Wednesday, 30 May 2007




That's how I felt today at the end of work!!  I've decided that I wanna write an entry just to let off some steam!!  Please bear with me lol ;-)

For the last two days at work I've been on my own as P is still on holiday (although this has been changed to sick leave :-( ) and the team leader took a couple of days off too.  We are still working through the accounts and I felt stressed before I even got there yesterday.

I spent the whole day on the phone trying to answer queries but not doing so well.  My confidence was taking a knocking.  I knew I could answer them but the answers weren't coming into my head quick enough for me.  I got through the day but I think I could've done better.

Today has gone from bad to worse but only because of the damn Pension Service.  As we deal with the elderly, we have to deal with the Department for Work and Pensions on a weekly basis.  We become appointee for their benefits for some clients and trying to get the benefits paid to us and the right bank account is such a hassle.

For example:  One client, there has always been problems with paying so we are becoming appointee to make this easier on all parties concerned.  We received a letter in the post to state that they have made us appointee but they are paying the money into a bank account which isn't ours.  So I ring them and say hang on a minute, don't pay into that account change it to ours.  The woman I spoke to first was quite willing to change the account but as soon as I mentioned this payment she said I had to speak to someone else.

They rung me backand said they couldn't do anything as they did not have any paperwork to state that payments should go into a different account.  Now this is where i get wound up!!  At the end of the day someone, somewhere has received our application which includes our bank account details, as they are sending correspondance to us!!  So I said I would get back to them.  Later that day luckily for me ;-)  The rep called asking what was going on but he has reinstated that he is happy for us to become appointee as he is going abroad and it would make life easier for everyone concerned!!  *phew* but grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..............

The next run in with the DWP was a client which we completed the application for back in January.  P has had so many run-in's with them regarding this client.  So I just decided to do a routine call and find out what was happening.  I was told that the previous appointee has told them she wishes to remain (which is a load of c***) and they aren't going to do anything.  What is even worse is they told me we might have to reapply if we want our application to be considered!! 


I just can't believe it ~ how incompetent is one organisation.  I often think we are pretty rubbish but compared to the DWP we are a walk in the sunshine!!

Another thing that's been winding me up is my neighbour!!  Both nights I have been woken up by them.  The first night it was about 5.15am and they were coughing or that's what it sounded like.  Last night it was 4.30am and they had just turned out a light in what I'm guessing was the bathroom!!  How supersensitive is my hearing..........they then proceeded to have their coughing fit grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...............

I really wanna go up there and ask them to visit the loo before going to bed coz then they wouldn't have to get up. 

I don't really have much else to say I just need to get things off my chest otherwise I could continue to be angry grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...........

At least I have a gig to look forward to on Saturday.  When we were at the Lemon Tree seeing Morph, Trina and I saw a poster for a Bad Company/Free tribute band.  I had actually forgotten about it, but Trina is having a go at me to not forget as she is looking forward to it.  Well I've told you lot now so I can't forget lol

I think I shall leave this here..............probably said too much but who cares?  My blog ~ my rules ;-)

I think Emmi gave me the sig ~ Link in the links section xx

Monday, 28 May 2007

Sad Entry


Thanks for the comments to the last entry ~ some came a bit too late but the people that said I'm young and should be enjoying myself were so right and here's what I did with my bank holiday weekend :-)

Saturday I got up leisurely, came online and played some games of bejewled (addicted to that I am ;-)  and went to catch the train to Torquay at 12.53pm.  It was about 6/7 minutes late but who cares lol..............Wayne picked me up on his own as Trina was at home making sandwiches, apparently we might go out and therefore we needed food.

When we got to theirs Trina enquired as to where we would like to go whilst we had teas and coffees.  I mentioned the story of Kitty's grave (remember I told you about it last week), well Trina googled it on her phone and we found the location.  Wayne also googled other legends on Dartmoor and found one about a farmer and his dogs (or was it sheep I can't remember??!!)  Well they had been out one night and a witch came along and frightened them and turned them into stone.  This was hound-tor.  So we went to Dartmoor.  I haven't been there since I split with my ex, and I missed going there so I was looking forward to it :-)  We listened to Queen on the way there.

Trina kept mentioning she could see bunnies out by the road but by the time she mentioned them I couldn't see them.  Wayne slowed the car right down, it was very amusing but possibly a little dangerous.  We stopped once we reached Hay-tor.  I had been there before I remember sitting on the rocks eating sandwiches with the ex.  Trina wanted to take a pic of the ponies we had just gone past.

