Thursday, 28 September 2006

Lot's of stuff

Hello everyone *waves*  How are you all??  First off I was gonna moan that I couldn't access my comments but I can so never mind about that lol

Well I shall start off instead by saying:

to our dear Sandra for getting the job at the garden centre :-)  I knew she could do and I love this animation and felt I should use it in this case - well done girl xx *hugs*

Right I promised to tell you what I was up to next week - actually I'll leave that till the end of the entry for something to look forward to lol ;-)  Mind you I don't know what else to talk about!!

Trina and Wayne came round last night - I actually haven't seen them for a couple of weeks *shock horror* and we all had CHIPPY tea :-)  It deserves a mention in capital letters lol...........It was a good laugh too bless 'em!!  Next time I will see them is Monday wohoo (more later lol)

My week has been pretty good - that case I was moaning about in my last entry well her rep has rung and said she's paid some money - not enough but it's a start and she's adamant it's gone from her bank account - we can't find it!!  On any system anywhere - good news is team leader is now dealing with it *evil laughter* *phew* LOL   The rest of us have got to the stage where there is no work and we've still got tomorrow and 4 days next week before the accounts arrive.  But I have two days off next week woohoo (more later ;-)

P is a star she's made us muffins coz apparently the mix goes out of date soon lol..........mmmmm..........they were nice and I think we have more tomorrow :-) 

I'm going to see mum on saturday and i worked out my finances earlier (good news I can log into my banking again *yay*) and I don't think I can really afford it but who cares??  I wanna seemum and Megs!!

What else is there to tell you about??  hmmmmm...............oh yeah next week lol

On Monday Trina, Wayne and myself are heading to Plymouth to see Patrick McGuinness live :-)  *jen's looking forward to that and will try for a pic *girly giggle* (Note to those who are interested I had an email today who says Peter Kay will tour soon whether this is true I don't know - I'll keep you posted ;-)  On Tuesday Trina and I are heading to London and the Royal Albert Hall to see Paul Rodgers live :-) He won't know what's hit him during this tour I swear - so many Queen fans are going - bless him.  We're staying with Jamie and meeting up with lots of friends I think - should be good.  (Note to Debs if your free Wednesday do you wanna meet up?  For a tea or something??  I would say coffee but I don't drink it LOL)  On Friday Trina and I are to Bristol to see Paul Rodgers live again and the whole of the 2nd/3rd/4th or something row is taken up by all of us - it's gonna be insane!!  On Saturday we're all heading up to London and the Dominion to see WWRY AGAIN!!  LOL Brian and Roger said they would turn up but I doubt if they will!! 

You see everyone brought tix to the show for the Saturday viewing coz we were informed (wrongly) that the show was finishing at the Dominion on that date.  Now everyone's brought the tix and they decide to run for another year but did promise they would do something special anyway - we don't wait with baited breath lol

So that's it - my travels for another week LOL  when P asked about my two days off she said 'where's the concert this time?'  I said 'London' we laughed - Trina reckons they know me so well now LOL

Anyhoo I think I've bored you enough and there's other stuff I wanna do!!

Take care everyone xx

Tuesday, 26 September 2006

Killerton Rocks part two

Hiya everyone :-)  Hope you all ok??

I'm alright - bit bored actually ~ don't know why but lately the internet's been boring me - Thank god for Stuart's new site with all the really cool games - was getting rather addicted to Black Jack last night lol....

Sorry having to pause as the song 'Oldest Swinger in Town' has just come on and it reminds me of my Grandad :'(  Memories............

I'm back :-)  Jeez songs are really starting to make me emotional - it's not good!!  I think I should change the tape and listen to something uplifting - mind you with a title 'you've got to laugh' you've got to worry about me really haven't you (jeez now I'm not making any sense!!  sorry peeps!)

I don't really have any news - Sunday I did nothing and I mean nothing - didn't even go for a walk like I usually would.  I didn't watch the Shining in the end, decided it wasn't a good idea to watch a horror on my own.  I think Trina and Wayne have got it so will have to borrow it and watch it at a time convenient to me ;-)  Note to Barry - can you tell me what you said you wouldn't in my comments section, Trina read your comment and she's seen the film and wants to know what you were going to say.............Thank you xx

Work is ok at the moment but we're into those weeks were no work is available :(  Yesterday I was there on my own and I think I coped pretty well.  Today it seemed I was doing a lot of work on one single case and not progressing with it grrrrr..........eventually got it sorted!!  Well we will have once we get some money *evil laughter*

So let's post part two of Killerton Rocks - hope you enjoy it and the photos xx

The next band on stage was a Madness tribute act called One Step Behind.  They were really good and lots of people came down to the front of the stage to dance along to them.  Clearly the more alcohol these people had the more their inhibitions died away.  Trina missed the beginning of the band’s set and Wayne moaned as he would rather have been in the thick of the crowd dancing away.  He said he felt self conscious where he was.  Eventually Trina came back with the drinks and we got her to stand by the barrier which was what she wanted.  Jess and her friends kept coming and going and when they did appear, Trina let them stand in front of her so that they could see.  The band were really good and I definitely recommend them to anyone J  I knew a lot more words than I thought I would, they played tunes such as One Step Beyond, Night boat to Cairo, Baggy Trousers, House of Fun, plus many more!!  They were quite funny too, the singer kept moaning coz it was too quiet in between songs and wanted us to start talking or something.  During one song the singer and the saxophone player chased each other round the stage.  It was really funny!!

