Wednesday, 30 January 2008

An End to the Mud

Hello peoples :)  Here we are another week, more stuff happening and we are so close to pay day I can almost smell it ~ or is that because my pay slip is sitting in front of me LOL............

So far an okay week!!  Had a good time at the gig on Monday ~ you'll all be glad to know I am not doing a write up for it lol..just cannot be bothered.....will tell you more about it another time though.

Got stressed at work today, probably because I'm tired!!  More about this job evaluation rubbish....and there's more to come tomorrow so I better keep my mouth shout or it could turn ugly lol..............

.............and the rent is going up but not by much and i can afford it so that's okay.

Trina's off sick ~ show her some love in the comments people ;-)  I know she'd appreciate it!! 

Anyway it's Wednesday so I shall transport you through the portal that is my journal back to August last year and a camp site in Stafford.  If you remember from last weeks entry we had seen the Foo Fighters play the main stage (last band of the weekend) and it had been awesome :o)  so let's carry on.....................

We made our way back to the campsite and stopped off as usual at the toilets. I went into one, that didn't smell thank goodness, it was getting to the stage where you could smell them a mile off!! Unfortunately the one I went into the lock didn't work!! So there's me in the middle of doing my business and some random opens the door, I yelled and he went into the one next door. How embarrassing!! He said though, 'Sorry about that'. I replied 'No I'm sorry, it's just the locks not working.' Then he said 'Don't know who was more scared then you or me.' I laughed and said 'me definitely', it was quite funny really!! Back at the tent and we didn't go straight to bed, as Maz and Corina were still up so we talked to them for a bit. At least it had stopped raining!! When I went to bed, Trina very kindly took my trainers and socks off so I could climb into the tent without getting everything muddy, but my pillow was soaking wet!! Lovely!!


Yet again I woke up early hoping that Trina was gonna wake me up whilst she was going to the loo or something. Unfortunately she didn't and I had really, really bad stomach cramps. So much so, that yet again I was crying!! I called out for Trina I don't know why, but she came out after Wayne had prodded her no doubt, and told me to go into her tent!! They had more room in their tent then ours did. I did as I was told and took some paracetomol and she tried to take my mind off it. We ended up having a conversation about some comedian who had died whilst on a tread mill!! Sarah came to join us...............

Corina and co woke up too and started making breakfast. They said that we could join them because they had so much food left over, so they kindly made us tea and coffee and we went out to be sociable. Trina and I went to the loo's and because they hadn't been cleaned yet they were the WORST EVER!! I held my breath and just went!! Desperation takes over in these times. When I came out and waited for Trina though, I watched a girl walk over to the one I had been in, she took one look and rejoined the queue!! Trina came out and we made our way back to the tents moaning about our toilet excursion. Wayne was having a bacon sandwich which had been cooked for him and made for him!! There was a plate of bacon and sausages waiting for us when we got back, but then as we were helping ourselves to it, everyone started talking about the toilets and it was really off putting!!

By now a lot of the campers had already packed up and gone but not the annoying boys behind us, who we watched dismantle their tent. We were all under the impression that they had stayed in their tent the whole weekend. I was feeling much better at this point so we agreed it was time to wash, get changed, pack and take the tents down. It didn't take long with everyone helping but we appeared to be waiting for Corina and Co. Trina wanted to take her tent home, Sarah couldn't be bothered so left hers standing, (a lot of people had left their tents, I think they went to charity or something from something notice I had read!), so we helped Corina take theirs down, but in the end we had to leave without them as we had a train to catch. The walk back to the car park didn't seem to take so long as coming up. At last the sun was shining (typical as we were leaving!!) Trina and Sarah were moaning the whole way so Wayne and I walked off in front. However the mud didn't help!! Especially when we reached the little pathway, however it wasn't a pathway anymore it was deep mud and there was no way around it!! I couldn't drag my suitcase through it so I carried it, which wasn't easy and I had to stop every now and then. It turned out that Sarah and Trina weren't that far behind us which surprised me!! The cars were all queueing to get out and it looked like it was a total least none of them looked stuck!! The last part of the walk was a bit of a nightmare trying to dodge cars and mud, but we got to Sarah's car eventually. We all got in and joined the queue to get out of the first field, I think by this point Sarah and several others were feeling rage towards the steward. A lot of the car drivers were getting so fed up that they would leave the queue and drive across the field. None of us had any idea where they were going and we debated about following them but decided against it.

Corina and Co made their way into the field with their massive wheelie thing piled high. I really wished I had seen them pull that through the mud, but alas that was not to be!! Wayne got out of the car and went to help them push it towards their car. When he got back in Sarah decided to give up and she followed a car across the field, which was fine up to a point!! We drove over a big stone and there was a horrible crunching sound. We were further ahead than before though so that was good. There was no order to the queueing in this part and we started to have a race with another car as to who was going to get out first. Luckily we won.....After about 10/15 minutes we were outand joined another queue. Eventually we were out completely and managed to find the train station without driving down any closed roads. Trina, Wayne and I got out of the car, with our luggage and bid farewell to Sarah. We then went to wait for our train. I decided there was NO WAY I could stay muddy anymore and so I went to get changed and ditched my trainers in a bin outside the train station, they were ruined. They were brown before, but now they were squelching too!! It felt so good to get into clean clothes but it was kind of depressing as it meant the festival was over but we were still on our way to Dublin which was cool.

Our train arrived and after a change at Birmingham, we got to Bristol at about 5ish. We had arranged to stay at Dans and as he hadn't got home from work we decided to go to the Weatherspoons just around the corner and wait. We had a pint and chatted for a while, then went back to the train station, where Wayne and Trina argued on the platform. I told them off asking why they couldn't behave as well as the children who were next to us, that was quite amusing! We managed to catch the 6.30pm train (or something like that) and tried to find Dan's. If I remember rightly as we were coming out of the train station, some random bloke offered to carry my suitcase up the steps!! After a bit of a walk we found Dan's, but this was after we had walked past it and Trina rung him. Rosie was waving out of the window in the end so back up the hill we went!! She met us at the door and upstairs to his flat we went. Becky and Dave were there as well which was nice as we hadn't seen them all in a while. It was decided that we would get pizza and Becky suggested that as we were placing such a large order they should ask for freebies. Trina and Dan went to get the pizza's and came back with 4 chocolate brownie squares. Usually whenever I have a pizza to myself I never ever finish it, but this time I ate all but one slice that night!! It's not like I starved at the festival but clearly I needed substance. The last slice I had for my breakfast the next day.

Becky, Dave and Rosie left not long after food and Dan was very kind and looked things up on the web for us, like transport times and who the Road to V winner was. He also let us watch the Foo's at Brighton recorded for the BBC on the BBCi several times (it was on a continuous loop)!! He pumped up an airbed for Trina and Wayne, so I had Wayne's airbed which they brought back with them. Dan had also agreed to store some of our stuff as we didn't wanna take everything to Dublin. He bid us goodnight and told us to have a good time in Dublin, he wouldn't be there when we woke up. He had been a top host that night!!

So that's it for now..................more to come next week..........

Take care peeps

p.s I'm a day behind in my alerts in case you wonder where I am ;-)


Sunday, 27 January 2008

Miles and Miles

Hi J-land peeps :o)  Hope this blog entry finds you well.

