Evenin' all xx
Well said cold seems to have turned into a cough over the weekend grrrr........I think I preferred sneezing!! I knew it wasn't a proper cold though coz I could still breath and smell and taste!! lol Hey ho..............I thought I'd carry on with my moving story and post the pics of the flat - Enjoy xx
A fairly early rise for breakfast and packing the remains of my stuff, the agent had turned up early to give me the key so Trina and I went to meet him in the new flat. As she had not seen the flat yet I wanted her to come and see it with me. First off was a discussion about the parking space that came with the flat. I informed him that a car had been parked there all week. He said if it became a problem I should perhaps leave a note on the car or write to the agency who deals with the block of flats maintenance. The only thing that could cause a problem was if I was to ask them to move their car and I don’t have one, someone else will just take the spot. I could see it causing me a headache but there was worse to come during the day!!
He took us up to the flat and Trina had a nosey around whilst we went through some paperwork (oooo that sounds official doesn’t it??) sorted out the standing order for the rent, the inventory, electric, the storeroom downstairs (where I can leave my bike *phew*) and stuff like that!! I also had, had some post delivered for me to that address which was slightly embarrassing as I don’t remember telling anyone I had moved!! It was from my Nan, a card, some money and a tiny little angel character that is supposed to bring you good luck. Apparently I used to play with it when I was little and visited Nan & Granddad J The agent left not long afterwards so Trina had the grand tour from myself. She tried climbing into the fitted wardrobe….but as it was starting to bend I warned her to get out, didn’t wanna have to pay for something already. She was keen to get started with the cleaning and moving the big furniture.
After showing Wayne round the flat and getting him to assess how the bigger furniture was going to be moved around the stairwell – it was only fair that he got to see it too – we decided to have a go at moving the sofa. Taking it out of the old flat hadn’t been a problem as that is a ground floor flat with a door which leads out into the car park. Getting it up to the new flat and up a few flights of stairs was going to be tricky!! Trina and Wayne did most of the lifting and this is one thing that I regret most about the weekend, but I’ll come onto that in a bit. They managed to get it up the 3 flights of stairs and to the doorway of the new flat but it wouldn’t go in. Not sideways, lengthways, or any way!! It got jammed at one point and Wayne crawled underneath it to see what was going on and whether there was any leverage. As it was not budging a conversation (heated one at that!) followed, whether we should leave it there jammed in the doorway or whether it should be shifted back down the stairs to wait for this bloke who was turning up later to help us move the heavy stuff. This comes to the reason of what I was regretting and why I will not ask friends and especially married ones to help me move next time!! Big rows followed and anger boiled over and it was only the first piece of furniture to be shifted.
After a slight break and some making up, Trina and Wayne shifted the sofa back downstairs and left it outside the door to the new flat’s block. So the decision was made to move the smaller stuff until this bloke turned up and they could shift the heavy cupboard thingy!! Wayne and I started moving the bed and computer desk, TV, computer, and everything else whilst Trina made a start on cleaning of the old flat. It was very hard work moving in the hot weather, plus up 3 flights of stairs (I don’t think I’ve mentioned them enough ;-) and between the two of us it was going to take a while.
At one point I was upstairs in the new flat assembling my bed when I noticed two of the so-called neighbours talking about the sofa. They departed company and one got into a car which drove by the flats very slowly looking out the window. This angered me slightly as they were clearly talking about the sofa that won’t budge grrrrrrrr……. I went and moaned about this to Trina and Wayne. They agreed that it couldn’t stay there and I couldn’t wait until Monday for the council to come and take it away as there was nowhere to leave it. Trina and I moved it so it was hidden away slightly by the old flat whilst Wayne called his brother and asked if he had a van free to help us get rid of it. Unfortunately he was busy but he’d call us back if he could make it!!