Yet another break as they rearranged the band stuff on stage.  This time I refused to let Trina go and get more drinks so we listened to the tunes that were playing instead.  The DJ played ‘Alright Now’ which was so cool J  everyone was dancing around and people were looking at us which was quite amusing.  At some point my neighbour (previously mentioned on moving day), said hello, she told me she was waiting for the Queen Tribute act to come on.  It was a very strange event and more stranger to meet all these people!!

Eventually the Queen tribute act (The Great Pretender) came on.  I was dubious before as we had never seen them.  Basically Freddie was a rather large bloke in a ‘freddie costume’ and when he took off his jacket we wanted to shout ‘put it back on’ lol.  Brian was some lanky bloke with a curly wig, there was no John (which I couldn’t get over), and Roger was some fat bloke who looked nothing like Roger but was wearing sunglasses!  As soon as this bloke pretending to be Roger came on stage I said to Trina for a laugh…….’are you roger taylor?’  (don’t worry Roger fans will understand that one ;-)  Overall I didn’t think the band were that bad but Trina didn’t like the fact they did too many ay-oo’s.  They didn’t do the Wembley set list either which most tribute acts seem to do!!  They also did their own endings to most of the songs which I thought was kinda cool.  As the crowd down by the stage had grown considerably during their set, Trina had an argument (well the silent, pushing type of argument) with a woman next to her!!  This woman was literally standing on Trina to get nearer to the front.  Eventually she moved away and Trina could carry on enjoying herself!!  Even Wayne was getting into it, (he’s been put off Queen for life thanks to his misses!! Ha ha ha………)  The crowd around us were definitely what we call a ‘greatest hits crowd’, basically that means they all have either greatest hits or greatest hits 2 album in their collection ;-)  I can’t actually remember any of the songs they played but it was good.  Possibly not a band I would go and see again but worth seeing once!!  Go see One Step Behind if you want a band to go and see again, and again, and again J

When the band was finishing we could hear the fireworks but we couldn’t see them L  By the time they had left the stage the fireworks had finished altogether!!  We headed back to the car in the dark although I did take my bike light to act as a torch lol……….Trina stopped off at the port-a-loo’s and swore she saw someone we used to go to college with!!  Very bizarre evening!!

Made our way back to the car and I definitely trod in something *yuk*.  Once we were back in the car, we had to wait for ages for the queues to a) let us in and b) to get moving!!  It was a good evening and I think I would do it again!!  Any of you guys down here on holiday around that time next year (I think they hold it every year), make sure you get tickets J  The question was would Trina’s choice of the Lostprophets live up to expectation??

So the prophets write up will come shortly!!  But I'll leave you here for now - more events coming up next week woohoo :-)  Time off work lol I'll tell you about them later in the week ~ bye for now xx

Saturday, 23 September 2006

More goings on

Evenin' all :-)

Thought I'd post some more of my memories and tonight will be the first part of Killerton Rocks.  Hope your all havin' a good weekend, mine's not so bad!!  Did a lot of cleanin' today and watched a film called School of Seduction - was very good *note to mum - I think you'll like it ;-)* Finished my book - that fourth bloke did it - I shan't give any more than that away as it would be mean!!  I'm now reading Cujo by Stephen King (love his books!!)  I've never seen the film but I know the basics behind the story something to do with a killer dog.  That reminds me talking of Stephen King films The Shining is on BBC 2 tonight!!  I've read that and it wasn't as scary as my colleague made it out to be lol *damn ryder cup is still on :(*

Just before I continue guess what..........I missed Roger on our local news on BBC 1 last night.  Trina rung saying Wayne had woken her up coz he was on and I didn't believe her and watched the other side local news in case they showed it but oh no!!  There's a piccie on and he doesn't look too bad :-) bless him ....................

Anyway let's continue with those memories :-)  Enjoy xx


So far this year my friends (aka Wayne and Trina) and I have been to some pretty good gigs, well up to this point we’d only been to the Foo’s but as that was so awesome we were in the mood for more!!  Wayne pointed this one out to Trina, who forwarded the idea to me and we were booked and off……………….

It was a beautiful day – unfortunately I had spent the day at work but as with every Friday we are allowed to leave at 4.30pm (ahhhh the beauty of working for social services ;-)  I decided to walk home and met Trina and Wayne there as Trina wasn’t getting into Exeter until 5ish and there was NO WAY I was staying at work that late lol…………… Once I got home I started getting the tea ready.  Wayne and Trina turned up not long after and were not able to park in my parking spot grrrrr………  Wehad a quick tea and got changed and were out by about 6.30pm.  We made our way to Killerton which is just outside of Exeter, and got there just before 7 I think??  (Please remember I am writing this from memory lol)

The car park was a field as the show was being held in the grounds of Killerton House.  We could see the stage so we headed in that direction.  When we got to the main show ground the scene that awaited surprised us.  Hundreds and hundreds of people all with picnic baskets, deck chairs, tables………you name it they had it!!  One even had a chandelier on their table.  Not a huge thing but a small one!!  I couldn’t get over what an odd setting it was for a gig but the evening sunshine was lovely.  Trina said that we should go and stand somewhere near the stage.  We all agreed and made our way round all the people eating and drinking towards the front.  Once we get there we are surprised once again as there is a huge gap between the people picnicking and the barrier.  As it was only tribute bands we decided to sit on the edge near the other people.  At this point some random said hello to Wayne, apparently he brought a car from this gentleman.  When Trina asked to be introduced, Wayne pulled her away as he couldn’t remember the bloke’s name lol……….