Here I am at 10.17pm on a Sunday evening having a bit of a boogy to the tunes on my mp3 player ~ I think I have lost the plot!!  This time of the evening is for winding down not going insane!!  I think it must have something to do with the impending concert I am attending tomorrow woohoo!!  Time off work ~ now there's a reason to rejoice if ever there was one.  LOL... Mind you I have to work in the morning and leave at lunchtimeish and go in Tuesday afternoon booooooooooooooooo.....(short break whilst I make my tea and go mad for the Foo Fighters ~ Aurora - love this track!!)

Back ~ did ya miss me??  Yep, thought so :)  Anyway I have not really done much today ~ needed to rest after yesterday lol.....Now your asking what did I do?  See I know lol.......

As the owner of the flat is due to turn up tomorrow whilst I am at work I have spent a lot of the morning yesterday cleaning and making it look tidy!!  I didn't do too much in the living room or the bedroom or the bathroom but the kitchen is practically sparkling!!  Well it was yesterday, it looks a little less sparkly today having used it to make cheesy bacon jacket spuds in it!!  That can be quite messy.  Still all the washing up is done, which is why I have my mp3 player on...........didn't want to annoy my neighbours with loud music so late at night!!  I've just updated the playlist anyway for the journey tomorrow :o)

Back to topic lol.........So I cleaned, then I had something to eat and a deserved sit down.  I watched a couple of episodes of Bleak House on DVD and then decided as it was such a sunny day I was going for a bike ride!!  Yep that's right my regular readers I do still have my trusty bike ~ you may remember it from the early days of Boredom Eats Away At Me.  However it's in desperate need of a service!!  It makes a clicking noise when I peddle and now it's started...well the best way to describe it is jump!!  The gears don't work and it's just a heap I suppose!!  After all the rain we've had though the clicking sound seemed to have disappeared so I thought I would make the most of this and venture out. (I love to cycle and going out with it clicking is embarrassing as I had little kids saying it was because I am fat!!  Now I know I'm a big girl ~ first to admit it but I have been a big girl since I've had my bike so I don't think that's the reason!!)

So I set off at a steady pace, thinking that with the jumping thing I am gonna have an accident if I'm not careful!!  It only does it when I peddle and start off......So down past the smelly factory, along by the river, across the bridge, along the cycle path and then detour across another bridge and along a path that I had a feeling was there but had no idea where it came out!!  Eventually I came out at Bridge Road which is miles (or felt like it anyway!!)  I had seen a part of Exeter I did not know existed down Bridge Road and debate whether to go back or carry on!!

Carry on won!!  I was enjoying the freedom and the exercise :o)  Across the road and down the path all along by the river.  I thought I would get to the motorway bridge and think that's enough...I got there but couldn't stop I was enjoying it far too much!!  I carried on to the lock by the ship yard near Topsham!!  I had literally gone miles...the only problem was i had to go back that way too and the bike was clicking again least people could hear me coming though LOL ;-) and get out of my way!!

So I sat by the river for a while enjoying the quietness and watching some of the 'nice looking' boys going past in their rowing boats :o)  After about so many minutes (didn't have my watch on me so no idea of the time) made my way back!!  It hurt coming back!!  My knee doesn't like cycling and was hurting :(  Still it must've been doing it some good hence why it was hurting!! 

I came back the long way round....why do i do that to myself?  LOL Made myself a cup of tea, and finished watching Bleak House (about six episodes in one afternoon ~ good televisual viewing me thinks!!)  I was actually out on my bike for 1 hour and 15 minutes :o)  yay me!!

My legs spent the rest of the day moaning about it *rolls eyes*  and they still don't like me today I have done nothing but sit!  Figured that was the best idea if I have to stand at the concert tomorrow!  So I watched Lilo and Stitch (good film) and spent the rest of the day on the computer!!  Finished one of my write up's so that's good.

I think this is turning into a long entry...but what's new from me huh??  So I shall log off now and look forward to the week :o)

Hope you all have a good one xx

P.s are you watching Dancing on Ice, how do you feel about poor Michael Underwood??  I thought it was really sad, I wanted him to win!! :(

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Poncho, Poncho Man, I wanna be a poncho man


I swear if I hear the words Continuing Health Care, Direct Debit, Job Evaluation and Lay Down once more I'm going to scream!!  The first three give you an idea of the kind of week I am having at's a long one huh?  The fourth word is the title of the song that I'm stuck on, on Guitar Hero III grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............. I have practised till I'm blue in the face and although I am progressingly getting better I don't seem to be able to get it up to 4 stars grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............

.............and if that wasn't enough I now appear to have a bruise on my leg!!  God knows where that came from!!  I did knock my knee earlier but it was in a different place...........all I have to say is *ouchies*

So anyway it's Wednesday and Travel Diary is here :o)  To recap last week I left you at V (still!!) on the Sunday morning and we had just seen 606 (secret Foo's gig) on the channel four stage :o)  so let's continue..............Enjoy xx

We wandered over to the JJB tent at 3.30/4pm to see Sinead O'Connor and caught the last of Beverley Knight's set. I had started to wish we had come over earlier as it was sounding very good. Even Wayne was dancing around to it, bless him! Unfortunately for me I was starting to feel crappy and emotional. Trina, bless her cotton socks, went off on a mission. By the time she came back Sinead was on stage, I was by now bored and highly emotional so I started crying ~ very embarrassing!! But hey, I was out of my comfort zone for gods sake!! Apparently whilst she was on her mission these two blokes (she assumed they were gay!!) came up to her and said something about not seeing her for ages, they then spent the next 5 minutes hugging and kissing her!! Very odd but very funny.................By now it was very muddy not just outside but inside the tent too. Sinead was coming to the end of her set and I figured by now that she wasn't going to sing Nothing Compares to You, but just as I said it she sang, 'it's been 7 hours and fifteen days' doh!! After she left the stage we went to find food and use the toilets. They were getting worse by the minute and several people had taken it upon themselves to find alternative methods. For example to the side of where we were queueing there was about 5/6 people. Four were holding large dark coloured ponchos/jackets etc around two people who were.............well I think you can imagine!! We managed to get some chips from one of the many vans and went to stand just a short way away from it, next to it were all these blokes doing their business against the fence and the girls were starting to join them!! Not a pretty sight when we were eating. We were having a laugh and it had stopped raining quite so much by this point which was nice, as we started talking about Pink we realised it was six and she was on stage and we were supposed to be meeting Sarah!! So we made our way back to the main stage and met up with Sarah at the t-shirt stand. We then found somewhere to stand for the rest of the night at the main stage. We wanted to go a bit further in from where we were the previous night as when the Killers had been on stage you could still hear the dance tent. So we got in as far as the sound/mixing desk, as there was a barrier all the way around it, this provided the perfect place for Sarah to lean and us to protect Wayne and his back, but still have enough room for dancing. We didn't have a great view from there but that was a small price to pay!!

Pink was really good, she performed all my favourites and more that I didn't even recognise. The songs I remember are: Who Knew, Dear Mr President, Leave Me Alone, U and Ur Hand, Trouble and even a version of the 4 Non Blondes What's Up. She danced around and her vocals were really good, given the chance I probably would go and see her again!! Next up was Snow Patrol, they were also really good too. The singer seemed to get really choked up when we sang any of the songs, the one I remember in particular was Run. Even after 11/12 years of being together that feeling obviously never dies for a band. He mentioned it was their last gig in England for a while and that it was a great high to go out on!! He dedicated a song to Dave Grohl (can't remember which one) and when they finished playing it, Dave came on stage to give the singer a hug. Couldn't believe it was Dave to begin with, he just appeared!! One of their songs on the last album was a duet and the lady (Martha Wainwright) was there to sing it with them which they were very happy about, apparently that had only happened a couple of times!! He also said they were going to marry, but I think he was joking. The songs I remember were: Run, You're All I Have, Chasing Cars, Open Your Eyes, Set The Fire To The Third Bar and Spitting Games. Trina and I both agree that we should go and see them again, but only if they were playing local. Unfortunately at one point during their set, we were all standing there nicely and 3 blokes had appeared behind us. One tried to start a fight with Wayne, which gave Trina a heart attack practically and so that caused a bit of a bad atmosphere. I had been standing next to Wayne at the time and I didn't see anything untoward the bloke that sparked him off, I think he was just in the mood for a fight and I have a feeling that if Wayne hadn't had a broken back, he could've been provoked to fight back!! Trina and I both stepped in though and Trina moved Wayne to where she had been standing so he was leaning against the barrier. It was quite tense until the blokes walked off!!