Sometime between 12/1 this other bloke turned up. Trina had managed to convince one of her work colleagues to get her boyfriend/husband to give us a hand. I think his name was Mark; anyway he helped Wayne and Trina lift the big sideboard and move it (I decided it was best for all and sundry if I stayed out of the way!!) He agreed the sofa was not gonna go in there. I have to admit that I was slightly disappointed by now that I was gonna have to live without a sofa!! I did have my computer chair and my bean bag so all was not lost but it didn’t feel right!!
Mark left once the heavy stuff was moved and assessmbled back together, so Wayne and I continued moving the bags and stuff. Trina had finished the kitchen and moved into the living room – she was doing a superb job J The problem was that with us traipsing through the living room to get to the bags in the bedroom I don’t think we were helping matters. At some point Wayne’s brother called back to say he was free after 3/4pm so he would get to us then. Woohoo – get rid of the damn thing!!
We carried on taking the bags up to the new flat – it was getting a bit crowded in there!! Had to take a few breaks but as Wayne wouldn’t stop (he made me feel guilty) I had to keep going. At one point I heard him talking to someone and it was one of the women who had been talking about the sofa. When I got downstairs he said that as he’d been talking to her my singing elmo had gone off LOL……………..I managed to speak to her and apologised for the sofa (??!!). She said it was not a problem and had just wondered whose it was. We spoke for a bit longer before I carried on. Everytime I saw her after that she asked how it was going – she seemed very nice!!
At some point Trina had moved onto the bathroom and I walked into the bedroom and a wave of elation washed over me. There was approximately 6/7 bags left and that wasn’t going to take very long. I couldn’t believe how quick we had managed to achieve this and called everyone (well Wayne and Trina) in to have a look!! After a few trips Wayne and I were done for the day, it was 3.30pm. We sat outside and enjoyed the sunshine for a while and then I went into the new flat and started to arrange things to look a bit tidier. Wayne hooked up the computer and eventually his brother turned up and took the sofa away. Whilst they did that Trina and I showed Jess (Wayne’s niece) round the new flat and the gleaming old flat.
I started feeling a bit depressed about the old sofa being gone and wondering what I could curl up on – as I was feeling very tired and all my limbs were aching. I couldn’t imagine myself on the bean bag feelin’ comfortable watching TV so whilst moaning about that to Trina, she suggested that Wayne and I go to The Range and get whatever is necessary!! So that’s what we did. I had in mind just a huge bean bag that I could put my feet up on when I was sitting on the computer chair, or maybe one of those big cushions. Instead I went home with a faux leather moon chair – which was huge and Wayne thought it was great and knew that Trina was gonna love it too!!
When we got back to the flats, Trina had finished cleaning the old one and asked me to inspect it. She’d done a smashing job and it smelt lovely. God bless her!! After the inspection we closed the door and locked the flat for the last time – Trina said I didn’t look too upset about it. Following all the crap I had, had to deal with since they decided to sell I think I was glad in a way – new beginning’s don’t you just love them??
As we made our way up to the new flat we passed that neighbour again, she asked how it was going, I said that we’d finished and now we were going to have food. She told us to enjoy it. We hadn’t eaten much since breakfast and we were all hot and tired. It felt so good to sit down!! The food arrived not long afterwards, but Trina and Wayne left not long after we finished.
After they left I tried to tidy up a bit but ended up sorting out a few bags!! I was trying not to and to leave it till the next day but I kept going!! I think it was gone 11pm when I finally gave up and went to bed.
SUNDAY – I spent most of my time sorting through the bags. My method was to tip them up and sort the stuff into piles. Doing it that way was okay but most of the time I was just creating more mess than I had started with. Trina called and couldn’t believe I was still going, (I had the Monday off from work). She and Wayne were collapsed, he was suffering badly with his arms and legs and that made me feel really guilty.
Eventually I found myself in a position where I could happily stop and sit down. It was certainly a hectic weekend and I’ve actually been there for about 2 months now, although it doesn’t feel like it!! It’s smaller but it’s not bad J (p.s don’t think they’ve sold the other one yet!!)
That's all for today xx