After a while of listening to the classic gold tunes (dj from the radio station entertaining the crowds) we decided we needed alcoholic beverages to make this strange situation a lot better!!  Trina and I headed off to find the beer tent, which was near the way we had entered the field.  Once armed with a couple of pints and a coke, we went back to join Wayne.  For a while we had a scary feelin’ we might not find him lol……..but this was short lived!!

Eventually The Beatles tribute band (Beatle Mania) came out.  A few people made their way down to the front for a bit of a boogie J  So of course we joined them!!  They weren’t bad, but I couldn’t help thinking what a freak the John was lol……………….Whilst we were boogieing when they were playing a lady in front of me turned round and asked if I was Jenny.  Freaked out I managed to answer yes, she said that she had taught me when I was at school and that she was Mrs Widecombe.  ‘Oh my god’ I said and thought how weird it was to meet someone like that out of the blue.  Trina wasn’t amused that she hadn’t recognised her as well (we had gone to the same school and college), apparently she had taught us at college not school.  I couldn’t remember so had to ask Trina lol……..Jess (Wayne’s neice – previously mentioned at the wedding and my moving day!) turned up and came down to say hello to us all.  Apparently she asked Trina when the Queen tribute act was going to appear on stage – bless her!!

When Beatle Mania left the stage, Trina said she wanted to get to the barrier for the next act and left Wayne and myself in charge of that whilst she went to get some more drinks!!  Even though we were sat leaning against the barrier all the little children pushed in.  It was very annoying!!


Right that's all for now - part two and photos coming soon xx

Thursday, 21 September 2006

Just Rambling On

Hi everyone - before I start this entry I just want to say  WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??!!  Why are people backstabbing the VIVI organisers??  Okay so if you don't like it stay away don't ruin the fun for everyone else.............surely that's all this is FUN or have we forgotten the meaning of the word round here??  I don't understand any of it and I suppose it's best to just sit on the sidelines and do nothing but I was just wondering why we can't all just get along??  I think I shall just leave this topic here but I've said my piece and that's all - thanks for listening lol

Right then - onwards and up theirs as I always say LOL.........  Yesterday instead of writing an entry like I was going to I've changed my 'about me' section - wrote a little about myself using blinkies and added my award from Sara ~ bless you sweetie xx  I am proudly displaying it :-)  The photo was taken about a week ago and I love it - it's one of the best of me in a long time lol...........complete with drink and glove hand ~ don't ask!!

So gossip??!!  Well I do have some actually (woohoo I hear you cry lol), yesterday I left work earlyish as P was staying till 5pm.  I decided to go round to Sainsbugs and get some shopping as I was in desperate need of a few bits and pieces.  Instead of cycling round like usual I decided to walk.  So I just get onto the trading estate and walking up to the main road section when a car pulls into one of the buildings there, in front of me and the driver gets out.  It's only my ex-line manager Stuart.  Oh my god!!  I thought, I was actually in shock coz of all the ex-colleagues I have he was the last person I thought I'd bump into again!!  But it was good seeing him and having a chat bless him :-)  Apparently he was unemployed for six months ~ but he does have a family business to fall back on ;-)  Anyhoo we had a quick chat and he said he was thinking of getting everyone together for drinks - I was like 'yeah I'm there' but not in those words coz that sounds silly lol.  He's gonna send out an email and as I was walking away I started to panic about my email address at work as I'm known by my full name on the work addy.  But it's cool coz I checked this morning and I'm the only one with that surname :-)  Can't wait for this and I hope it happens ~ it'll be great seeing everyone again!!  Especially as I have lots of news ~ well I don't but the gigs, and events all sound good, plus of course none of them saw my pics of me in a dress for Trina's wedding day *phew* LOL..............

So that was pretty cool ~ what else is really totally 100% awesome and I only wanna mention this coz Trina told me at lunchtime and I was like Wow that's sooooooooooooooo cool!!  There's a website asking for people to sponsor a star for Freddie (I'll add the link for those of you who are interested ;-) and there's a list of superstars who have done it and Taylor Hawkins from my 2nd fave band (see about me section) has sponsored one - god bless him :-)  He has so gone up in my estimations this week ~ I really wanna meet him so I can chat to him about Queen lol....................

Ooooooo.........talking about famous people can we please take a moment for poor Richard Hammond ~ god only knows what his family are going through right now :(  He's such a sweet thing, it's such a shame!!  But let's hope he pulls through xx  I'm not a big fan of Top Gear but everytime I've caught a bit of it, they show those challenge bits.  One week they had turned cars into boats and Richard's sunk bless him and he got a lift with Jeremy but in the end his sunk too lol.............The last one I watched they all went on a camping holiday together and the whole burnt down - it was so funny :-)  *praying richard get's better*

I'm sure there was something else I was gonna write - oh yeah my very odd dream last night ~ Problem is I can only remember snatches of it!!  At one point I was thinking of walking from Tiverton to Axminster (which is like MILES!!) for some recycling bins or something like *shakes head* and then I was in America and Becky (queenie friend) was taking me to a very strange ~ built on a slant ~ hotel!!  I told you it was odd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I should finish this entry here as I appear to be rambling far too much about nonsense!!  I just wanna say that my book has got interesting (more so than before), you know i had it narrowed down to 3 suspects well now a fourth has come into play - and I'm pretty convinced it's him ;-)  only 49 pages to go!!

Well that's it from me - till next time xx

Tuesday, 19 September 2006

Books, Internet, and general stuff

Hiya peeps - not sure what to talk about tonight!!  How's your week going?  Mine is just the usual crapiness lol..........(so optimistic aren't I??)