There was another break after Snow Patrol and more text messages, they were getting funnier..........some examples..'Don't move I've lost my contact lens' 'Poncho, poncho man, I wanna be a poncho man' 'Just to let you know that your cars are all stuck in the mud' 'Matt Damon' 'Ruby, ruby, ruby' which had the crowd sing 'ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh', but it appeared again 'ruby ruby ruby now sing it.......' and the crowd did it again. Trina sent in two, one to thank the lovely guy in the toilet queue for telling us about 606 and 'everything is average nowadays' which did get displayed. Also at some point a bloke wearing a Mick Jagger mask appeared and was dancing around ~ it looked very funny!!

Eventually Dave walked on stage, just like that!! I didn't even realise he was there, and he started with Everlong!! You have NO idea how wrong that is!! We had only seen them at Mancheter prior to V and they had finished the show with Everlong, yet here he was starting it with Everlong, what was going on? I felt like it was anti-climax, like we had had the gig and that was it, yet we hadn't!! Didn't like that one bit, plus it was accoustic everlong! But when the song kicked in the rest of the band had joined him on stage, so I got the feeling we were in for a good show. They rocked out with classic hits mixed in with a couple from the new album. It was BRILLIANT...........we headbanged, sang along even though the people around us thought we were mad!! Especially during Monkey Wrench when we kept singing and everyone else had stopped. At some point when Dave was saying hello he brought his mum on stage, that was funny, bless her!! The band actually wore me out and when they came out for the encore they played Pretender which we had all been waiting for, that was the killer!! I was out of breath from jumping around etc.......I think you could safely say we created an atmosphere though as everyone around us were jumping and dancing along it was good fun. They played Everlong/Monkey Wrench/Learn To Fly/Cheer Up Boys/Pretender/All My Life/Best of You/Times Like These/Breakout/This is A Call and many more. We were on such a high when they finished and some people covered from head to toe in mud said we looked too clean and offered to get us dirty. My trainers were disgusting by this point coz they were covered in mud and had holes in them so everytime I walked I squelched!! My socks got equally as muddy by this point too!!

I shall leave you there for now...............Hope your all having a good week xx

Sunday, 20 January 2008

Cute blokes, eating and flat worries

Evenin' all :o)  How are you?  Good weekend?

Well I actually have things to talk about in this entry (amazing I know LOL)!!  Lets see it started I think either on Tuesday or Wednesday when I was at work.  Jim and Jez's printer stopped working or something like that.  So a technical bod comes to have a look at it and see what's up!!  I turned round coz I heard a voice but didn't recognise it and all I can say is mmmmmmmmm.......He had lovely eyes :o)  tee hee hee......He went away again and when he came back I was at Jim's desk asking him a work query (and that is true believe it or not..) and declared that it was now all fixed etc.  When he walked out the door I said to Jim 'that's a shame', he asked me what and I said that if the printer was fixed he would not be coming back.  Jim laughed and said that I shouldn't be looking at pretty boys that I should be after someone handsome and rugged.  I laughed and said 'yes but Jim, your taken.'  LOL...............

Next funny event to happen at work was on Thursday I think............It was raining and windy and Jim looked out the window and declared that we were all trapped in the building and that we must feed off one another lol...........(he's a strange boy!!) So I said well in that case we shall start with you.  Then I continued and P seconds this motion.  I suddenly started laughing, looked a P and had to explain that I didn't mean we were going to have her for seconds..............ROFL....................

So that was the fun we've had at work..........not looking forward to this week coz we are gonna be bored!!  Well until Friday anyway and then the week after I have a gig to go too :o) Trina, Wayne and I are going to see Linkin Park at the O2 arena.  I've not learnt many of their words woops..............I've been trying to build up my flexi and I've got it from 2 hours up to 5 :) but that's not enough for what I need so I shall have to stay on again this week!!  Grrrr............

Anyway the other news I wanted to tell you about was the other night I had a call from the agent regarding the flat.  Apparently the owner is coming to the UK fora holiday at the end of January and is stopping off to inspect the flat.  So tomorrow the agent is stopping by to inspect it first (cleaned like mad this weekend I did) and then the following Monday when I'm at work *phew* the owner will come round.  They also wanna put the rent up!!

I have worked out my finances and can afford £50 more if needs be but the agent has said that he will press my case to the owner, the fact that I am a single person with bills etc.  Not sure what good it will do but he was suggesting a rise of £15 which isn't too bad :)  *fingers crossed people*  If it goes up anymore than that I won't have much spending money :(  I may have to think about cutting back on things.

I've been considering that when everything goes digital I might get rid of my TV.  Well keep it to watch DVD's on it but not have the usual four channels that we get now....unless of course I can get freeview!!  Or a pay rise lol.............

Pay rise is soooooooooooooooooooo not gonna happen!!  I don't remember if I've told you but we are going (well have been the last year), through a job evaluation process.  They have figured that we are being paid the correct rate but we are only 1 point away from the next grade so we have to fight right??  Well everyone else in our office that is appealing have all been given a date for their appeal..........Not us though :(  God knows what's holding it up and it's so frustrating!!  Mind you the whole process from start to finish is such a farce!!  I have no confidence in it whatsoever.................

Back to the flat business I am just hoping the owner won't see the flat and then decide to sell it!!  Mind you if that happens I am coming round to the idea of moving in with Trina and starting driving lessons!!  Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to rely on Wayne to drive me in everyday as he gets ill a lot!!  :(

Anyway I'm trying not to worry about it until it happens right?? 

This weekend was good.  I've spent most of it playing guitar hero either with Trina or on my own!!  But I have caught up with my alerts (only 9 in the inbox *yay*) She made me a chilli (low fat slimming world version) which I finished this evening (no not with a jacket spud Sandra but thanks for the idea LOL)

Other than that I think that's all my news..........I shall keep you posted as to what else goes on!!

By the way thanks for the comments to the previous I shall not explain the beard lol.......

So have a good week people, let's hope we see some dry days huh??

