters and some fab graphics.  I'm not one for graphics but this one had brill graphics :o)  So go see it if you get a chance x

At the weekend I'm off to mum's as it's her birthday on Saturday.  Shan't tell you how old I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate that lol ;)

Anyhoo let's pick up from last week's gig entry lol...........who could forget that I left you after the two support acts had been on and some bloke had asked if he could go in front of me ;)  Enjoy x

Needless to say I wasn't too thrilled by this question and told him to get lost in not such a nice manner!! He asked me why not.......I said it was because he was taller than me and if he stood in front of me I wouldn't be able to see the band, which is what I wanted to do. He told me I was lovely and kissed my cheek. At some point i must have turned round to look at him and all I remember is he had blond hair cut short and beautiful eyes. (For some unknown reason I have a feeling he may have been wearing a pink top!!) Anyway he stayed behind me and every now and then would kiss my cheek again and tell me that I was lovely. He asked me my name, but by this point I was still playing hard to get and wouldn't tell him, but I did eventually. I'm such a muppet!! He said his name is Charlie and he was a northerner, what he was doing in Cardiff I have no idea but Trina seems to think he said that he worked in Bristol!! He even started chatting Trina up, until we pointed out her husband was standing next to her. He soon shook Wayne's hand and said something about no hard feelings. He gave up talking to me for a while and had a conversation with the girl next to him, actually asking her the same stuff he asked me *rolls eyes* oooo I forgot he asked me what my favourite Chiefs song was between Modern Way and Angry Mob, I said Angry Mob and he started singing it to me!! Actually saying that he asked her the same stuff was slightly wrong. He didn't give her a choice for her favourite song and he didn't sing it to her either!! Unfortunately whenever he wasn't paying me attention I couldn't resist turning round to look at him, which seemed to encourage him, silly girl that I am. There were two blokes next to him that were at least 30 stone (that's what one said anyway) and we had a feeling they were going to cause trouble when the band came on stage but for now they were making me laugh, as Charlie talked to them at times too. Eventually and I don't really remember how it happened but at one point he was kissing my cheek again and then we were full on kissing!! arrrrggggghhhhhhhh............this isn't me!! This doesn't happen to me.......what the hell am I doing? Shut up girl a very nice looking bloke is kissing you......go with it!! Unfortunately when I finally parted from him, the fat blokes next to us started saying 'hey, you've made her night' and 'tongues and all!' I came back down to earth with a huge terrifying bump and the enjoyment i had experienced whilst flirting with him had all disappeared. I couldn't look at him, although he kept poking me in the back!! All I could do was stand there and keep muttering to myself 'dear god what have I done, that's not me'. The way I was carrying on you'd think the world had ended.

Just when I thought I couldn't handle this anymore the lights dimmed and as I always say to Trina 'magic was about to happen'. Still wasn't thrilled about these big blokes beside us, (I forgot to mention that one of them had said that someone was going to pay!! Me thinks they may have not been amused at the rugby result - don't ask me who was playing etc!!) but i was determined they were not going to ruin my fun!! Anyway as I was saying the lights had dimmed and after about a minute the music started (apparently their opening music was I Predict A Riot slowed down) and the back lights lit up the curtain with Kaiser Chiefs written on it. It was getting very exciting. I love the build ups to bands coming on stage - it's so much fun and anticipation of what's to come. Anyway the music played for a short time and then the curtain dropped and there they were. The whole arena erupted into utter madness, as soon as 'Everything Is Average' started playing there was a surge forwards and I was caught up in it. Unfortunately for me, Trina was worried about me and was holding me back by holding onto my jeans. These particular jeans are not ones that like to stay up and with her pulling on them, it was making things 10 times worse. So I managed to get her to let go of them and she then held onto my jumper which was tied round my waist. This did not help matters as one of the bottles of water that I had sneaked it was being held by this, so that hurt my stomach......Eventually she let go completely and I went with the crowd. I ended up in front of the couple who had been standing in front of me, and then slightly to the left. It was insane!! Even then the crowd surging did not let up and at some point one of the aforementioned girls fell over. I tried to help her up and even offered her some of my water. It was so hot by this point, but I didn't care, I was enjoying myself. Even though I was getting pushed around, it was brilliant!! I even shoved some annoying bloke out of the way coz he ended up blocking my view at some point. Oh, another thing I forgot to mention before the band had come on was the lady who had been standing somewhere miles back was brought down to the front with her partner, once she got there, suddenly she felt a lot better and didn't move!! I'm glad I wasn't at the front I would've been highly annoyed with her for that!!

Anyway the band...........They were awesome!! The one thing I wanna say is if you have listened to their albums or a couple of songs and you don't think that much about them, go and see them live!! That's what they are about and trust me you would not be disappointed!! (I am not sure why but in my notes I've written Ricky's shirt. I have absolutely no idea, although it may have been to mention that Trina saw him unbuttoning it and of course I missed it grrrrrrrrr..........)

Don't wanna make this entry any longer than it needs to be so I shall stop it there ;)

Till next time peeps - have fun x

P.s if I don't do an entry beforehand can you all wish Trina luck for Sunday?  I'm not gonna explain why just yet.... Thanks my friends xx


Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Wayne!

Your concert experience sounds crazy and fun! Glad you had such a great time!

I have a question: What is "brill graphics?"


Anonymous said...

Im glad you had such a good time

Anonymous said...

Ok let me see if I get this lineup right...Happy Belated Birthday to Wayne. Happy Birthday ahead of time to your mum this Saturday, and wishing good luck to Trina for Sunday for reasons I don't know..Whew! Sounds like the gig was a blast. What happened to Charlie after the kiss, was that it, did he disappear altogehter? If I had been there I would of elbowed the idiot loudmouth who said he made your day so hard he would of been whimpering the rest of the concert. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

yeah-well-Indigo said exactly what I was gonna say in the same order I was gonna say it,LOL-so re-read hers and put hugs connie at the end,LOL
La Ya Babes-hope ya meet up with kissy-cheek Charlie again!!Sounds sweet-cute-and what ya need!!

Anonymous said...

well said  indigo                lolol    you  rock  jenny                   thanks for  kind  comments on mine  hun  you  take  care  lotr  love  mort  xxxxx

Anonymous said...

wow snogging in the concert!! Glad it was fab......good luck trina xxx     Louise   xx

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good time at that concert :o) ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

So, next gig fest you'll be looking out for Charlie instead of the band?

Belated happy birthday to Wayne.

B. x

Anonymous said...

Look after you back now or you will suffer later in life take my word I as suffer everday.  Good luck Trina.   Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

I hope your back is feeling better.
Thanks for letting us know what happened at the Chief's concert.  Wow!  What a story!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen. I guess you are not so bored. LOL... Hope your back feels better. Thank you for visiting my journal. I love it when you let me know you've been there! So sorry about these crazy alerts that work not... grrrrrr... but as promise, I will try to visit at least once a week. LOL @ I try to read your pages as if I were English, too. LOL... Take care for now, luv.

Anonymous said...

Yay Jen, go Jen, go Jen, go Jen (does little dance)   you can't beat kissing a sexy stranger at a gig (i am sooooo jealous).    Sounds like you had a fab time.    I love Pizza Express, is only place i will eat Pizza !!!      Hope back is feeling better for the weekend.
Big Luv - Jaynee X