  Awww look at the little one :-)  Ponies Trine ;-)  We had some of our sandwiches and continued on.  We ended up at Widecombe in the moor ~ quaint little place in the middle of nowhere.  We went into one of the gift shops and browsed through all the books to see if it said where Kitty's grave was but nothing.  We had to buy something after that and I brought Trina a snow globe with Dartmoor Ponies in it lol...........(don't worry in~joke kinda thing lol)

Wayne asked in the National Trust place where the grave was and got directions from a woman who Trina says looked at his legs LOL...........He was wearing shorts that day ;-)

So we followed the directions and although the lady said two miles it felt more but eventually we found it.  There were people already looking at it so we waited till they left but had to get out of the car eventually to make them leave .............that sounds bad but that's not what I meant if your following me here!!  So we went and looked and an elderly couple came along at the same time.  They explained the story although we already knew.  It was quite sad to visit it and a strange feeling.

Couldn't tell you which was the fresh flowers placed that day.  The white ones were fake!!  I would love to know why people left money on the stone though!!

Anyway after a while we went back to Hound-tor and clambered over the rocks for quite a long time.  It was such a good laugh and I wish I could show you the pics that we took up there, the view is amazing!!  I could've sat there all day except the wind was a bit cold lol..............Unfortunately all pics you are seeing were taken on Trina's mobile and it won't send me the ones I actually want :(  (sadness part 1)

To make up for it here is one of me, when we stopped to look at the ponies, I stood on a rock and said here I am on the tallest rock LOL

 Tee hee hee

When we decided to leave the tor, Wayne and I ran down the hill, it was so much fun :-)  See I'm a big kid at heart!!

We went back to theirs and had fish and chips for tea.  In the evening we went to the Lime Tree in Paignton to see Morph.  They were good but not as good as I remember!!  The singer is a good singer, just doesn't have a deep enough voice for the songs he sings.  The funniest moment (although we spent most of the evening playing footie with my labels from the bottles of Bud I was drinking ;-)  came when the band mentioned they were going do a bad company song.  I went woohoo but I had my back to them, they looked round and Trina was clapping her hands together like a seal waiting for some fish.  It was so funny but she found it highly embarrassing!! 

The pub seemed like a good one, they were playing some good tunes and even had a Freddie pic hangin on the wall that I couldn't stop staring at all evening!!  Here it is but it's a bad quality pic so I do apologise!!

  That is freddie honestly ;-)  Take it from one who knows LOL

We got back and watched some weird Stephen King film called Cats Eye.  Never heard of it before but very odd!!

Sunday we didn't get up that early but decided we couldn't be bothered to go out and as the weather turned nasty it was probably a wise decision.  We watched some tele and then I suggested a game of Monopoly as they already had it out.  I played the part of the banker (they had the credit card version) and it was so cool :-) We were all bitching at one another and back stabbing.  It was funny.  Wayne won in the end and I came 2nd.

About 4ish we left for Exmouth and to see Cover'd (sadness part 2).  We eventually get to the Phoenix and can hear them playing so we are freaking out thinking we are late, and can't find anywhere to park arrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhh.  We do at one point but it's miles away from the pub :(  Luckily though the band had only been doing a warm up so we hadn't missed anything.  The pub was busy and we couldn't get near the stage or even see a thing, unless I stood on tiptoes, but I was determined to have a good time.

The band were on fine form but they kept saying it was their last gig at the phoenix ??  Why we asked I asked the singer during the break.  They are splitting up :(  MAJOR SADNESS ~ We finally find a band worth following in the southwest and have only known them for 6 months and this was their last gig apart from one on July 6th which we have to pay to go to!!  Imagine if we had missed this one ~ how gutted would we have been??  Doesn't bear thinking about!!

  R.I.P Cover'd :(

They played 3 sets in all and all the good songs it was such a blast!!  What annoys me the most is when people wanna stand in front of you and they just stand there and don't move.  Well that was happening to us pretty much all night grrrrrr........ Until they played Basket Case.  A couple of the people who we see at pretty much all the gigs were jumping up and down and made me join in with them, so I got Trina and Wayne to do it too, it was so much fun :-)  Then the people in front started moving LOL............They realised they were clearly missing out on something.

One of the guys from Morph was there and joined the band on stage for Gay bar.  Some bloke came on stage for two Bad Company songs :-)  and the guitarist we saw at Xmas joined them on stage at some point too.  It was such a good gig and I wish I could describe it so much better for you to understand how good it was.