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Secret 606 shows and beards

Hello :o)  There are a couple of things I wanna talk about but they shall just have to wait as it is Wednesday and tradition for Boredom Eats Away At Me is to blog my travels ;-)  But just before I do, I have to log something here so I don't EVER forget it!!!  Trina and I were discussing something on emails today and everytime I thought about this it made me laugh so I wanna write it here to remember it, and in a few years time I shall look back and think what the hell...............anyway please bear with me ;-)  The sentance was 'The beard did it with the candlestick in the library.'  (I don't wanna explain that just ignore this part of the entry ~ thank you xx )

Here's the part you need to concentrate on ;-)  So I left you at the end of watching the Killers at V Festival on the Saturday.............let's continue xx

Once that was over we decided to make our way back to the campsite, it was about 11pm by this point!! First stop though food and a drink!! Whilst we were waiting this arguing couple were stood near us. When we moved they passed us still arguing, it just amused me!! If I remember rightly there may have been talk about visiting the pub we had been in the night before, but people were tired so we just went to bed. We stopped off on the way back to the campsite so Wayne could get a blow-up mattress. It was funny to see him in the toilet queue holding onto that!! We made our way back to tent but got lost and met up with Corina and Maz also making their way back and getting lost. Between us all though we managed to find them!! Sarah and I headed bedwards not long after. Trina, Wayne, Corina and Maz kept talking for a while about Corina wanting to see Mika and how much she wanted to see Mika. She had also been going onto Trina about wanting to see Pink but she wasn't until the next day. The noise was horrendous, with people everywhere talking, laughing, you could hear music and then people making their way back to their tents. I did manage to get some sleep and with my suitcase out of the way it was much nicer to stretch my legs.


I remember waking up wondering and hoping that Trina or Wayne would come and wake us up soon as I was desperate for the loo, didn't wanna go on me own!! It had stopped raining by this point!! Everytime I heard a zip on a tent I thought it was them!! Eventually Trina came to the tent and said she was going to the loo, I didn't hesitate to join her. As usual there was a queue but it wasn't as far back as it had been the previous day and according to Trina it was actually a bit later timewise!! Whilst in the queue, we listened to this bloke's conversation behind us and he was talking about some of the bands that were playing for example the Kooks were headlining the channel 4 stage that night and he couldn't understand how they could headline as they only have one album. Then he said something about the Foo's playing a secret show. Our ears pricked up and this is the conversation: "Excuse me, what's this about the Foo's?" "Oh yeah, it was in the paper and on the radio all week about them doing a set under the name 606." "Sounds like a Dave sort of name" "That's the name of their studio," I said. Trina and I looked at each other and started to feel excited, we had to get back and tell Wayne, but the plan was to get drinks and breakfast for the others first. Eeek!!! We finally went to the loo, and made our way down to the burger van!! We couldn't believe it!! What if we hadn't have been in the toilet queue at that moment would we still have found out? This was a thought that was going to be ringing in our minds ALL DAY!! Also and I can't remember if this happened on the Saturday or the Sunday at some point when we were in the queue for the toilets in the morning some girl collapsed and it took ages for anybody to come and help her. It was ridiculous!!

With drinks and food in hand we went back and I remember Trina had coffee in her hand and tripped over one of the guidewires and spilt the coffee down someone's tent. We got back to our own tents and woke Wayne up with the news. He was excited especially after we had checked the programme thingy!! 606 on the channel 4 stage after the road to v winners. It did mean that we would miss the Proclaimers but Wayne didn't mind very much!! So we agreed that we should all get changed, keep it a secret, and make our way down there, even if it was still early!!

As I was getting changed was when my day went decidedly downhill. I found out that I had women's problems!! It was early and I was not prepared so I started freaking out!! Plus I was nowhere near any shops that would be able to settle my problems. I told Trina what had happened, she told me not to panic!!

Once we were all changed and ready for the day ahead, we made our way down to the stage, without Sarah who agreed that she would come down later!! It started raining again when we were waiting. I decided that I was no longer going to wear a white poncho and so as we had time I went to buy another one. I managed to get three in all different colours and cheaper than the ones we had brought the previous day. Trina and Wayne kept looking at hats too, which was fun. As we were walking along these two blokes had viking hats on and started doing battle with the horns on top. Their friend was taking a picture, it looked really funny. Those are the kind of moments that you only really see at festivals, I was thinking and wanted to remember everything! Yet again the fence was up, but we waited for it to be taken down. There were quite a lot of people and I assumed that they would be heading to the same place as us. I convinced Trina and Wayne that we had to go a different way to the channel 4 stage. The other way was far too muddy and if I slipped that would top my day off perfectly!! Eventually the fences were lifted again!!

We walked as fast as we could whilst most people, strangely enough ran towards the main stage!! Unfortunately it was just as muddy going this other way too but it turned out to be closer to the stage. We managed to get 2nd row which was just amazing to us!! That was until these stupid kids decided to go in front of us so we ended up in the third row. I didn't care, although I was bit miffed with myself as I had let the gap appear and didn't do anything to close it down!! But I was never gonna get this close to Dave again so I had to make the most of it!! We started talking to the couple beside me, who said that they had friends in Essex (the other park) and apparently the show was leaked down there and there were more people at the Channel 4 stage then there were at the main stage!! You had to feel sorry for the Proclaimers, I wonder if they knew that the foo's were on at the same time!! Whilst we were waiting for the Road to V winners they played videos and stuff on the TV screens again and those adverts didn't change/get any better!! What did make me laugh every time and I forgot to mention it before was that Hard-Fi had a new single coming out and every now and then there was a snippet of it played on the screens. When it finished the crowd around us would always keep singing for a second or two, it was very funny!! Empire by Kasabian was one of the videos played.

The Road to V winners were a band called Rosalita, although I was not aware of that at the time!! I thought they were quite good but by the 1st song they had Wayne hooked. It was a song called Art Attack and it was going on about Tony Hart and Morph etc.. They also had a song about somebody who runs a dating agency for the elderly. They were good and funny!! I made it a mission to find out more about them when I got home!!

After them the roadies came out to move stuff around and I had to laugh at the crowd around me. Because most of the roadies were wearing Foo Fighter jumpers, people were talking about it, for example the couple next to us who had moved on to talk to a couple in front. I was laughing at them because it had taken them that long to work it out. One roadie member was wearing a Probot jumper and I'd worked it out from that. (Probot was Dave's side line metal band!!) During this break and it was still raining by the way, they played the Kasier Chiefs I predict a riot video, that made me very happy!! After what seemed like ages, Dave and co walked onto the stage. Apparently when they did some woman was forcing her way past me, until Trina stopped her and said 'No'. The woman was like what? so Trina said 'I said no' and this person replied don't talk to me like that but she stopped where she was and spent the whole show with her camera just above my head apparently!! My view wasn't that bad, but towards the end it got EVEN better. Somebody moved and the girl next to me moved forward and so did I, ending up in the 2nd row. 2 rows back from Dave!! Amazing!!!!! Trina was happy when I moved too coz she got a better view of Taylor. They played an accoustic set some old stuff and some of the new stuff from the new album. Let's see if I can remember what they played: Big Me, Come Alive, But Honestly, See You, Cold Day in the Sun, Marigold, Skin and Bones, and I'm not entirely sure about the rest. It was so amazing!! We came away thinking the day wasn't going to get any better than that!! Wayne was practically jumping up and down he was so happy!! Sarah eventually managed to find us, unfortunately by the time she had made it to the field there were too many people for her to come down to the front with us. She wasn't amused when we went on about it for the rest of the day.

till next time xx

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Here in body but not in spirit!!

Hello everyone!  Please note I am still not getting used to this keyboard so if you spot a mistake or two................don't blame me LOL

So a normal entry from me??  Don't expect too much ok!  Last week was ok at work.  A bit of tension occured on Tuesday or was it Wednesday?  I don't remember!!  We were called into the managers office by our team leader.  (Don't panic the manager wasn't there, it's just his room was free lol)  Well she had, had a meeting with the other team leader and her line manager and they had come to the conclusion that during our quieter moments we are to help the other team out!!  This went down like a lead balloon and the tension was rife pretty much for the rest of the day, which is a shame!!  I don't mind helping out I'd rather be kept busy than do nothing, but they do work in a slightly different way than we do and I wouldn't wanna do something then have them moaning coz that's not how they would do it ~ do you see what I mean? 