Not feelin' so great - said cold seems to leave me alone when I'm at home but makes me feel lowsy at work!!  Perhaps I'm allergic to work lol..............Imagine if that happened wouldn't it be funny!!

Nothing much going on via the web either!!  The roger board seems to have gone very quiet (well I suppose there's not a lot for us to talk about), but I've been trying to think of some interesting ways to spruce it up, but nothing springs to mind yet - any ideas guys??  (By this I mean topics to discuss on the message board) 

Talking about the web does any of you do Internet banking?  If so I have a question for you...........when I log in I have to enter my card number, so if my card expires and I recieve a new one am I too reapply for internet banking or does it automatically change over?  I've tried logging in with my old card and the site says I can't view my account coz of some problems with the site but I don't trust that much lol...............tried logging in with my new card and it don't recognise it!!  Feel lost not being able to check my balance online!!

Next write up and event to share with you is Killerton Rocks (just thought I'd tease you with the heading lol) probably post that in the next few days!!

I'm nearly caught up on my journal alerts :-)  Oooooo I've not told you about the book I'm reading.  It's called The Crediton Killings by Michael Jecks.  He's an author who splits his time between Devon and Surrey and writes about Devon during the medieval times.  I read about him in the local paper so I thought I'd try one of his books - obviously it's a murder mystery (title gives it away doesn't it?) so it's fun at the moment trying to figure out whose done it!!  So far I've been through at least 3 different characters - sign of a good book if you don't guess it straight away!!

Forgot to tell you about the new game for PS2 that I want and MUST HAVE!!  Check out these links ;-)

The game / The accessories

OH MY GOD!!  how good does that look??  I saw someone in the video shop playing it at the weekend when I was in there and sooooooooooooooooooooo want it!!  How much would I rock then??  Maybe I'll get it for xmas - must find patience!!  *starts rocking back and forth* LOL

Ooooo let's talk about the film I watched at the weekend too.  I brought a few DVD's that were about £2.99 each just for a bit of a treat.  One was Bride and Prejudice, have you seen it??  It's basically the Bollywood version of Pride and Prejudice made by the same person who did Bend It Like Beckham (which I love) and found myself liking this!!  Ashwira-rhy (can't spell) the main lady in the film is very beautiful but the special interview with her doesn't show her in a good light with the bags under her eyes lol.........Anyway it was a good movie, very colourful and very funny!!  See it..................

Well I think that's enough of me droning on lol..........going to browse the web for nothing in particular now............

Later dudes..... xx

Tried to make a colourful entry lol

Sunday, 17 September 2006

Moving Part Two

Evenin' all xx

Well said cold seems to have turned into a cough over the weekend grrrr........I think I preferred sneezing!!  I knew it wasn't a proper cold though coz I could still breath and smell and taste!! lol  Hey ho..............I thought I'd carry on with my moving story and post the pics of the flat - Enjoy xx

