Hi everyone - yep it's little ol' me again
Well as you can see I've uploaded some photos but I'll explain about them as I go so don't look at them yet - thank you for your co-operation :-)
Yesterday I went to stay with T and her bloke as T and I were going out in the evening. Just after we got to theirs T and I went shopping. The first piccie is something I brought. I decided to call him Brian, but Brian Lion didn't register until a lot later lol (my mind is very slow sometimes)! When we got back to hers we watched a film until we had to go!
We had tickets to see Derek Acorah (the medium from the Most Haunted show). (We went last year and had a good time so we booked this back in May!) T's boyfriend dropped us off outside the hall, and as we were walking towards the entrance, I noticed a van round near the back of the hall. I commented on it coz it was a strange place for it to be parked. T said it looked like an FBI van coz it had a satellite on top of it. We thought nothing of it and went inside. We were in row H which was about 7/8 rows back. Anyway Derek came on and started to do his stuff which was good and he was getting a lot right by the sounds of the responses from the people. I kept hoping my grandad or my uncle would come through but no luck!! He went off and had a break and I went to get ice cream and found out he was doing signing's afterwards. I wanted to get my pic taken with him as this had failed last year
Derek came on for the next act (only word I could think of sorry lol), and did a couple more people. He was just trying to find out who the buller (may have that name wrong) sisters belonged to when we noticed Dr David Bull (he presents the live Most Haunted's) and a camera crew walk on stage. Then on the screen behind Derek was projected Yvette Fielding and Claire Sweeney The whole hall went mad (me included lol)! Dr Bull managed to get everyone quiet and said, ' We are LIVE on Living TV,' more cheers from the audience, 'it gives me great pleasure to present Derek with the variety club multi channel television personality of the year award goes to Yvette Fielding and Derek Acorah' Many more cheers and standing ovations. Dr Bull handed over this award. I couldn't get over it! You see these kinda things happen on TV but never actually are you ever in the audience for it lol pictures 2 and 3 show Derek and David
Dr Bull then told us that we weren't actually live and that the show was going out this evening (Monday) (am being cheeky towards ex again but did try and see if other people with Living would video it, but to no avail)!!
As if that wasn't enough - T and I then queued for a piccie. Didn't take too long but I was starting to feel queue rage at one point! Anyway he signed my programme picture 5 and I asked for a photo and he said yes and then gave me a big hug picture 4 I said 'congratulations on your award and to Yvette too' and he said, 'thank you Jenny' and kissed me on the cheek lol - oh what a night!! I can't wait to see the programme!! I did video the award giving on my digital camera but all you can is me cheering lol
Work is going ok!! There's not much to report from there so I shan't bother lol - oh and picture 6 is my tree. It looks pathetic doesn't it? Nah don't answer that!
Speak to you again soon
Lucky you Jen, I saw Mr Acorah at Lewisham last year and it was certainly a memorable experience although no ghosties came after me or me mate. Brian wouldn't be named after a certain guitar player, all that hair seems familiar (the hairstyle that hasn't changed in over 30 years lol).
Jenny your tree looks really really good!
I envy you in the nicest possible way. I always watched Most Haunted and think Derek Acorah is great. Unfortunately because of my agoraphobia, I could never get to see him although I would dearly like to and how wonderful to see the show get that award. You struck really lucky. Sorry you did not get a reading though. Love your Lion lol xxxx
I have never heard of the guy, he looks really creepy, are you sure he's not a nasty person? I don't normally judge people on looks, but he seems like a vulture to me.
Other than that nice tree, have a lovely xmas...8-)
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