I guess we shall find out soon what they have in store anyway coz we've nearly finished our accounts and there is two weeks till the next lot is printed!!  Other news from work, the other section interviewed people on Friday and one of them P and I both recognised.  When I ran the name past Trina, it occured to me why..........I didn't like him very much!!  I don't think *fingers crossed* that they've employed him, I must find out properly tomorrow!!

Anyway enough about work onto the weekend ~ have you had a good weekend?  With no money and not seeing Trina this weekend I thought I would have the chance to bring the alerts up to date.  Let's just say I am now only two days behind in alerts lol...........

Friday after not feeling too good at work, I came home and chilled out :o)  Saturday I heard it was not gonna rain (for once) and decided to get up fairly early ~ well before 10am anyway...........and go get my food shopping.  I also stopped in at the mobile phone shop.  Hopefully in 60 days I shall recieve some money back!!

Came home from food shopping (which was manic!) chilled for a bit then cleaned the flat.  Then chilled for a bit more, before going out for a walk.  Went the long way round to Boots and strolled a bit further with the thought of going in Staples.  It wasn't there anymore so I came home and just in time coz it started raining (surprise, surprise).  Played some guitar hero, had a nap and then logged on.

Why did I do that?  My weekend could've been better and stayed on a happier note!! 

Where I live there is an email group of some of the residents, basically to share news and possible meet-ups (they went to the pub last year!) and there was an email in my inbox from one of the residents of the next block of flats.  This is hard to explain but basically there's like a quadrangle of flats which is where i am and then further up the road but look the same is another complex, but the residents there are also included in this email. 

He wanted to tell us that, that morning at about 4am he had, had someone potentially trying to break in!!  I freaked out reading this and to be honest with you I'm still freaked thinking about it now!  I know these type of things go on but here you feel kinda safe.  The main front door can only be opened by people who have keys.  Sometimes though they are left on the latch or someone comes in and doesn't bother to make sure it is shut properly you've got a problem!!  Luckily this bloke managed to stop them from getting in but lost them as he tried to chase them.

I am a single girl living on my own (not that i wanna advertise this) and at the time highly emotional, so I was freaked.  What if they came back and targeted my flat?  I know I'm probably being extremely paranoid but you don't know......................So last night I couldn't sleep!!  I lied there listening to the wind and any sort of strange noise wondering what it was...........I think in all I probably had about 2 hours sleep.

Mind you it was nice that Jools Holland's Hootenany was repeated last night ~ shame they cut most of it though :(  Such as Madness with 'our house'!!  In the end though I kept thinking how happy I was dancing round like a bit of a prat when it was on originally and how suddenly Ididn't feel happy anymore :(

Today I've done nothing, apart from have a long lie in followed by a bacon sandwich :o)  I did play some more guitar hero (I hate tom morello!) and spent the rest of the day on the computer catching up on message boards etc.

Tonight I've watched Dancing on Ice, Larkrise to Candleford, the end of Sense and Sensibility and the Dancing on Ice skate off.  TV is quite good during the winter isn't it?  Nice to see Al Murray back too and he keeps mentioning Queen :o)  Shame Cerys Matthews had to murder Don't Stop Me Now!!!!

Anyway i should head bedwards otherwise who knows whether I'm going to concentrate tomorrow...............oh my noisy neighbour has come home during the last few hours and he's already banging about *groan* lol

Thanks for reading xx

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Dancing in the rain

Hello Journal reading peeps :o)  Hope you are ok xx

Firstly a personal note from Trina ~ to all those that commented and wished her a happy birthday to the last entry she would like to thank you very much, it was very appreciated!

Secondly it's Wednesday and that means travel writings...........Here we are at part 3 of V Festival..........if you remember I had been eating noodles whilst watching a band and felt uncomfortable about it coz of all the comments............

I couldn't eat all of mine ~ there was too much, so Trina finished both plates. When she was done eating we moved in a bit and waited for the next band. It was actually Mark Ronson. Trina and Wayne don't like him and what he's done with Lily Allen to the Kaiser's 'Oh My God', but I quite liked the album so thought it might be fun to see him. It was a choice between the big stages most of the weekend for us, we never ventured to see the 'little people' which I guess we should've done!! But the choice was either KT Tunstall or Mark Ronson, so we stayed where we were!! I actually enjoyed the set from Mark Ronson......if I remember rightly he played Stop Me, Toxic, Valerie, Just and some others. He had a few guest singers with him, one being the guy from a band called Phantom Planet. They are more known for their song 'California' from the hit series The OC. They played that one too and I think the guy was a bit touched coz we were all singing along , bless him. Trina didn't seem to be very happy at this point but she had told me that she wasn't feeling all that great. Wayne doesn't really like that type of music so he looked a bit miffed and Sarah was feeling a bit weary too!! I tried to get into it though and like I wrote before enjoyed the set, it was different from all the guitar bands you usually watch!! He didn't do his cover of the Kaiser Chiefs 'Oh My God', as Lily Allen was due to perform later I was surprised she didn't get up on stage, but alas she didn't!!

When Mark Ronson finished we took the decision to stay where we were as Trina wanted to see the Guillemots. The crowd dispersed a bit when Mark left the stage so Trina, Wayne and myself moved forward. I think Sarah went back to the tent for a lie-down! During this break they played S-Express which I hadn't heard for years. The adverts on the TV screens were getting on my nerves already and it was only day one!! The Guillemots came on, I have to say that I wasn't that impressed with them. They were okay but they didn't capture my full attention as I found myself watching the crowd around us rather than the band. I'm not sure what Trina thought of them!! Next on this stage was Mika. As none of us really wanted to see him and we only had a few minutes to kill before we went back to the main stage, we found somewhere to sit down. Wayne went to get us some donuts and drinks, bless him. We had to sit on our ponchos as the ground was getting rather muddy, it was still raining, but only in showers!! Wayne came back with the hot donuts and tea and coffee for me and Trina. It was rather nice!! Mika came on stage and said something about how it was his birthday and he was going to have a good time. To be honest I only wanted to hear him sing Grace Kelly for the Freddie mention but we didn't hear it. He started off with some song I've never heard off and then played 'Big Girls'. By this point I was fed up with him so we made our way to the main stage.

On the main stage was James. I only know a couple of songs by them but it was interesting to watch. At one point they had members of the audience on stage with them, dancing around and they looked completely stupid!! Especially one girl who was clearly trying to flirt with the singer, but he wasn't discouraging her or anything. They played 'Sit Down' and Wayne and I danced around like a couple of silly people. We weren't anywhere near the front, favouring to stand nearer the back, a) because of Wayne's back and b) because you had more room to manoeuvre. They played another one that I know but can't remember the title of and a new song which the singer actually had to read the words for. He dedicated it to Tony somebody or other (the guy who was very big on the Manchester music scene!!) who had passed away that week.

The next band on the main stage was Kasabian. Wayne and I wanted to watch them, but Trina was going to leave us halfway through to watch The Manic Street Preachers. The deal was that if we didn't like Kasabian we were going to join her and Sarah. That deal changed and we agreed that as long as we hear one of either two songs we would go with them. More videos on the big screen and adverts grrrrrrrr................ Kasabian came out after a while and played a song I didn't know but I was enjoying watching them, then they played 'Shoot The Runner' which was one of the two that Wayne and I wanted to hear. This song is great coz every now and then they sing or rather speak the word 'Bitch'. So there was Wayne and I singing along very loudly and loving every minute of it. After that song finished it was agreed that we would go and watch the Manics. As we were making our way through the crowd to get to the Channel 4 stage, I realised I recognised the next song and was slightly gutted we had to leave. I vowed that I would see them live properly at some point!!

