Hey People ~ I have quite a bit to tell you so I better get on with it if I want to get to bed early (well early for me ;-)!! Just one thing is it EVER gonna stop raining??
Let's start with Thursday and the infamous meal with my dad and my brother. I won't go into it too much ~ perhaps save it for an entry during the week. It wasn't too bad!! I'm not gonna sit here and lie to you and say it was the best meal ever and I wish we'd done it sooner. I personally think that my relationship with Dad is such a sparse thing that pidgeon steps is the best way to attack this. However I found myself sat there with arms crossed not wanting to say anything to him. Besides the fact that he didn't shut up for more than two seconds for Greg and I to get a word in edge ways, I didn't actually want to tell him anything. I could've regaled him with amusing stories from my life of gigging and the crazy friends I have but he wouldn't have listened. Instead he told us the family tree he's working on (which was quite interesting) and told us stories of when we were kids.

Greg was lucky he heard stories of about times when he was a baby and how he pulled the wallpaper off and found it highly amusing, and about this cockney woman who thought he was adorable and would babysit him at any given opportunity!! Me?? I heard all about my life in hospital. I will tell you about it but perhaps another day. Let's just say it freaked me out what I heard and I felt very uncomfortable about it all day Friday.
Afterwards it was decided that we should do it again (could hardly say no could I??) and we are meeting for a carvery at a very posh place on the 4th April. Well a good meal out of it can't be bad.

Apart from the stories of me in hospital the one thing that freaked me out again was when he asked me if I would like to stay at his some time ?? Mmmmm... hello ?? I'm nearly 30 not 10!!!! I think I've grown out of that!! But I said I don't know. Of course he caught the know part and latched onto it!! If he is trying to build bridges he surely has to know that you can't just bury the past behind you. It takes time and if one isn't as willing he has to be patient!! I'm sorry to go on about this but he winds me up!!
Anyhoo ~ happy times!! Greg came round afterwards and loaded his music to my machine and gave me the old stuff back. I now have just over 4,000 mp3's on my computer ~ told you this thing was amazing LOL.................*happy Jenny* Such a hard decision as to what goes on the mp3 player!!

Ooooo and Trina managed to secure the V tickets WOOHOOO The lady who came to see the Foo's with us 1st time is coming with us to V :-) Sarah and I shall be festival virgins ;-) tee hee hee..........I'm looking forward to it though and on Saturday in town I pointed out some wellies to Trina (colourful ones) and said that we should get them coz you never know what the weather is gonna do in August!! At least we are going to the one where the Foo's are the last band of the weekend ~ something to look forward too!!
Friday ~ Trina came round to stay!! Things have been funny between us, not that you would notice but we needed to spend some quality time together. So eventually she gets to mine and we have to go food shopping. It's pouring down with rain and the wind doesn't help (got soaked on the way home from work) so Wayne gives us a lift to Sainsburys. We decide to have food in their cafe *chips* and have a good ol' natter. Then we do the shopping but not before we freak out coz there's a board that says closing at 7pm and it was 7pm when we finished in the cafe. We work out that was the time for the cafe not the main shop *phew*

After shopping more good ol' nattering whilst waiting for the taxi and back to mine. We have to take it in shifts to get the food shopping up to my flat lol.................Once all the shopping had been cleared away, the bin bag emptied etc.........we change into PJ's and watch some girlie films and munch on stuff :-) Played some guitar hero 2 too!! Eventually get to bed at 1.30am!!
The next day we get up and have a cuppa in bed reading trashy mags and eventually get up and venture into town. The reason my foot was hurting was because of my work shoes :( so with no money I have to get new one's!! I end up getting an £8 pair of boots (me think's I'll need them in this weather!!) they are really light and crappy but let's hope they do the job ;-) I shan't be walking far in them I wear my trainers to work and change when I get there!!

We get home and have our fried breakfast for lunch LOL.........and then Trina tries to get all my mp3's onto her walkman. I decided to stay out of her way and played more guitar hero. I hate it when she does that coz the machine never works and so she gets stressed and coz she doesn't know much about computers she has to ask questions which gets me stressed coz she wants to know why something isn't working etc..........It does actually work this time with little interference from me :-)
About 6.45pm we decide we better get ready to go out and at 7.20pm our taxi arrives to take us to the centre spot in town. We've been there before and found the people really nice and friendly so although we were nervous we still went!! Once inside (it was packed) we got a drink and found a quiet place to stand. Two drumkits?? Must mean there's a support act ~ cool!!

Eventually we stand on the other side of the room right next to the speaker ~ bit of a mistake!! The first band come on and I've never seen or heard of them but they were really good...............I decide to go to the loo whilst they were playing and can you believe there was a queue?? I thought queue's in loos don't form until the breaks??!! Clearly I don't get out enough LOL...............
During the break the announcer asked if we could move forwards coz there wasn't any room at the back!! It was packed ~ I couldn't believe it!! EvenGa Ga doesn't get a crowd like that!! Queen Mainia (I'm not sure if that's how they spell it!!) were REALLY good :-) They are an italian band who were playing their first UK gig and the freddie looked very much like Freddie ~ so much so that Trina couldn't stop oggling him ALL night!! Everytime he had a costume change out came the mobile camera and this man changes costume nearly EVERY song. They played such an electic mix (I don't remember them doing A Kind of Magic woohoo!!) Here's a list of the one's I can remember: Last Horizon, Mr Bad Guy, Love Kills, Living On My Own, Breakthru', The Miracle, Radio Ga Ga, Killer Queen, We Are The Champions, Bohemian Rhapsody, Dragon Attack, Another One Bites the Dust, etc etc............The drummer did some kind of weird solo to like a freaky version of It's a Beautiful Day. It was soooo good :-) The crowd seemed to enjoy it too. There was a group of drunk teenagers who were jumping up and down and singing loudly to the ones they knew :-)
At the end of the show Trina and I moved spaces and the Brian wannabe chucked his plec out. I put my hand up and caught it :-) Yay me!! Some kid of about 10/11 perhaps older was looking for it though and spent about 1/2 an hour searching the floor where I had been standing. I felt guilty and probably should've given it to him but I couldn't be bothered to be fair!!

It was a great gig and a brill way to rehabilitate ourselves to Queen (who rule by the way!!) It had been a fab weekend too and I can't wait till we can do it again but it did feel slightly odd without Wayne at the gig. It's his first weekend smoke free everyone give him a round of applause ~ he's doing so well ;-)
Today I've had to catch up on my alerts there was 76 to start with lol............Think I've done pretty well !!
That's it from me for now ~ sorry if I've bored ya..........but at least I've saved the depressing stuff for a weekday entry ;-)
Have a good week xx
Ooooooooooooo I'm forgetting something!!
Jen Recommends
Today I'm recommending two things!! The first is the support band, they are a local band and although they played some really good rock covers they also played some of their own stuff and it's really good :-) Their website is www.morphrock.co.uk I've already been on Myspace to find them and added them and got a comment asking if I enjoyed the gig last night ~ how cool is that :-)
I also wanna recommend one of the films we watched on Friday called The Wedding Date. It stars Debra Messing from Will and Grace and she's split up with her bloke and hires someone to be her date for her sister's wedding ~ set in England during glorious sunshine it's definitely a rom com worth seeing !!
Ok that really is it this time LOL

Thanks to Chris at Cabs creations for one of the graphics I've posted tonight xx