All I can say though that last night when I got home my ears were ringing so much but I was so happy.  Cover'd will be sorely missed and I just hope we can find a band to replace them with!!

Today my neck hurts but I haven't really done anything, watched some TV and tried to read some alerts ~ I'm behind again hey, ho!!

Well that's it my weekend ~ tinged with sadness but a blimin' good one none the less ;-)

Thanks to Shelly aka Roxymama for my sig xx link that way people ------>

Saturday, 26 May 2007

An alert to an entry ;-)

Hiya people :-)

I have a strange feeling my last entry went out without an alert so I'm just alerting you to the fact that I have written an entry LOL

Hope you follow that xx  Thanks for reading


Thursday, 24 May 2007

Crazy Dreams and Fish

So I woke up today with a smile on my face thinking 'woohoo it's Friday'.  Went to turn the mobile phone alarm off (I always set it in case the electronic one doesn't go off ~ there's nothing worse than waking up late, puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the day!!) picked it up and it reads Thur 24 May.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...................

I had actually slept through the night for the first time this week and coz I felt as though I had been asleep for ages, it really did make me think perhaps I had missed a day lol....

I also had a dream last night which was too weird but also made me wake up thinking 'mmmmmmmmmm........' ~ basically I was at the Queen convention, only it was in a different venue, different chalets etc, and I had some problem or another that I had to see a doctor about.  It was a lady doctor and she told me that to cure my problem I had to kiss lots of blokes.  So she took me around this ballroom type place and found these really cute looking guys to kiss me and may I add none of them said no ;-)   Even if they were with their misses lol

The last bloke, I don't know who he was, and he wasn't cute as in picture perfect looks but there was something about him.  He was with some woman and the doctor asked him so he kissed me and I remember tasting fish LOL..............(I've just realised this is highly embarrassing ~ going bright red!!) Don't ask me why fish ~ presumably he had just had a meal in the restaruant or's just so odd.  The rest of the dream was me, Trina, Jamie, Dan, Gavin and Becky in the chalet.  It was a bigger chalet than what we usually have at the was just odd!!

Before any of you ask I did have cheese in my cheese/bacon jacket spuds for tea ;-)

It freaked me out at work when I was having a conversation with Jim about work related topics and he suddenly says 'I can taste sardines' LOL

Before that D had mentioned he'd been singing a song for ages and I heard the word Queen mentioned.  My ears pricked up that was quite amusing, they're on like a little frequency, so if that word is mentioned I listen intently.

Not much else going on in this corner of the world, just me thinking and contemplating life.

I'm not a very confident person and I hate that I'm not.  If I was it makes me wonder if I could progress quicker in things I want to do.  To not be afraid to show others things that I generally keep hidden.  One day I would like to hope I will be in that kind of situation but right now I just go through the motions and hope that one day my time will come and I will make the most of it.

That reminds me ~ guys you have to help me make a decision, mainly coz I don't know what to do and I was gonna check out my bank account and the on-line banking is down, so I turn to you ;-)

As you know this weekend is a bank holiday.  Do I spend the weekend seeing two local bands?  One on Saturday and one on Sunday or do I just go to the one on Sunday and therefore able to not spend so much money??  Help me people please xx

At the end of the day I love Cover'd as you know and that's the band that is playing on Sunday and knowing I'll have Monday to recover my hearing ;-) is a bonus.  So I will go and see them without a doubt, it's just whether to go and see Morph too.  At the weekend I said to Trina 'yeah let's go' but now I'm not so sure.  It's been a long week!!

Right I'm off to play a game on or is it  I forget lol...............

bye for now xx

Tuesday, 22 May 2007


Do you ever have one of those days/weeks where you just think what am I bothering for?

Unfortunately I feel like that today :(  I don't know what is making me feel this way.  I was only telling Trina how positive I was feeling at the weekend and yet here I am just........................well blah!!

Work is hard at the moment as I knew it would be and I figured I would relish in having something to do, which is rare at that place LOL........But it's the same old, same old with that...............

Plus I think the other thing that's wrong is Trina's not at work this week!!  Even though I'm very busy and wouldn't have the time to email her, I still miss her :( 

Oh I don't know perhaps I just need to stop thinking so much........yeah that's probably it!! 

Sorry to be so vague but I'm feeling blah as I've already said and I feel like I'm missing out on something but I don't know what.................

Anyway onwards...................

I have no idea what is being planned for my birthday but I shall be relieved when it finally gets here to find out what's going on!!