It was getting very muddy between the stages and especially the entrance way into the channel 4 area. I nearly fell over lots of time and the rain was still coming down. It wasn't gonna get any better. The Manics came on stage and we decided not to risk going further into the crowd. We had a good time where we were, Trina and I were singing along and dancing around like mad. That was until a couple of quite tall blokes stood in front of us. Wayne tapped them on the shoulder and asked if they wouldn't mind moving as us two wanted to watch and enjoy the show. They did move, but I felt uncomfortable at that stage as neither Trina nor myself actually said anything about them being in our view. At some point the TV screen showed that Nicky (bass player) was wearing an incredibly short skirt. Trina loves this man and even more so when he's wearing eye make up and skirts. To see him in the shortest skirt possible almost floored her. She did not stop going on about it everytime he was shown on the screen. It was an absolutely brilliant set from the Manics, old and new songs entwined together, showing the band back to their normal, true selfs after a couple of dodgy albums. I couldn't believe how fantastic they were. The last time I saw them was Millenium Eve at Cardiff and I was so ill, I was glad I didn't feel ill today and made up for being ill last time by jumping around and making a bit of a prat of myself but I was having such a good time. That was until James (singer) started singing 'Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head' coz before that it had actually stopped. As he was singing it started up again!! It was fate I tell ya! Unfortunately their set came to an end, so we made our way in the dark to watch the Killers on the mainstage. The headlining act and I was looking forward to this, plus the Manics had left me on a high, surely only the Killers could top that??!!

How wrong I was!!!!!! I have NEVER been so disappointed in a band as I was with the Killers. When we got to the main stage I was amazed at where the crowd had appeared from. There was never that many people around earlier!! We managed to find a gap on a slight hill to watch the band, again not venturing anywhere closer as Wayne was still dodgy with his back (how many times am I going to keep mentioning this lol)!! I was happy with where we were though as I could see, but when the band finally did arrive on stage, we could hear them, but we could also hear boom boom boom from the dance tent behind us!! It was so annoying!! Plus by now tiredness was kicking in from standing up pretty much ALL day!! We decided to move a little closer and they played my favourite song 'Jenny was a friend of mine'. They also played the classics such as, 'Smile like you mean it' 'Mr Brightside' and 'Somebody Told Me'. Unfortunately when they weren't playing any songs, there was just a gap and no-one was saying anything, we didn't get any sort off 'hello stafford how are you?' like you would from any other band!! I was getting more and more annoyed with them!! The big crowd they started off with had dispersed and they were left with just a small handful at the front, which is not really how it was, it was slightly bigger than a handful but you get my point!! Trina, Wayne and myself sat down and waited for 'All These Things That I've Done' which was actually played last. I have never been so more relieved that they had finished. It was funny and kind of ironic really that before we went to the festival, Trina and I came up with a chant 'Your s*** and your not the foo's'. Never did we think we would actually use it!! In my mind the Manics should've been headlining. Their set was much better put together with banter from the band, just couldn't get over the big gaps in the Killer's set.

Sorry for the long posts but I hope your enjoying reading it xx

p.s did anyone in the UK watch Hugh Fearnly-Whittingstall's programme on Channel 4?  It was set in the town where I used to live LOL................

Till next time xx

Sunday, 6 January 2008

Bestest Best Friend Wishes

Hiya Peeps ~ hope you've all had a good weekend!!  This entry is a day late but it still comes from the heart and with love :o)

31 years ago yesterday the loveliest, kindest, bestest best mate a girl could ever have was born.

 (This pic was taken 2 years ago or is it 3??  On our way to Hyde Park to see Queen + Paul Rodgers and she looks better in that hat than I do!!)

Yep, that's my Trina :o)  We met on a special day arranged by the school we were due to attend when we started big school. (Jeez that must've been in 1988!!)  Trina attended the local primary school, which was across the road of the big school and I came from a small primary in the middle of nowhere.  She was in a different class from me for a lot of things until we had to take our GCSE's.  It wasn't until the 3rd or 4th year that we became best mates.

The story behind that is hysterical.  We had been for a walk (probably walking my dog at the time lol.......) and on our way back we had an argument, cannot remember what that was about but instead of apologising one of us said 'Do you wanna be best mates then?' 

 (both of us with Roger 2000 and something!!!)

Our love for Queen did come to the surface after Freddie died unfortunately but we make up for it in more ways than one.  We have both made some good friends through our love for the band and all things Queen and I could not imagine sharing all this good stuff with anyone else.

She is such a lovely person with a good kind heart wanting to do good things for everyone and everything even if she knows full well they don't deserve it!!   I really don't know what i would do without her.

It makes me laugh when other people judge our friendship.  A lot of them just don't understand and I should imagine that if you saw us together you too would wonder why we are such great friends.  Most of the time we do treat each rather unkindly but we both know that we are doing this in jest!!

An awful lot of our Queenie friends reckon we are like a married couple and I guess we probably are......................

 (here she is in the Hard Rock cafe with the Queen signed guitar in 2006)

I really do love her a lot and I love that we share so many things, our love for not just Queen, but also the Foo Fighters and now the Kaiser Chiefs :o)  We have so much fun and life is always good when we are together.

Well I think like I have said enough and I'm sure a lot of you will understand when you read this coz you to probably have a best mate like mine.  Even if Trina is 1 in a million!!

So to Trina.................. I hope you had a super birthday and here's to many more my dearest, sweetest friend and just keep remembering how much we have to look forward to this year ;-)

 (I do not remember when that photo was taken but i think it was sometime last year :o)

Loadsa love and hugs xx

p.s Trina I know you won't be able to see this at work but that sig pic has Roger on it ;-)

Friday, 4 January 2008

Anti - Climax and a newsflash

Hey everyone :o)  Hope your all ok??  My alerts are still quite high in the 50's!!  I just cannot be bothered at the moment and i know that is not the attitude to have but hey, you all know how lazy I am lol....................I will get them read soon, perhaps over the weekend ;-)

So I'm currently catching up on your new year's entries.  I know it's four days into the new year already but I'm gonna tell you about my new year!!  I went to Trina's which is pretty obvious in this day and age as I tend to go there for EVERYTHING lol..........

Caught the train and wasn't amused with it to be honest.  They have these new trains that feel like your on a bus coz the seats all have low backs and you can see all the other passengers.  Well one of these other lovely passengers (please detect the sarcasm) decides to play music via his mobile phone for the whole carriage to hear.  Who at the phone companies decided this would be a good idea?  I would like to kick their butt!!  I was trying to listen to my mp3 player and i could hear his music over mine!!  Grrrrrrrrrrrr........I wanted to glare at him but couldn't coz he would see me!!  Silly trains and silly mobile phones!!

Eventually get to Torquay and I'm met at the station by Trina and Wayne.  Trina got out of the car and started dancing ~ she's a very strange girl ;-)  The Beatles were playing on the radio..............Wayne was ill, but she said that he was putting on a front to pretend he wasn't as ill as he really was or something like that so we could have a good night.  The plan was that we were going to go out in town and have a bit of a laugh like we did for the previous new year's eve.