A fairly early rise for breakfast and packing the remains of my stuff, the agent had turned up early to give me the key so Trina and I went to meet him in the new flat.  As she had not seen the flat yet I wanted her to come and see it with me.  First off was a discussion about the parking space that came with the flat.  I informed him that a car had been parked there all week.  He said if it became a problem I should perhaps leave a note on the car or write to the agency who deals with the block of flats maintenance.  The only thing that could cause a problem was if I was to ask them to move their car and I don’t have one, someone else will just take the spot.  I could see it causing me a headache but there was worse to come during the day!!
He took us up to the flat and Trina had a nosey around whilst we went through some paperwork (oooo that sounds official doesn’t it??) sorted out the standing order for the rent, the inventory, electric, the storeroom downstairs (where I can leave my bike *phew*) and stuff like that!!  I also had, had some post delivered for me to that address which was slightly embarrassing as I don’t remember telling anyone I had moved!!  It was from my Nan, a card, some money and a tiny little angel character that is supposed to bring you good luck.  Apparently I used to play with it when I was little and visited Nan & Granddad J  The agent left not long afterwards so Trina had the grand tour from myself.  She tried climbing into the fitted wardrobe….but as it was starting to bend I warned her to get out, didn’t wanna have to pay for something already.  She was keen to get started with the cleaning and moving the big furniture.
After showing Wayne round the flat and getting him to assess how the bigger furniture was going to be moved around the stairwell – it was only fair that he got to see it too – we decided to have a go at moving the sofa.  Taking it out of the old flat hadn’t been a problem as that is a ground floor flat with a door which leads out into the car park.  Getting it up to the new flat and up a few flights of stairs was going to be tricky!!   Trina and Wayne did most of the lifting and this is one thing that I regret most about the weekend, but I’ll come onto that in a bit.  They managed to get it up the 3 flights of stairs and to the doorway of the new flat but it wouldn’t go in.  Not sideways, lengthways, or any way!!  It got jammed at one point and Wayne crawled underneath it to see what was going on and whether there was any leverage.  As it was not budging a conversation (heated one at that!) followed, whether we should leave it there jammed in the doorway or whether it should be shifted back down the stairs to wait for this bloke who was turning up later to help us move the heavy stuff.  This comes to the reason of what I was regretting and why I will not ask friends and especially married ones to help me move next time!!  Big rows followed and anger boiled over and it was only the first piece of furniture to be shifted.
After a slight break and some making up, Trina and Wayne shifted the sofa back downstairs and left it outside the door to the new flat’s block.  So the decision was made to move the smaller stuff until this bloke turned up and they could shift the heavy cupboard thingy!!  Wayne and I started moving the bed and computer desk, TV, computer, and everything else whilst Trina made a start on cleaning of the old flat.  It was very hard work moving in the hot weather, plus up 3 flights of stairs (I don’t think I’ve mentioned them enough ;-) and between the two of us it was going to take a while.
At one point I was upstairs in the new flat assembling my bed when I noticed two of the so-called neighbours talking about the sofa.  They departed company and one got into a car which drove by the flats very slowly looking out the window.  This angered me slightly as they were clearly talking about the sofa that won’t budge grrrrrrrr……. I went and moaned about this to Trina and Wayne.  They agreed that it couldn’t stay there and I couldn’t wait until Monday for the council to come and take it away as there was nowhere to leave it.  Trina and I moved it so it was hidden away slightly by the old flat whilst Wayne called his brother and asked if he had a van free to help us get rid of it.  Unfortunately he was busy but he’d call us back if he could make it!!
Sometime between 12/1 this other bloke turned up.  Trina had managed to convince one of her work colleagues to get her boyfriend/husband to give us a hand.  I think his name was Mark; anyway he helped Wayne and Trina lift the big sideboard and move it (I decided it was best for all and sundry if I stayed out of the way!!)  He agreed the sofa was not gonna go in there.  I have to admit that I was slightly disappointed by now that I was gonna have to live without a sofa!!  I did have my computer chair and my bean bag so all was not lost but it didn’t feel right!!
Mark left once the heavy stuff was moved and assessmbled back together, so Wayne and I continued moving the bags and stuff.  Trina had finished the kitchen and moved into the living room – she was doing a superb job J  The problem was that with us traipsing through the living room to get to the bags in the bedroom I don’t think we were helping matters.  At some point Wayne’s brother called back to say he was free after 3/4pm so he would get to us then.  Woohoo – get rid of the damn thing!!
We carried on taking the bags up to the new flat – it was getting a bit crowded in there!!  Had to take a few breaks but as Wayne wouldn’t stop (he made me feel guilty) I had to keep going.  At one point I heard him talking to someone and it was one of the women who had been talking about the sofa.  When I got downstairs he said that as he’d been talking to her my singing elmo had gone off LOL……………..I managed to speak to her and apologised for the sofa (??!!).  She said it was not a problem and had just wondered whose it was.  We spoke for a bit longer before I carried on.  Everytime I saw her after that she asked how it was going – she seemed very nice!!
At some point Trina had moved onto the bathroom and I walked into the bedroom and a wave of elation washed over me.  There was approximately 6/7 bags left and that wasn’t going to take very long.  I couldn’t believe how quick we had managed to achieve this and called everyone (well Wayne and Trina) in to have a look!!  After a few trips Wayne and I were done for the day, it was 3.30pm.  We sat outside and enjoyed the sunshine for a while and then I went into the new flat and started to arrange things to look a bit tidier.  Wayne hooked up the computer and eventually his brother turned up and took the sofa away.  Whilst they did that Trina and I showed Jess (Wayne’s niece) round the new flat and the gleaming old flat.
I started feeling a bit depressed about the old sofa being gone and wondering what I could curl up on – as I was feeling very tired and all my limbs were aching.  I couldn’t imagine myself on the bean bag feelin’ comfortable watching TV so whilst moaning about that to Trina, she suggested that Wayne and I go to The Range and get whatever is necessary!!  So that’s what we did.  I had in mind just a huge bean bag that I could put my feet up on when I was sitting on the computer chair, or maybe one of those big cushions.  Instead I went home with a faux leather moon chair – which was huge and Wayne thought it was great and knew that Trina was gonna love it too!!
When we got back to the flats, Trina had finished cleaning the old one and asked me to inspect it.  She’d done a smashing job and it smelt lovely.  God bless her!!  After the inspection we closed the door and locked the flat for the last time – Trina said I didn’t look too upset about it.  Following all the crap I had, had to deal with since they decided to sell I think I was glad in a way – new beginning’s don’t you just love them??
As we made our way up to the new flat we passed that neighbour again, she asked how it was going, I said that we’d finished and now we were going to have food.  She told us to enjoy it.  We hadn’t eaten much since breakfast and we were all hot and tired.  It felt so good to sit down!!   The food arrived not long afterwards, but Trina and Wayne left not long after we finished.
After they left I tried to tidy up a bit but ended up sorting out a few bags!!  I was trying not to and to leave it till the next day but I kept going!!  I think it was gone 11pm when I finally gave up and went to bed.
SUNDAY – I spent most of my time sorting through the bags.  My method was to tip them up and sort the stuff into piles.  Doing it that way was okay but most of the time I was just creating more mess than I had started with.  Trina called and couldn’t believe I was still going, (I had the Monday off from work).  She and Wayne were collapsed, he was suffering badly with his arms and legs and that made me feel really guilty.
Eventually I found myself in a position where I could happily stop and sit down.  It was certainly a hectic weekend and I’ve actually been there for about 2 months now, although it doesn’t feel like it!!  It’s smaller but it’s not bad J  (p.s don’t think they’ve sold the other one yet!!)
That's all for today xx

Friday, 15 September 2006

Random Stuff

Hiya everyone xx

I wasn't gonna do an entry today but I was reading Deb's journal (link over there somewhere ;-) and she'd posted a game so I thought I'd take part - I'm a sucker for these questionnaire type things!