@ Jeannette ~ yes he went past me with his back to me, no he wasn't running backwards LOL............he was running in the same direction as I was walking so that's why when he'd gone past and I realised who it was he had his back to me.  If that makes sense!!   If not put it down to my blahness..................

I'm very glad that Katie has decided not to leave us after all :-)  *doing a happy kind of* LOL

Anyway was talking to a colleague at work on Monday and they were telling me they had spent part of the weekend on Dartmoor searching for ghosts with some friends who are 'very into' that kind of thing.  They told me this story which I've never heard before and if I ever get a chance I want to go and see it for myself coz I think it's a lovely tale.  I've managed to find it on the web for you guys:


 Kitty Jay's wayside grave is situated on the road between Hound Tor and Heatree Cross. It is believed that she committed suicide after becoming pregnant out of wedlock. In keeping with tradition she had to be buried at the nearest crossroads rather than in the consecrated ground of a parish church cemetery.

In 1860, James Bryant, a road mender, discovered bones in a rough grave and it was at first supposed they were that of an animal. When it was discovered they were from a young woman, his wife vaguely remembered a story told to her by her own mother about an orphan girl who hanged herself. The bones were reburied in their present position and to this day fresh flowers appear daily on her grave, creating their own mystery, as nobody knows who does this caring deed.

I think it's amazing that people have held all night vigils and yet still no-one  knows who puts those flowers there.  Whether it's the paranormal or not that's a pretty cool story huh?

I think to cheer myself up and to start educating my journal readers on the benefits of Mr Roger Taylor, here is a classic from Youtube :-)  Man on fire one of Roger's solo efforts and a flippin' good tune.  Enjoy xx

Hope you have a better week than me xx

thanks to ChocolateCherriedCreations for the sig xx  Link over there ------>

Sunday, 20 May 2007


Hiya everyone ~ so I suppose you may have heard the score.

Morecombe 2

Exeter 1

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr............I was listening to the local radio station (even though I can't stand it lol) through the computer and every now and then the guys at the stadium would tell us what was happening.  Obviously they were fairly biased!!  To begin with you could hear the fans so loudly all chanting 'oooooooooo arh we are Ex-e-ter' LOL.....The team started off well and after about so many minutes they scored.  Was this the beginning we had hoped for?  No!!  As with most teams when they score first they went and cocked it up!!  They sat back and just before the half time Morecombe scored *rolls eyes*  About 8 minutes from the end of the whole thing they scored again.  7 minutes left for Exeter to equalize ~ nothing..............four minutes of extra time added ..............nothing ~ I should imagine the team and the 30,000 people that went to join them are all coming home with their heads bowed down :(  Damn them!!  There will be trouble ahead as we all know when they face Torquay next year, there will be rivalry!! Hey-ho............I had to laugh at one point, during the half-time the DJ's said if we know someone who is there to text them and tell them to get behind the team as they had all gone quiet.  I started thinking about B and S.  Two people I work with who had gone but I don't have their mobile numbers LOL  It did work though the crowd were in full voice when they returned.

Anyway back to me!!  Last weekend Mum and Megan came down which was a nice surprise :-)  Unfortunately I felt ill in the afternoon so I couldn't enjoy it as much as I had hoped.  I can't remember what I did on the Sunday.............

The week went by quite quickly even though we had NO work to do!! Until Friday, P has gone on her cruise to Norway for 2 weeks and a day and the bills have arrived so that will keep me nice and busy.  I left at my usual time on Friday, why should I stay at the end of the day you can only get done what you can do.  Unfortunately we aren't gonna hear about the news I was hinting at in the last entry till the end of next month.

Talking about June, it's not very long till my birthday now :-)  I can't wait coz it's doing my head in that everyone keeps hinting at stuff that's gonna happen.  Mum's told me she can't post my present coz it will get broken??!!  So after she told me that I pestered her like a little kid...........why will it get broken?  Why will it get broken?  What is it, why will it break?  I amused my ickle sister anyway LOL  Trina's annoying me with the amount of stuff that she's done..................I don't know what it is but seriously I am not worth it and I didn't do anything for her birthday!!  I feel like such a fraud!!  (Yeah Queen on TV :-)   Damn it I was gonna say something else but forgotten it now damn it....................