Back at theirs we watch some crap on the music channels (they have freeview) and then Trina cooks tea.  During this time Wayne has been sleeping the whole time, so I said to him that if he is really bad perhaps we shouldn't go out.  This sparked off a huge debate as to what we should do!!  The decision came about an hour later and we weren't going anywhere!!  I told Trina I didn't mind, at the end of the day I didn't but I was looking forward to perhaps kissing a random at midnight, just for a change you understand.  She said we would go out for her birthday but it's not the same is it?? 

So the decision was made and we stayed in!!  First Trina made a cocktail with my xmas pressie from work.  She put in Orange Brandy, Vodka, Apple Juice and god knows what else.  All I could taste was the apple juice lol..........She wanted to make more but as we didn't really have the ingredients I managed to persuade her not to and poured her a vodka and coke instead.

We played some games.........the one where you write a famous person's name down and stick it to your mates forehead so they have to guess who it is but they can only ask yes or no questions.  That's a good laugh with them two :o)  Then we played some of the Wii, Mario and Sonics Olympic games.  I am crap at that but it was funny taking the mickey out of Trina.  She would swear everytime she had a go and moaned about a character but would always pick them ~ told you she was odd ;-)

At about (I don't actually remember what time) but we got a reminder for the TV (how sad is that on New Years Eve LOL)  so we settled down to watch Jools Holland's Hootenany.  I'm glad thinking back on it that we stayed in and watched this it was REALLY good :o)  Not just coz the Kaiser Chiefs were on it lol.........

3 vodka and cokes later we were now starting on the beers..........I felt a bit tipsy!!  But the music was good and that's all that matters.  12pm came and for me went by very quickly.  Trina moaned at me to get outside and watch the fireworks but I just couldn't be bothered with it all this year.  I wanted to watch the TV, it was a bit like an anti-climax!!  New Year's Eve does get built up far too much for nothing special to happen doesn't it??

I went out briefly to watch the fireworks, moaned at one of her neighbours (not to their face lol) that they didn't have much of a variety of fireworks, went back in and watched some more TV.  By this point Madness who were also on the show did Baggy Trousers.  I was in the mood for a boogy :o)  So I did there and then in Trina's living room lol  I also boogied my way towards the back door to let them know Baggy Trousers was playing.  They soon came back in and joined me dancing.  We pretty much danced to the end of the programme.  I have to say of all the performers that were on that show that night for example:  Paul McCartney, Seasick Steve, Kaiser Chiefs, Kate Nash, Kylie Minogue, Lulu etc.......the performance of the night was Baggy Trousers :o)  Wish I could see Madness in concert.

The rest of the evening was a bit of an anti-climax too..........Trina was upstairs, I thought she was ill but apparently she wasn't!!  I was tired and suddenly very cold, and Wayne played the Wii, when we had finished watching some stuff they had recorded.

All in all it was a good night, not quite the one i had planned but hey...............

We were supposed to be going out tomorrow night for Trina's birthday but Wayne is still poorly, Trina's not feeling brilliant and I'm feeling like crap!!  I got ill New Year's Day and felt lousy Wednesday when I went back to work and now I seem to have this awful cough thing :(  Still it could be worse according to the news today.............

Instead of going out I'm gonna spend the weekend cleaning the flat coz it's been terribly neglected over the past week or so!!  I've already done my food shopping, cycling to Sainsbugs in this weather was i mad?  It would appear so!!

Ooooo I'm forgetting the one piece of terrific news we had today :o)  Mr Brian May was on 'This Morning' and apparently he said there will be a Queen/Paul Rodgers tour sometime in September WOOHOOO....................

So we have the Foo's in June, Queen/Paul Rodgers in September and Trina has promised we will go to at least one Kaiser gig providing they do one lol............We've already missed an opportunity to go to the one they have planned but *fingers crossed* that they may announce more ............. wishing................... hoping.............jeez I'm never satisfied LOL

Hope you all have a good weekend xx

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Travel Journal time

Happy New Year to you all *clink* (that's glasses in case you didn't realise that lol) 

I shall save telling you what fun I had on New Years Eve till another entry but it's Wednesday and that means travel journal :o)  Here's the 2nd part of the V-Fest write up.....Enjoy

Coming out of the campsite and situated on a corner we found several fast food places. We ordered chips/bacon sandwiches and drinks and sat on the grass to eat. This was the moment when we realised we had walked back on ourselves to get to the campsite ~ how stupid of us!! Once we had finished, we walked down the way we should've come up and came out to where the stalls were. We walked past them all, stopping only to buy festival t-shirts. Well Sarah and I did anyway!! As I couldn't be bothered to carry mine, I put it on over the t-shirt I was actually wearing. Amazingly it didn't make me look too fat either!! We carried on walking towards the fairground and went past lots and lots of food places. Just after there was music coming from a tent which appeared to be a pub. There were lots of people inside dancing and there were lots of people outside dancing away. The music drew us in and they played 'Mr Brightside' by the Killers, so we stood outside singing along. Eventually we came to a decision that we weren't going any further so Trina and I went to get booze. £20 for 8 cans of lager (rip off!!) We didn't actually get inside as there was too many people so we stayed just outside and had a boogie and sang along. They were playing great tunes from the 90's and stuff from bands due to be playing the festival itself!! It was funny because when they played Amy Winehouse the crowd booed until it was taken off and replaced by something else. (She was due to play the festival but she was still in rehab and cancelled all the shows!!) Wayne and I started having a drinking contest, well it was more of a race really to see who could finish their can first. When you had finished you turn it upside down to show it was finished, simple really!! The amount of time for Trina to finish one can I had started and nearly finished my second. I was light headed and found everything rather amusing. Soon the pub started playing crappy music and Trina needed the loo, so we went back towards the campsite and managed to find some. There was a queue already!! My first festival loo experience ~ oh what fun!! Trina had come prepared so gave everyone some loo roll and we waited in line with everyone else. It wasn't so bad, but would it stay like that? As we came out of the loos we could hear decent music being played from the pub again so we ventured back that way!! We still had some cans of drink left so Wayne and I started another one. Unfortunately I was getting worse and couldn't finish mine (wimp) so passed it to Trina. She wasn't amused!! Whilst we were dancing away, Trina pointed out this bloke who was apparently giving me the eye...................(so rarely happens!) Everytime I turned to look I always caught his eye, damn it!! The pub started playing dance music and trancey stuff which Wayne was really getting into!! Not my cup of tea so I was getting a bit bored now. Plus it kept spitting, which wasn't a good sign!! When Wayne had finished his drink we decided it was time to move on again and ventured to look round the fairground after all!! To get out of the crowds we had to walk past this bloke that Trina had pointed out earlier. Apparently he had leant down and said something to me, which Trina (who had been in front of me) and Sarah (who was behind me) had heard!! Why hadn't I heard it? I swear I am always missing things like that!!

In the fairground there were quite a few rides, such as the one that's just a big pole with seats at either end. Wayne and I went and stood underneath it to see what it felt like to have it come down towards you. It was fun!! The other rides were all ones that twisted upside down and side to side. The way I was feeling I didn't think it would be wise to go on any of them!! There were a few more stalls in here too so we had a sneaky look round some of them. It kept trying to rain whilst we were looking too, but luckily it didn't do anything more than a quick shower. After a quick look around it was decided that we should conserve our energy and make our way to bed. I brought a pillow on the way back for a £5 which was ludicrous but I couldn't imagine not having one, it was bad enough I was sleeping on the ground!! I think we may have stopped at the food place on the way back and I know we queued for the toilets coz you just did every night, such a long queue by the time you reached the front you were bound to need to go!! Still not too bad!! We found our tents fairly easy but moaned about people having black guide ropes which are not easy to see at night time ~ you get the gist!! Got into my sleeping bag ~ I'm not sure how, but I did and slept with my legs on my suitcase. It was not the most comfortable thing ever and it was cold that night and the rain came!!


