everyone out there in J-land!! Yep I'm still here LOL.........Can I just take this moment to thank you all for the comments that you left they are very appreciated. A big hello to the faircoleen
who is a new reader (sorry if I spelt your name wrong!!), hope you will feel welcome here!! But one thing I wanna just point out, not ONE of you noticed that I hadn't included September in my month run down LOL..
........Personally I didn't even notice until lunchtime today when I was looking at my blog at lunchtime to see who had commented!!! So to make up for missing out on September here's what happened.
September - P still off work. Me? I worked and worked and may have taken a day off to spend with mum but that was about all. A very pants month to be honest!!
See don't you feel better knowing what I did that month? Yep, I thought so.........
So how are you all today? It seems very quiet in J-land, don't tell me alerts are down!! *rolls eyes* Some things never change LOL
Me? I'm alright, felt very quiet today. It's not good when you get into work and all you are given is bad news. One's off sick, another one had a family member pass away, Jeez for the love of some good news on a Monday!! If you have any please leave them in the comments
I had a good weekend. Saturday cleaned as usual, then decided to shred some more stuff, filled several bags with shredding. I also seem to have moved stuff around, which is good but also not good coz one half of my living room looks great and the other half looks messy lol........I went out for a walk, then spent the rest of the day here at the internet, sad huh?
Sunday I got up late, (always do on a Sunday) and fiddled about on the computer again, then prepared my food for tea that night coz I had not cooked it before so needed preparation time!! Then it was raining so couldn't go anywhere booooo....so my friend and I who seemed to be online at the same times all weekend, were playing scrabulous and pirates on facebook. She kept bombing me, so I did the same back, it's fun!! Eventually it stopped raining so went for a bit of a long walk, round a way I'm not familiar with but found my way home fine!! Some ejit was feeding the seagulls though so I had to try and dodge them as they were flying here, there and everywhere. I really do HATE seagulls with a passion!! I suppose to be fair I'm petrified of them............
When I got home, fiddled around on the computer some more, watched the Simpsons and then put tea in. It was a lamb casserole and I have to say it was GORGEOUS!! I finished it off tonight...................it was lovely and I will definitely be cooking that again!!
God how boring is this entry lol............
On Wednesday I shall post the first of my various trip entries......As a treat for you all I uploaded some of the videos we took at V festival last night so if I'm feeling brave enough I may post them here. Ewwwww you'll be able to hear what I talk like LOL...mmmm.......probably need some persuasion for this!!
So tomorrow is Foo High in Cardiff...............Trina was telling me it takes 3 hours to get there and we are leaving work at 4pm and doors open at 6.30pm Arrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhh.........we'll never make the catwalk!! By the bar sounds the best that we could hope for!!!! Depressed!! Mind you like I was texting Trina earlier it could be worse, some lady who works for the same company as me has posted on the noticeboard that she hasn't even received her tickets yet!! What a nightmare!! Thinking about this we have been VERY lucky regarding gigs. There was only one nightmare situation, god knows how many years ago when Roger Taylor was supposed to play a tribute to Paul Young (Mike and the Mechanics guy, not the other one!) and we had all booked tickets but they changed it from standing to seating. So annoyed with that we all gave our tickets back and got refunds, but it was decided we would still go anyway and stalk Roger, like you do!!
It was in Manchester in December so we were freezing by the time Roger had turned up to go in. The decision was made that we may as well go into the gig, so we all brought tickets again LOL............my friends all ran to the front anyway by the time Roger was on!! Me?? I was tired and cold and just glad to be sitting down LOL
But that was the worse........we've never had a cancellation, or whatever, yet you read about them all the time. Actually what am I talking about of course we have........how could I have forgotten that one!!! We were supposed to go to Queen + Paul Rodgers on July 7th in Hyde Park.............needless to say that got postponed!! How could I forget that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ignore me!!
It's easier that way...............trust me!!
oooooooooo gigs aren't they great?? I don't wanna ever get too old to go to a gig!!
Hmmmmmmmmmm.............me thinks I'm rambling now just to fill space LOL
Great Trina's just depressed me, why can't I have sky tv!! (This is just for Trina........well you don't have youtube LOL.......I'm up here *shock*!)
Right think I should leave you here and go and find some pretty decent songs to listen to before I head off bedwards.........
Take care peeps. Sorry for the randomness!!
I'm glad you found September Jenny! I hope you have a good time at the gig; you're never too old to go to them! Enjoy the rest of the week and stay warm, it's turned freezing hasn't it?! Colleen's a lovely lady, I know you'll like her! Jeannette xx
You forgot September, and none of us noticed... poor September.
((((( September )))))
Lamb casserole.
Wants to see the videos... persuades you to show us... persuade persuade persuade.
Have a great time tomorrow m'dear.
Sara x
Did you notice that I did three "....."'s in my comment.
Did that just for you, to keep all of the "....."'s in your blog company.
I am kind and thoughtful like that.
Sara x
LOL for nobody notices the poor, missing September :))
How could you nearly forget about the HydePark gig! ;) While reading your entry I thought "...well, I once had a postponed gig and therefore could go to it - Hyde Park" But *relieved* you remembered in time. :))
It´s so nice to read your entries again, go on! luv abd hugs, coops
I have to say I enjoy the randomness ,Jen ,the cassreole sounded good and nice you had some left for Moday ,its always better the next day lol ,you feel as though someone else ghas made it for you ,lol Hope work picks up soon ..love Jan xx
Enjoyed you catch up and sorry you had a bad Monday sure you gig will make up for it have a great time Love Joan.
Enjoyed you catch up and sorry you had a bad Monday sure you gig will make up for it have a great time Love Joan.
Hello Jen
Enjoyed your catch up and i did notice that September was missing, but thought that had been done purposely ..... do you believe me ? ha !!! As for getting to old to go to gigs - that will never happen, trust me !! ;o)
Good to see you back.
Luv Jaynee x
Been playing catchup on your last entries ~ I don't think I have been getting your alerts so have reset it ~ Jen you will never be to old to go to a gig ~ not when you enjoy them as much as you do ~ Ally x
I can't see you ever hanging up your gigging shoes Jen.
B. x
I have some good news....we've found someone who wants our gerbils! yay! Now we dont have to keep the evil cannabals lol
We were so egrossed in the other months we never noticed September!
Gaz ;-)
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