Today I got up and went for a walk as it was nice weather.  I think I saw my jogger friend :-)  It looked like a different person facial side of things but same clothes ~ I was still hooked, perhaps I should take up jogging LOL...........He went passed me 3 times.  Twice with his back to me so that's why I wasn't sure.........I'm still not sure but hey, he wasn't bad and I'm not that picky ;-)

Trina came round yesterday, we didn't do much.  In fact we watched some of my Most Haunted DVD's.  I forgot how good that was...........wish I could still see it!! :(  Trina and Wayne went to see Derren Brown and apparently Wayne got picked for the card trick how cool is that?

Erm...................I don't think there is anything else to say....I could ramble about nothing if you like?  nah........quit whilst I'm ahead.  Oh I will just say I ain't so happy about what's happening in J-land.  First we lose Donna's graphics which is just wrong and now Katie is closing her journal :(  I don't know who is doing this to upset these people but I wish they would just get lost...........go and pester someone else Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr or a better idea, stop pestering altogether and live happily ever after :-P

I'm gonna leave you now.............till next time Have a good week peeps xx

  Ahhh look at my beautiful Roger ~ picture taken recently at the WWRY anniversary (5 years!!) don't he look good and look what it says on his kick drum ;-) tee hee hee......................


P.s following Sara's sock puppets I went and looked on Youtube and here they are again doing the bluegrass version of Fat Bottomed Girls :-)  Rock on puppets.................

Saturday, 19 May 2007

We Wait and We Wonder..........

Evenin' all :-)

So anyone who knows me, knows I'm not really a sports fan.  I watch England football matches when they are in the world cup or whatever coz it's exciting and we wait and we wonder to see how far they will take it.  Tomorrow is no exception only it's not England that's playing.

Exeter City Football Club have made it to the play-off final for the Conference League and are off to Wembley for the big day tomorrow.  Apparently 26,000 people are going to cheer them on.........Unfortunately I am not!!

It's hard to not get caught up in the excitment the whole town is buzzing, last time we were this excited for the team was when they met Manchester United in some cup game!!  I remember watching that on TV with Wayne, he got so excited it was funny to watch bless him :-)  Unfortunately I can't watch tomorrow's match on TV either :(

Well I felt I had to post and mark this great occassion and I hope Exeter can win and progress to League 2 or something like that coz otherwise there will be local derby's next season as Torquay was demoted and that could turn nasty!!

So cheer them on people................C'mon Grecians we know you can come home heros :-)

Jenny xx

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Sorry once again

As long as I don't add writing it seems to like me LOL





Convention pics part 2

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Convention pics Part 1 (Honestly this time)

It's just trail and error with these things and unfortunately for me it's all ERROR lol.....Well I think I've got there in the end ~ convention pics people xx


Thursday, 10 May 2007

Part 3 Final days

 Everyone ~ here's the final convention entry :-)  Photo's of said convention coming shortly (Unfortunately your request for photos of new tops/hair colour will not be forthcoming as the camera is currently awaiting a new battery!!  Also have not seen jogger yet!!)


We all woke up about 9am ish in a kind of semi blind panic as we had promised Dan that we would make our way to the main ballroom at 10am as we had to take part in the scavenger hunt. This was a new thing for this year which Dan had come up with so it was compulsary for us to turn up. Everyone in the chalet managed to have something to eat and we made our way over there!!

To take part we had to get into groups of four and unfortunately there was 6 of us in the chalet. So Pam, Claire, Fairy and Kev made up a team and Trina and I were left to go with someone else. Unfortunately those people were Wendy and Marianne. It's not that we don't like Wendy and Marianne but we don't know them as well as the others and felt this was going to be a lost cause. We got a sheet to find out what we had to find and there was just no enthusiasm from anybody. In the meantime though Wendy went to the restaurant and got us free little tubs of Ben and Jerry's new ice-cream!! Oh my god you have to try it!! It's called Bohemian Raspberry and it's gorgeous. It's vanilla ice cream with raspberry flavour added in and chocolate brownie pieces. After we had finished eating that Trina and I decided we weren't going to bother with this scavenger hunt and we would head back to the chalet and see if we couldn't 'help' another team!! Dan didn't seem to object so after we had looked at this jukebox that looked really cool, and heard some Reaction songs (Roger's first band when he was ickle) we headed back to the chalet. The Reaction stuff was really good and definitely worth a mention. Jim Jenkins was doing the collectors corner and this was stuff that he himself had in his collection. What I wouldn't give to own them. Ickle Roger singing ~ bless him!!