If I remember rightly Trina and Wayne woke up around 7.30am!! They came and knocked (if you can call it that) on our tent and asked if any of us needed the loo coz that was where they were going. Neither of us did so we stayed in our sleeping bags. Whilst waiting for them to come back, although I don't know why......Sarah and I chatted about the boys in the tent next to ours. It was huge and there must've been several of them in there, but during the night they had, had discussions about everything and anything from music to flippin' politics. They knew things about the Labour party that even I didn't know!! Not that I would know as I'm not a big fan of politics but that's beside the point!! Just when I was starting to think that Trina and Wayne had been gone a long time (and had mentioned this to Sarah), they came back, with tea's and coffee's. I couldn't believe it, it was the best cup of tea I had tasted all weekend. I also couldn't believe how much water there was in our tent. I knew it had rained the night before but that was ridiculous, Sarah thought it was condensation. Trina couldn't believe it either. My pillow was wet and so was my sleeping bag. As my legs had been on the suitcase all night and I couldn't stretch out properly so it was slightly uncomfortable. As Trina and Wayne's tent was bigger I asked if they could take my suitcase. Which they did!!

After the tea, Sarah and I decided to go to the loo and had to join the extremely long queue which Trina and Wayne had warned us about. Again even if you didn't want to go, you went anyway coz you would probably need to when you reached the end of the queue. Afterwards we went back to the tent to get ready for the day ahead. It wasn't even 9am!! We had a discussion about what bands we wanted to see. The first band on the main stage was a duo called Rodrigo Y Gabriela. I remembered and I hoped that I was right, that they had been at Glastonbury, they were a duo who both play guitars. The performance I had seen on the TV was them doing a Pink Floyd number and the whole crowd were singing whilst they played and it was amazing. I convinced the others that's who they were and that we had to see them. So with that agreed, we worked out a plan of action for the rest of the day and decided to make our way out of the field for something to eat. We had all cleaned our teeth and used some face wipes to clean our hands and face. The sun was shining faintly but we all decided to take our coats, to sit on if nothing else!! Corina and her friends were there for the festival experience rather than the music so had risen and was starting to cook their breakfast. They had come prepared!!

We went to the same place as we had the night before for food, bacon sandwiches and another cup of tea yum!! After eating we made our way down to the main arena, only to find we couldn't get in yet!! So we looked round some of the stalls, mainly the ones selling t-shirts etc. Trina and Wayne were also deciding whether to get a matress as well. As Wayne was still suffering from his broken back, he had not slept that great during the night. I brought myself some fingerless gloves. I had been looking for a pair for ages as when I walk to work in the winter normal gloves are useless for me as I fiddle with my MP3 player so much. I finally found myself a pair and they were perfect. They have skull and crossbones on them!! We saw a few people waiting by the gates so we decided to go and queue with them, only not really queue, just sit on the grass and prepare ourselves for the day ahead. A steward came over to us after a few minutes though and told us that because we were camping we could get in, the way we had gone the night before via the fair ground, rather than having to wait. We thanked him and made our way towards the entrance for us. It felt good being told that, like we were special or something!!

We got to the part where we could get in and flashed our wristbands at the stewards. It looked a lot different during daylight and it was still quite early. So we looked around a few of the stalls and I think Trina may have got something to eat. We made our way towards the main stage, only to find everything fenced off. There were quite a lot of people sat on the grass by this fenced off area so we decided to do the same thing. Actually I think it might have been at this point that we decided which bands we were going to see during the day.Also at this point the heavens opened and it started raining, but it wasn't just the rain it was windy too, so was blowing the rain in sideways. I was wearing my rain jacket and cut off trousers and after about 10 minutes the right hand side of me was soaked. The rest of the guys were fine, which didn't make any sense to me whatsoever!! It was decided that I couldn't stay like that and we went off in search of the rain poncho's that everyone seemed to be wearing. We found a stall that sold them and we all got one. 4 of us in white rain ponchos with our hoods up, caused a few comments, mainly from Trina and Wayne!! Trina managed to split hers as she was trying to put it on so it ended up being a togo poncho.

When we ventured back to where we were sat, more stewards had appeared with trucks to take the fencing down, so we made our way down to the main stage. (Please note the rain did not stop unless otherwise mentioned!) We got about 6 or 7 rows from the front and stood and waited. Whilst waiting the TV screens at the side of the stage started playing adverts and music videos. When it wasn't doing that we could text in and see our messages up on the screen. I didn't do it but during the course of the weekend there were some hysterical ones posted. (More of that later!) Rodrigo Y Gabriela came on stage, I'm not sure if they were on time or not!! Their set was awesome!! The whole crowd stood there with their mouths opened in shock I think half the time. Gabriela did an amazing thing where she would tap her hand against the guitar and the way I am describing it sounds a bit pants but she did it so fast we wondered how she wasn't hurting herself. I am not sure how to describe them to make them sound as good as they were!! None of us were disappointed that we had gone to see them. They played a wide variety of songs and snippets of things that we knew!!

When they finished we decided to wait for the Goo Goo Dolls and watch a bit of them. In between the bands was when the text messages started. Several of the best ones were: "Please god stop it raining." "This is God, no it won't ever stop raining." "Harry dies. Voldermoort lives," etc etc............During this break as well as the crowd changed we got more comments about our ponchos. Very embarrassing!! Anyway the next band came onto an annoucement that they had recently played a sell out show in London. Istood there thinking well they are alright but how the hell did they sell out?? The guitarist or was it the bassist?? He was the campest bloke ever and seemed to be really old and past it!! He creeped us out completely!! We heard Iris and Slide and got a bit bored to be honest with you. I decided it was time for alcohol and I was fed up with being wet. So we made our way out of the large crowd. Trina decided she wanted the loo so we queued for them and ended up in the Virgin Union bar. Not the big tent where the bands were playing but the smaller tent. It was packed in here with people trying to get out of the rain. At some point Wayne got a burger too!! We managed to get in and found some seats that someone had just vacated so made ourselves comfortable for a while. We had some time to kill before going to see the Cribs on the Channel 4 stage.

Trina got some lager and we sat and listened to the music that was playing. In this tent they played the session from the larger tent so we heard the tail end of whoever was playing (I think it must've been Passenger from what it says in the programme!!) In between the bands they played more music and it was starting to get really good when it was time for us to leave but nobody apart from me, actually wanted to go!! Plus it looked like it was still raining! So we stayed in there and danced around to the songs, well sung along anyway and was getting looks from some bloke who was also singing along and looked like he was enjoying himself!! Eventually I convinced them we had to go, plus they had finished their drinks, so we made our way over to the channel 4 stage. The Cribs were halfway through their set and there was quite a few people watching them. We didn't actually wanna go into the crowd itself so we stood on the outskirts. Trina decided that it was time for food and went to get some noodles with Wayne. Sarah and I stayed watching the band. The rain did hold off for a bit longer, which was nice. Trina brought back the noodles which were on a paper plate for me and her. So we sat where we were eating them but the amount of looks and comments we got put me off eating them!! I didn't see what the big deal was that we were eating noodles in the middle of a field with a band playing. Just cause we were probably sat in the walkway!! Why couldn't they walk around us and not comment??!!

(part 3 next week :o)

oooo a sig I made :)  wooo me lol  no link coz you're already there ;)