Monday, 26 June 2006

Quick Update

Hi everyone - this is just a quick update to let you all know that I'm ok (apart from being utterly stressed out), and that I shall be offline until the forseeable future - something is not right with my computer and I need someone who knows about these things to take a look!!  Apart from that the flat situation isn't lookin' so good and I just give up with everything at the moment!!  Hopefully I'll get someone to look at the comp soon, I'm going spare without the internet!!  Plus I have so much to tell you all about!!

I am missing you all a lot and hope I'll be back to commenting as soon as possible :-)

Best wishes

Jen xx

Tuesday, 13 June 2006

Who'd have computers!!

This is a fairly quick update ~ don’t laugh I’m being serious ;-)  I’m having problems with my computer at home and the worst has happened.  Everytime I try to log onto AOL the stupid thing is rebooting itself or worse won’t recognise the modem.  I’ve tried everything I could think of to sort it out and I feel that as the whole thing is messing me about it’s time to do a system re-install arrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhh…………..  I know it’s a drastic measure and I don’t even wanna talk about all the stuff I’m gonna loose L  But it’s not talking my language and keeps telling me there’s faults here, there and everywhere so it’s the only thing I can do!!  I’m warning you coz I won’t be able to read the alerts and I shall be turning them off at least until next week.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


I shall miss you guys – it’s so horrible being offline but at least I won’t be home much during this week.  Tomorrow it’s my birthday – and yes I shall cry if I want to ;-)  LOL only joking………..well the way this week is going I wouldn’t be surprised if I did lol……..I am going out for a meal with Trina and Wayne and at the weekend we are going to see the Foo’s in Manchester YAY!!


Anyway just to bring you up to date ~ I’ve found a flat and the best news is it’s only 5 doors away!!  So at least I shall save on mover’s fee’s lol…….It is a little bit more expensive but it has a view of the river, built in wardrobes and a serving hatch from the kitchen to the living room J  Luxury lol……..  It’s on the second floor so I’ll get some exercise from the stairs which is a good thing!!  Been sorting it all out at the weekend after viewing it on Friday, I went and viewed another one on Saturday but didn’t like it and couldn’t stop thinking about the one I saw on Friday.  So I rang the agent on Saturday to say I’d take it ~ rung my current landlord to see if I have to wait for the two months to be up or can I go earlier etc etc……..In between those calls I was on the phone to Trina most of the time moaning and groaning lol……..So the moving ball is in motion and hopefully at the beginning of July I shall be in the new flat J  *fingers crossed*


Yesterday I tried ringing my bank to find out how much they charge for the agent to take up a banker’s reference ~ a simple enough question you would assume!!  OH NO!!  Woman I spoke to first didn’t know and put me through to some foreign sounding bloke who asked what I wanted from my account.  I explained it to him twice – the 2nd time speaking a bit slower (LOL that sounds bad doesn’t it??)  He said he would have to speak to his supervisor and then he hung up!!  Can you believe it??  I was not amused!!  I shall try again and if I can’t find out I shall have to go into the branch and moan at them!!


Anyhoo I shan’t babble on anymore – just wanted to update you J  I shall hopefully be back on line if not later in the week then definitely next week!  Until then my avid readers and friends take care xx


p.s if and when I can I shall be checking my emails if any of you wish to contact me for any reason whatsoever lol……………don’t feel you have to just coz I mentioned that…………..*rolls eyes at herself*


Best wishes to you all xx


Previous entry alert

Just in case you didn't get an alert for that last entry xx

Thursday, 8 June 2006

Tut Tut @ AOL

C'mon guys give me a reason to stay - that was directed at AOL obviously ;-)

Wireless Alert thingy for the last entry so just doing their job for them!!


Thanks Jeannette (travels) for letting me know xx

Takin' a Break

Hiya everyone x
Sorry for such a long delay since the last update but I've been concentrating on estate agents websites - well letting agents (same difference lol)  Plus I'm behind in the alerts again only up to Tuesday's and it's Friday tomorrow *tut tut*
Well let's bring you up to speed.........I went away for the weekend to London to meet my German friends and other Queen buddies (better write up about that will come at a later date, not in the mood to type it up yet lol) but for now I shall leave you with a piccie :-)  Me and my girlies - love to 'em all if their reading xx
Turned my mobile back on, during Monday when I came home to a message from the estate agents grrr......Also found they had put the for sale sign up whilst I was away - well if I wasn't depressed before I certainly was then!! 
Rung the estate agents back on Tuesday and apparently the couple who wanted to look round had changed their minds - yay!!  Spent Wednesday lunchtime outside and managed to pluck up the courage to ring a potential letting.  Got an appointment to view it on Saturday.  The ad says it's top floor with views over the riverside :-)  I left work at 4.30pm and took a walk to find it.  Managed to do so and the area seems nice.  It's residents parking but there is a parking meter on the road for days from 9-6 or something like that - so it wouldn't be too bad for Trina and Wayne to visit me :-)  Decided to email some letting agents to find out if certain flats were available.
Today at lunchtime as I'd not received any calls regarding my mails I checked my inbox and there was a response from one saying the two I'd enquired about were available.  So I thought I'd ring and book a viewing for one in particular.  Whilst I did the estate agents rung again for another viewing (their still not telling people there's a tennant!!)  Did I tell you about the first viewing lady??  My memory is useless!!  ~ checked blog apparently I haven't!!  Well she told me they hadn't told her I was a tennant and she got pretty miffed about it, she was in the market to buy to let and I said I wanted to stay on if she was to get it, think I put her off lol but she did say I looked comfortable here!!.........Anyway I another viewing was booked for this evening at 7pm!!
I rung this letting agent and asked about this flat and they said it is available and I said can I view it.  He asked some questions like do you work, how much do you earn a month etc.........when I told him he was like you do realise the rent is ?? a month and on top of that council tax will be ?? a month........I was like yes I do, it's just a little bit more than what I pay now and I manage - it was so patronising it's unbelieveable.  I have worked out my finances and I can afford it so I'm declaring war on him lol........  Anyway I'm viewing it tomorrow at 7pm.  He wants me to ring at 6.30pm to ensure the appointment is still going ahead.
So are you wondering about this one??  Well it's in the same area as the one I'm in now - only in the block next door but it has a view of the river and that's the one thing I don't have.  I really like the sound of it but I can visualise things going wrong especially with that bloke!!  It's a good job he's put me off ~ it could have the potential to depress me!!  Still two flats to see - fingers crossed peeps :-)
Well what else is there to tell you??  Nothing really life is being governed by flat hunting ~ if I'm not actively seeking I'm thinking about it!!  Oh the viewing tonight went ok, she's looking to downsize and has cats ~ she seemed quite interested but it's so hard to tell isn't it?  Oh and I checked their website last night and the sneeky gits took a pic whilst I was away  I'll just be glad to leave so they can take over their own damn viewings LOL.....
I think that's enough for one night........I shall attempt a write up of my weekend in London at some point - quiet at work at the mo so plenty of opportunity ;-) 
Until next time.........
Take care peeps xx