Back at the chalet, the group were hard at work collecting stuff and making stuff. Mr Kev was making a replica of Wembley Stadium circa 1986 (last time Queen played there). Other things they had to collect was: A bible, fried chicken, a message of love, a bicycle bell, a school skirt, fairy fellers master stroke, moustache, Felix cat food, boiled egg, 46664 wristband, pack of cards, stick of rock, a rag, and much more. Everyone was marvelling at Kev's wembley and he was paying a lot of attention to detail it looked great. Gav who was on a different team suggested that he cut out the pics from the convention programme. As Kev was busy with the details I offered some help and set about cutting out the pics. The best thing was, the smaller pic of Freddie was actually from the Wembley 86 gig. I cut out a drumkit for Roger and made Brian and John some guitars. Kev made Freddie a microphone from some cotton buds. At one point Kev had made cardboard speakers and I suggested why don't we use Pam's Ipod speakers and play the actual gig through it. I even suggested the lights from Fairy's bunny ears the previous night which Kev managed to dismantle and stick to it. Everyone was so amazed with the final product, especially when Kev finished his two cans of Carling for the towers. I went to the shop on site and brought some M&M's and Cadbury's mini eggs for the crowd. I brought a packet of roast chicken crisps and suggested that they write fried on a piece of paper and that could act as their fried chicken. On my way over to the shop I had walked behind someone with their replica wembley and it didn't look half as good as Kevins.

We made our way back to the main ballroom with the group and Trina and I sat and watched whilst Keith Harris announced the items on the list and Dan would go round and check that everyone had them. Although Wembley did get quite a good mention and Keith put his microphone down so that the rest of the room could actually hear the sounds of Wembley, the group didn't win!! Dan didn't agree that they should've got something extra for their effort. We went back to the chalet after that.

Fairy cooked up the rest of our food and Dan and Gav played around with the ducks that kept wandering in between all the chalets. They were trying to corner them so they could catch one. Watching them trying to catch a duck was the funniest thing ever and you really had to be there for it!! They tried sneaking up on them and when the ducks worked out what was going on and flew away Dan and Gav squealed and ran away. Another tatic was to put lots of bread into a corner so they could trap them easier. None of the ducks were stupid enough to touch it whilst those two were about but as soon as they went into their chalet, all of them were eating it!! Eventually Dan and Gav gave up on that idea and Gav tried to get the bread into Dan's mouth ~ without much success!! Boys I don't know!!

After food it was time to get ready for the evening. Fairy was celebrating her birthday on the Monday and Charlie's was on the Thursday so we were having a party for them. This entailed us to get dressed as punk (for charlie) fairies (for Fairy obviously!!). I felt a bit dejected about this whole idea as I'm not really a girlie person and having to be a fairy was not my idea of fun. However Fairy did my make up for me and I looked pretty good. She also did make up for Gavin and Kevin ~ they looked REALLY good, (you have to see the pics to believe me).

When everyone was ready we made our way to the ballroom. Once we entered we got some funny looks, mainly because no-one else was dressed up. At first I felt quite self consicous but mainly because I was wearing flashing deely boppers, but we were all in a good mood so I could see this was going to be a good night. We sat on the floor in front of the stage. First was Peter Freestone, guest on stage. He was there last year but this year he was much more relaxed and making jokes with everyone. The funniest thing was when he mentioned Freddie liked to lie around in his tracksuit bottoms. Pam heard this and said 'Chav' quite loudly. After Peter it was time for the raffle ~ highly embarrassing. They called a number which I had and it was the right colour so I walk up there and I didn't have the right code. So embarrssing!! Pam did actually win something - a roger picture. After that was over the next tribute band was setting up for the night so we made to move away from the floor. However before we could move lots of people wanted a group photo. I don't think I have ever smiled for so long.

We moved up to the bar area and the Tribute band Rhapsody started. They were ok but I wasn't really listening so don't take my word for it!! We got some drinks and we were all settled for the night. At one point though we were all told to go outside. No-one really told us why but we went out there with our drinks in our hands. It was cold outside!! Apparently we were out there as someone was gonna light some fireworks for Charlie but by the time we got out there it was over so we were told. So we went back in and carried on where we had left off. Including singing along to Barcelona which you have seen the video for!! It's the best video ever!! So much went on but I can't tell you what cause what happens at the convention stays at the convention, which in some cases is the best thing to happen..............