So what a crap week I've had - what about you guys?  Work was busy we've had the accounts this week so that's kept us going!!  As usual I've made stupid mistakes - which I haven't done for quite a while but have this time - I put that down to having a week off and the brain not functioning properly lol.....Mind is not on the job!!  I wanna be with my Queen mates..........we've all been emailing each other this week as the convention dates for next year have been announced.  It's in Somerset in March - not far to travel *woohoo*!!  I've booked my time off *double woohoo* Dan's doing a big group booking like he did last year so that should be a good laugh :-)

Not much else has happened - I've been in a bit of a downer mood all week so I can't tell you about anything fun that's happened coz it hasn't *boo* lol

I still have my cold but it's not a proper cold as I can still breath properly ~ I just feel like crap and sneeze a lot lol.............  Well I don't know what else to go on about so here's my response to Deb's game!!

Type the first 2 words that come into your can only type 2 less.

1. yourself: Shy, quiet

2. your husband: Don't have one (I know that's 3 words lol)

3. your hair: Brown, short

4. your mother: Respect, Lovely

5. your father: Git (says it all really lol)

6. your favorite items: Queen memorabilia

7. your dream last night: Don't remember

8. your favorite drink: Vodka coke

9. your car: non-existent

10. the room you are in: living room

11. your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: annoying creep

12. your fear: Die lonely

13. where you want to be in 10 years: Rich Healthy

14. what you're not:

15. your best friends: Trina Wayne

16. one of your wish list items: Roger Taylor

17. the last thing you did: read journal

18. what are you wearing: clothes slippers

19. your favorite weather: Sun breeze

20. your favorite zoo animals? Elephants Penguins

21. your thought for the day? Be happy

22. your favorite book: Rose Madder

23. last thing you ate:  yoghurt

24. your life: happy??

26. your body: too big

27. what are you thinking about right now: Dave Roger

28. your crush:  see above

29. what are you doing at the moment: filling this

30. your fall schedule:  Dunno

Right well I hope you enjoyed that!!  Why not take part ;-)  Go on you know you want too xx  I'm off for now - computer's going far too slowly for my liking!!

Take care peeps xx


Wednesday, 13 September 2006

Oh no...........(moving part 1)

Hi everyone - It is my duty to inform you that I think I have a dreaded lurgy!!  Yep that's right I've had a dodgy throat all day and feel very lifeless and energyless!!    Trina's got a cold so I reckon I caught it from her down the phone line lol.....  I'm trying to tell myself I'm not ill but it's not working!!  Let's hope I don't feel so bad tomorrow!!  Not that I'm doing anything specific ~ just don't wanna feel crappy again!!

So where've I got too??  Oh yeah, moving day!!  Enjoy xx

Eventually after much hassles and stress the moving date had finally reached me!!  My packing was on course and I thought that Trina would be proud of me once she turned up and saw what I had done.  I met Wayne after work and we drove to mine.  Kept receiving text messages from Trina saying she was going to be late.  So we amused ourselves with the latest Lost Prophets cd.  This was the next gig we were going to, well after Killerton Rocks but that didn’t really count.  I phoned the agent to find out when I would be getting the key for the new flat and he said about 9.45am.

We went to collect Trina about
6pm and drove round to the fish and chip shop.  Wayne and I got some food and Trina rung for her Chinese.  Back at mine, Wayne and I ate whilst Trina kept moaning that her food wasn’t there and that she did really want it even though she wasn’t really hungry.  As my late birthday present had turned up ‘Queen/Paul Rodgers Super Live in Japan’ DVD we watched a bit of this.  Wayne wasn’t impressed so went out to the car for a fag and had taken the Lost Prophets new album and inlay cover to learn the words – bless him!!  The DVD was good, especially Roger singing I was born to love you J  *big huge smile* unfortunately it was showing in black and white on my DVD player – (note to self take it to Trina’s and see if it does the same!! *updated note:  no it doesn’t DVD is now Trina’s*) and the 2nd disc has Roger’s misses on it grrrrrrrrrrrr………..much shouting at the TV lol It was lovely to see Michelle though (bless her R.I.P) Eventually Trina’s Chinese turned up so she was happy.  After showing Trina some stuff on the Internet and getting Wayne back in (who was chuffed that he knew the whole of the first song on the Prophets album), we decided to make our way up to the Quay.  It was the start of the festival so they had a band playing and lots of activities going on.
There was a main stage where some kind of soul band was playing things such as Stevie Wonder tracks (they were quite good actually!!) and there were lots and lots of people milling around.  I had never seen the Quay so busy.  We listened to the band for a while and then decided we needed alcohol!!  Found a couple of bars but both had really large queues, but we wanted a drink so we had to wait.  It felt like we had been waiting forever by the time we got served.  To make it worth while we brought two drinks each lol……………
With drinks in hand we went and found a spot by the river to sit down and wait for the main attraction - the fireworks!!  The more Trina and I have to drink the funnier everything becomes so we were having a right laugh.  Wayne suffers with cluster headaches and unfortunately alcohol either effects the medication he takes or triggers off the headaches (I can’t remember) so he is unable to drink but thinks we are hysterical once we get going.  It’s a bit sad that it only takes us two drinks lol………….  Anyway whilst we were waiting another band came on stage some drumming type thing.  Wayne and I went to look and they were like African drummers and were pretty cool J  some bloke came over to where we were sitting and warned us about the flare that will go off once the fireworks start.  That caused some hilarity and it hadn’t even gone off yet.  Some young kids heard what this bloke had said and we suddenly found ourselves moved away from the flare altogether lol……..
The fireworks started up sometime after half ten.  There was a board in the middle of the river which they were shooting off from.  I saw the flares happen on the other side but not the one below us.  Never mind lol…..It was absolutely brilliant as it appeared to be set to music – I thought there would be a bloke setting them off but nope they must’ve been on a timer or something.  There was all sorts firing off down the river and up into the sky.  The songs that were played were Franz Ferdinand’s Take Me Out and Keane’s Bedshaped.  At the end there was lots firing off at once and sounded just like gun fire – it really was amazing, colourful and is much better to be seen than to be read about mainly as I can’t describe it well enough to do it justice!!  It was disappointing that it had finished but it had probably cost a small fortune to set that lot off lol………..
We decided to head back towards the food stalls and get ourselves a hot dog (well Wayne and myself anyway, Trina was still stuffed from her Chinese).  We made our way back to mine, rather slowly as there was much laughing and over use of Trina’s favourite joke ‘supplies’ (don’t ask!!)  The laughter continued even when we had got back and feeling very tired I did eventually go to bed.  My last night in the old flat!!
Well I shall leave you there xx for now - gotta get another earlyish night!!
Take care peeps xx
I love this sig - thanks to chocolate cherried creations ~ link is other there in the links section xx

