That's how I felt today at the end of work!! I've decided that I wanna write an entry just to let off some steam!! Please bear with me lol ;-)
For the last two days at work I've been on my own as P is still on holiday (although this has been changed to sick leave :-( ) and the team leader took a couple of days off too. We are still working through the accounts and I felt stressed before I even got there yesterday.
I spent the whole day on the phone trying to answer queries but not doing so well. My confidence was taking a knocking. I knew I could answer them but the answers weren't coming into my head quick enough for me. I got through the day but I think I could've done better.
Today has gone from bad to worse but only because of the damn Pension Service. As we deal with the elderly, we have to deal with the Department for Work and Pensions on a weekly basis. We become appointee for their benefits for some clients and trying to get the benefits paid to us and the right bank account is such a hassle.
For example: One client, there has always been problems with paying so we are becoming appointee to make this easier on all parties concerned. We received a letter in the post to state that they have made us appointee but they are paying the money into a bank account which isn't ours. So I ring them and say hang on a minute, don't pay into that account change it to ours. The woman I spoke to first was quite willing to change the account but as soon as I mentioned this payment she said I had to speak to someone else.
They rung me backand said they couldn't do anything as they did not have any paperwork to state that payments should go into a different account. Now this is where i get wound up!! At the end of the day someone, somewhere has received our application which includes our bank account details, as they are sending correspondance to us!! So I said I would get back to them. Later that day luckily for me ;-) The rep called asking what was going on but he has reinstated that he is happy for us to become appointee as he is going abroad and it would make life easier for everyone concerned!! *phew* but grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..............
The next run in with the DWP was a client which we completed the application for back in January. P has had so many run-in's with them regarding this client. So I just decided to do a routine call and find out what was happening. I was told that the previous appointee has told them she wishes to remain (which is a load of c***) and they aren't going to do anything. What is even worse is they told me we might have to reapply if we want our application to be considered!!
I just can't believe it ~ how incompetent is one organisation. I often think we are pretty rubbish but compared to the DWP we are a walk in the sunshine!!
Another thing that's been winding me up is my neighbour!! Both nights I have been woken up by them. The first night it was about 5.15am and they were coughing or that's what it sounded like. Last night it was 4.30am and they had just turned out a light in what I'm guessing was the bathroom!! How supersensitive is my hearing..........they then proceeded to have their coughing fit grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...............
I really wanna go up there and ask them to visit the loo before going to bed coz then they wouldn't have to get up.
I don't really have much else to say I just need to get things off my chest otherwise I could continue to be angry grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...........
At least I have a gig to look forward to on Saturday. When we were at the Lemon Tree seeing Morph, Trina and I saw a poster for a Bad Company/Free tribute band. I had actually forgotten about it, but Trina is having a go at me to not forget as she is looking forward to it. Well I've told you lot now so I can't forget lol
I think I shall leave this here..............probably said too much but who cares? My blog ~ my rules ;-)
I think Emmi gave me the sig ~ Link in the links section xx