The evening was fun and at the end of the disco we had a big group on the dance floor. When the usual run of songs finished we started chanting 'Convention is a legend' etc etc............ Yet another chalet party was in swing when we got back. In Andy's chalet again but this time he wasn't playing Queen songs. He played the Foo's at some point and Trina rushed to get me. (Quiet note to myself AUGUST WOOHOO)

Didn't stay for long this time, well it is a Queen convention!! Trina and I stayed up quite late. Fairy and Kev were already in bed. We chatted to Pam, Sam and Claire for the majority of the night. It was so funny I've never laughed as hard!! I can't remember a lot of it but Pam and Claire had gone to bed at some point and all Trina and I could hear was Claire yelling for Trina. Pam emerged at some point and made us laugh even more. Claire wanted a drink of water so Pam filled a shot glass. When Claire moaned about that she filled this enormous jug. It was seriously the funniest thing ever!! (Clearly you had to be there!!)

We all went to bed about 4am!


We had set the alarm for 9am!! Well we had to be out of the complex by 10am. We didn't cook breakfast that morning as we all had packing to do. So everyone decided to meet up for one last meal at the Queen Vic restaurant. Trina and I eventually made our way over as we were waiting for Wayne to come and pick us up. I decided not to have any breakfast there and suggested that we stop off somewhere with Wayne and get breakfast. Trina thought this was a good idea. In the end we got a drink though!!

Wayne turned up just after 10am and he came into the restaurant to meet everyone. Gavin was pleased to meet him. People started leaving eventually, I think we left just after 11ish??!! We did stop at the services for breakfast but it wasn't the best idea ever!!

We got to Newton Abbot and we had to stop in Sainsbugs for Ben & Jerry's ice cream (definitely get some it's yummy). Afterwards we got back to Torquay and Wayne wanted to take the car through the car wash. That was fun and the car certainly did look a lot better afterwards. We then stopped off in Blockbuster to get Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny as it was released that day. Back to Trina's to watch and eat the ice cream. Wayne wanted to play footie in Exeter that night so agreed to drop me off. As the clocks had gone forward that weekend we left late. I'm not going to divulge how quick he was driving but let's say it only took about 10/15 mins. Probably a slight exaggeration but it was quick.

So that ended one of the perfect weekends in my life. I love my Queen buddies so a big personal thank you to all of them for making it so much fun xx

Thanks to Emmi for the opening graphic xx ~ link in the side bar (well it will be ~ decided to tidy up my other blogs bit!!)

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Major catch up

WOOHOO I've got my alerts down from over 70 something to 11 over the last 2 days YAY me!!  What a way to spend your day off huh??  LOL...........I have done other things!!  So I've not done a proper entry for a while and promised I would so here it is :-)  I've even made notes so I can remember what I haven't told you tee hee hee.........

So let's start with work even though it sucks still LOL I'm not gonna say too much about it but the other week the big boss type bloke called me into his office and another person.  There was me panicking like I usually do when I get called into a managers office and mentioned about one of the other blokes workload increasing so he can no longer be the Cardinus representative.  Our names had apparently been risen as we are sensible people *cough cough* and would we like to do it?  My initial reaction ~ run, run as fast as you can, but my actual answer 'Yeah sure why not?'  Variety I was thinking ;-)  I know your thinking what a sucker!!  LOL..........

So now your asking what is Cardinus??  To break it down into English it's basically the health and safety people for the room.  Make sure the wires are not sticking out and people aren't in trouble etc.............We have to do a training course, which only lasts a morning/afternoon and the bloke that's doing it now has to transfer over to us at some point.  My team colleagues have been having a right laugh at this *rolls eyes* they have made all sorts of demands on me for shelfs and chairs etc..   It's quite funny really...............a least I can see the funny side to it!!

Other than that nothing much has happened ~ had that nasty woman on the phone the other day............I think I told you about her (note:  go check older entries LOL) well she was really nice to me ~ it was such a relief :-)

The only other thing to happen I wanted to talk to big boss the other day and I made my way towards his office, only to find he was on the phone.  I turned round and went back to my desk.  He came out to find me as he had seen me walking his way and mentioned that it looked like I had sworn.  Blushing furiously I made up some excuse about how I wouldn't have done that!!  For the rest of the afternoon though my good mood disappeared coz I couldn't remember whether I had said something or not.....don't you just hate it when that happens!!

I am still applying to various other places and one recently I would've loved to work in.  It was for a special school just across the road from where I work now and for more money (which to be honest was the first attraction lol).  I filled out my application form, Trina checked it and I sent it off.  Wishing, hoping and praying............I was really pleased with my form it was definitely the best I had completed in a long time ~ even Trina thought so LOL...............But tomorrow they are holding their interviews and I've not heard anything :(

In a way there is a little relief from that as I suspected if I was gonna hear it would've been on Friday and as I am off today and probably would've needed more time tomorrow, I couldn't imagine myself ringing in and trying to explain it LOL............Such a wimp me!!