Tuesday, 12 September 2006

Back to work!!

Hello guys :-)  Hope your all ok - I have to say there is some fab entries in memory to the victims of the 9/11.

Unfortunately for me I am back to work this week after a fab week of meeting all my queenie mates (I really miss them, but only another 4 weeks and we'll all be back together again *yay*)  Anyhoo before I can tell you anymore about that I shall finish my Foo's story :-)

The next day I agreed to meet the guys for breakfast but when I woke up I couldn’t move – everything ached!!  The worst was my head but I had been head banging probably a little bit too much!!  Couldn’t believe it………………….
We managed to make it downstairs but Wayne admitted defeat and went back to bed for he too was suffering.  After breakfast and a shower and change I waited for the guys in their room.  Trina suggested that we needed a DVD or something to keep us going on our Foo High!!  Wayne and I thought this was a magnificent idea and so after checking out, we wandered round to the Trafford Centre.
We went into HMV and eventually managed to find exactly what we wanted.  A Live DVD J  apparently with 3 hours bonus footage and songs that I had wished they had done the previous day!!  (Told you there’s no pleasing me ;-)  I decided to get some blank tapes as I had a strange feeling I would need them!!  The bloke at the till saw my t-shirt and asked if the gig had been any good, my response ‘it was brilliant’.  Apparently he didn’t ask Trina or Wayne *evil laughter* after getting some cookies/muffins from the cookie stall we headed back to the car.
The journey home didn’t take too long but yet again we did run into traffic as there had been an accident.  Cars and a caravan involved – the caravan was split in two pretty much so goodness knows what happened!!
Once we got home Trina and Wayne stopped in for a drink and a watch of the DVD but only a few songs before going home themselves.
A brilliant weekend and definitely one of the best birthday pressies ever – love ya Trine (you can only top that by taking me to a Queen/Roger gig ;-) xx  Patiently waiting for the Foo’s to return now J  Definitely hooked and definitely gonna go again!!
Well that's it for the foo's story - Jan you'll be glad to know the moving update is next ;-) lol
till then peeps ~ have a good week xx I am off to catchup on the alerts and watch the freddie programme *yay freddie xx*

Thursday, 7 September 2006


I know these are long entries but I am going away for the weekend so you've got all that time to catch up ;-) aren't I kind LOL.............

Sunday continued..........

After much discussion (as we assumed there was going to be more mooshing during the foo’s) we decided to stay where we were until it got worse again!!  There was a rather large break this time with more people heading out and more and more people heading in.  We tried sitting down but eventually I gave up!!  Sarah continued to sit though – she needed to conserve her energy, but this bloke next to her kept making pointed digs about her being sat down and that if she was to stand up 5 people could stand there!!  I was getting angry with him and he must’ve been taller than me and built bigger too!!  I was feelin’ no fear, until Trina joined in.  Then it’s usually a case of shhhh, keep your head down and pretend you didn’t say anything………….lol I’m such a wimp really!!……….  These people were let past us but they couldn’t move any further forward so stood directly in front of us.  I was like ‘oh no don’t think so’ and tried to get them to move on as there were four of them and all about six foot tall apart from this one bloke.  Unfortunately they were really nice and kept talking to Trina and Wayne (who had let them through may I add), and the rather large bloke in front of me said that I could go in front.  I declined as on thinking about it my view would still be just as bad!!  I wish I was taller!!  Or at least had a barrier to lean on ;-)
The waiting got longer and longer (or at least felt like it!!)  At one point when I turned round to look at the crowd behind us this bloke let out this rather large sigh, which I found very amusing!!  There was a sign that the wait was getting shorter when they unveiled the foo’s banner at the top which was met with great applause ………….but no, this was a decoy to the amount of time we did have to wait.  Unfortunately the music in between the bands did nothing to soothe me as half the time you couldn’t tell what it was but they did play Gnarls Barclays Crazy which softened me for a few mins, but it was like a remix version and wasn’t as good………………….  My moaning and a sudden wave of tiredness continued.  Even the excitement of who was going to win the £2 wasn’t taking my mind off the fact that my feet were now killing me!!  I couldn’t carry on, I was tired – couldn’t stop yawning, aching all over, was getting annoyed with everyone and everything around me, was wet (people were chucking stuff all the time – god knows what!!) and starting to think I was feelin’ ill.  I couldn’t join in with the conversations going on and tried to get sympathy from Trina but to no joy!!
Just when I was reaching the last piece of strength in my body sometime between 9 – 9.30pm (Wayne won the pool for those of you who are interested!) A video was playing on the main screens, the excitement was building and suddenly the sounds of In Your Honour started coming out of the speakers.  A sudden burst of energy and excitement went washing over me!!  I couldn’t believe it – we’d been talking about them doing that song first and they did and it was unbelievable!!  As suspected I couldn’t see a thing – but this didn’t stop me from enjoying myself.  At some point the boys behind Sarah and I started mooshing – not quite as bad as what had happened during the Strokes but still rather annoying!!  About 3 or 4 songs in Wayne came and stood where Sarah was, and Trina moved me to where she had been standing (apparently trying to protect me lol) Wayne was more used to mooshers than we were and could put up with them doing it!!  (My view was still no better L lol – just never satisfied am I??)
When I wrote up my experiences at the QPR gigs I just told you the highlights and I think that’s what I’ll do now.  If I was to spout on anymore this could turn into a short novel lol……………..So here’s the highlights:
During one of the pauses Dave was talking to us about how they had played a week of gigs over here in the UK supposedly being the best at Hyde Park the day before (god knows why they added Manchester to their list but still…………) which was met by a chorus of boo’s.  I expect most of the boos were for the fact that it was north vs. south but Trina and I were booing for different reasons ………..(damn you Brian and roger lol)  After the boo’s had stopped he said very loudly ‘The crowd sucked’  which was met by loud applause, which is even funnier when you think some of those that had been at that gig where at this one too…..Then he went on about all the people they had play with them such as Queens of the Stone Age, Motor……….and his mic cut out!!  It was so funny – his face was a picture (which Trina managed to capture), even when the roadie came and changed it he just kept looking at this mic – (For info:  I could see that no probsJ) Once the mic had been changed he said ‘thanks Dave, everyone say thanks Dave’ so we did (to the roadie, he wasn’t thanking himself lol)!!  Anyway he went on more about the Hyde Park gig and who had turned up (but didn’t mention Queen???!!!).  He did mention at some point there was no better way than spending fathers day then in Manchester at that moment J  Bless him!!
They played loads of songs and most of them I surprised myself by knowing most of the words too as well.  Not having a very good view did not dampen my spirits so I threw myself into enjoying the gig as much as possible.  Jumping up and down, screaming (or is that trying to sing out of key??) and head banging.  Trina told me afterwards that the people in front were well impressed by me, probably because I was dieing before they came on and here I was a maniac!!  We needn’t have worried about atmosphere either as it was so good where we were standing!!
During another pause he thanked us for waiting in the rain and started saying that next time there should be free beer for everyone (applause) but that wasn’t going to happen (boooo) so he compromised and promised us one free beer each (yay).  Then started going on about how it would be a benefit concert, I was too busy videoing the speech so I missed what he said…. (That’s my excuse anyway!!)  He thanked the support bands and said that he saw us show them some love!! (How American lol)  Such as Eagles of Death metal (cheers), The Subways (more cheers), Angels and Airwaves (uh-oh boos) he was not amused at us booing and said something like they were his friends and anyone who wanted to argue about it could meet him backstage for a fight (I have to admit that I was a willing candidate for that ;-) and so on……………He also introduced us to the band, doing each one by saying ‘that’s Chris Shifflet on guitar, everybody say hi Chris’  ‘that’s Taylor Hawkins on drums everybody say hi Taylor’  ‘that’s Nate Mendel on bass everybody say hi Nate’  it was quite amusing!!  When Taylor did a drum thingy, Dave went on about him being the best drummer in the world and I did actually boo that lol……….No-one’s better that Roger!!
Taylor came to the front to sing ‘Cold Day in the Sun’ but before he started singing he did the ‘yay oh’s’ that Freddie used to do – Trina and I went berserk and screamed louder than we had all evening.
The tall people in front of me offered to take some pics for me as I was just holding my camera up and hoping for the best.  When Dave came out to the end of the catwalk for the last song, the lady took my camera and got a shot of just his legs ……..they told me I should’ve kept that one but I deleted it.  The next one she took I kept but it has a rather large hand in it – I should point out it’s not my hand!!
When Everlong finished fireworks started going off and signalled the end of the gig.  I was definitely feeling on a Foo High – it was the best gig ever and I was so glad that I had been there with Wayne, Trina and Sarah.  It was the BEST!!
We made our way out to the entrance to try and find a taxi.  My legs could hardly move but we managed to get out and have some chips J  Unfortunately all traffic around the cricket ground had been stopped so we hadto walk quite a way to find a taxi.  Trina kept trying the number our earlier driver had given her but they told her she probably wouldn’t get one.  Halfway along this road and crossing over I asked a policeman where we would be able to find a taxi, his response was ‘not here’!!  So helpful – and informed us to continue down that road to the traffic lights.  So we did!!
After much arguing, walking around, feeling tired and Trina begging to the aforementioned taxi company we finally got a taxi.  It had been an hour and a half wait!!  There had been other taxis but these where the ones we had been told to avoid!!  The driver wasn’t our original bloke from the morning but he was really nice and chatty.
We eventually got back to the hotel around 12ish/1ish and started watching highlights of the download festival on TV.  We even managed to remember most of the songs that were in the set list.
In Your Honour/This Is A Call/Monkey Wrench/My Hero/Up In Arms/Everlong/Stacked Actors/Breakout/Learn To Fly/Generator/All My Life/Times Like These/No Way Back/Best of You/DOA/Cold Day In The Sun/The One (not necessarily in that order!! I know they started with In Your Honour and finished with Everlong)
Have a good weekend peeps xx