So now I think I may give up for a while on looking for another job ~ see what happens at this one..........change is a coming in the current office!!  Watch this space!!

So onto better subjects personal life ~ well life outside of work at least (oh whose just written another entry and made my alerts up to 12 grrrrrrrrr @ you........well not really but you know what I mean ;-)  A few weekend's ago, one of our Queenie buddies, Sheila came down to stay with Trina so I went down to join them.  It was a good laugh!!  We went to the beach, went 10 pin-bowling.  I was almost in danger of getting a row of 0's in the bowling ~ Highly embarrassing!! Trina paid for me just to humiliate myself LOL........Me thinks I should stay away from that!!  We went for pizza, then watched Bill Bailey Part Troll (so funny) and Tenacious D's Pick of Destiny brilliant movie!!  Trina's hubby has this new TV which we all had to ooooooooo and ahhhhh over so it was cool watching stuff on that!!

Because Wayne has a new TV, I enquired what they were doing with the old one but Trina said "we'll discuss that later."  LOL.........Never one to let a subject lie (except at work), I asked her more questions.  She managed to stay away from responding though.  When we were getting into the car for them to take me home, they put this TV in the car too :-)  Guess whose now the owner of a widescreen TV ~ yep me *YAY* Don't I have the bestest of friends!!  They say it's part of my birthday pressie :-) No more watching the 15" screen ~ can watch Queen/Foo's DVD's and see them at the height they were meant to be LOL  It certainly makes a difference when playing Guitar Hero 2.  Ask Trina she's been getting 4 stars since I got that TV LOL...............No it's not the player it's definitely the TV ;-)

Other things to tell you ~ last week or was it the week before ~ well whatever that's not the point here.........I dyed my hair again as the grey's are far too drepressing!!  I brought a colour which is supposed to be a deep reddish brown.  The compliments I've had are cool ~ one of the teamleaders mouthed to me that she liked my hair, Jim's noticed and being a bloke that's impressive LOL.........bless him!!  Then I went to get it cut and the dye was still coming out when they washed it which was slightly embarrassing, but the lady cutting it said it was a nice colour :-)  To top it off I had brought some new work tops in Matalan.  I went with the idea I would spend no more than £20 as I was waiting to be paid and I only really need 3.  I walked out with 2 for £8 :-)  One is black and I wore it to work expecting comments about being dressed for a funeral as I was in all black but oh team colleagues were very complimentary about it!!  I felt great that day!!  Love receiving compliments me!!

Trina came to stay on Friday ~ she's still not good but getting better which is all I shall say :-)  As it was sunny Friday evening we walked home via the Port Royal and had a pint.  It was very pleasent sitting out by the river, it was almost a shame to come home.  We watched Christine ~ based on the Stephen King novel and playedGuitar Hero 2.  I'm still on medium level and I tried practicsing on hard level earlier.  I have to get better than Wayne he keeps unlocking the new songs!!  I couldn't manage it though and gave up very quickly LOL..........I have managed to unlock a new guitar available for purchasing in the store on the medium level have to get 5 stars on every song on the easy level...........Yes I know I should've done that by now!!  *cough cough*

On Sunday I went for a walk, and on my way back the most loveliest looking man jogged past me.  I could tell he had a nice body and his face Mmmmmmmmmm.......He has the look of a rugged man but rawr.........It's hard to describe him but wow that brightened up my day.  He jogged past me again but I couldn't find out where he went as the boat made the bridge move and I had to wait for it to come back damn it!!  He was doing stretches by the flats though so maybe he lives around here :-)  Yeah dream on Jen!!

Well I reckon your sufficiently caught up on the life and times of Jen.  Today I've been playing around in PSP as Trina asked for a convention wallpaper, which gave me the bug as I haven't done anything like that in a long time.  As I've been searching for graphics on the web for the past few days I've made my own sigs :-)  They aren't as good as those we get from Donna, Chris, Emmi, Jenny etc etc...........but I'm proud of them lol...........I think I shall finish this entry with one of them :-)

Next entry will be the final part of the convention unless something fandabe doosie happens!!  Well you never know ;-)

tee hee hee I had fun making that one :-)  Dave's carrying a bag of me or whatever that is LOL