Monday, 31 October 2005

Down, Down, Deeper and Down

Happy halloween to all fellow journallers.

I'm losing my voice, didn't even realise it till I got to work, answered the phone and thought it sounded a bit gruffy.  Plus I'm really so I'm planning to log off pretty early and get to bed early!!  (believe it when I see it LOL)  I'm not gonna do much of an entry today, had a great weekend but am suffering for it today!!  Shall tell you more and show the photos another day...........

Just feelin' down (hence the title), Trina, god bless her, has been doing her best to make me smile and she usually succeeded so I'm probably just tired!!

Anyhoo thought I'd drop by and let you know the quiz results.  Oooooo I've not worked out the leader board........hang on................Right do apologise for the short interval........The scores for this round were:  Trina 13, Caff 19, Claudia 12, and Sara 13.  Which makes the leader board look like this:

Caff 72, Claudia 67, Sara 59 1/2, Trina 57, Denise 51, Sandra 45, Phil 44, Jan 19, Suzy 17, Jeannette 16.

So we have a new leader - well done Caff   New quiz on Wednesday!!

I'm sure there was more I was gonna tell you but it's just all popped out of my head grrrrrrrrr............Better go and read some more alerts ;-)

Take care everyone

Best wishes

  Jen xx

Wednesday, 26 October 2005

Get Ready to Ruuuuummbbbbblllllllleeeeeee

Hi Everyone - hope your week's are going okay? (That makes it sound like you've got more than one on the go - well you know what I mean LOL)

I am a happy bunny!!  If your a regular reader you'll probably remember that I was dead jealous of anyone having Sky One!!  Well last night my real player decided to play the video clips so I was able to watch it and I went to bed in an extremely good mood :-)  Today I've finished my book Bluebirds, not bad and I would recommend, easy reading and a happy ending what more could you ask for after all those people died!! After going to bed happy unfortunately though I had to wake up and go to work, damn it!!

Pauline's back from her holiday and of course, without disappointing she was in a rotten mood!!  The only good thing about this is I only have to put up with it tomorrow coz I'm off on Friday woohoo :-)  Spending the day with mum and then off to Bristol for the weekend.

That means of course I shall once again fall behind on the ol' alerts.  I'm not doing too well with them at the moment.  I don't know what it is I never seem to be up to date with anything the roger board, alerts, emails in general, my washing up and general tidying of the flat,  it makes me wonder what I'm doing in the evenings LOL...........

Still no gromit mug by the way - have found out that only certain stores have them - *tut* they don't tell you that on the advert do they??  I am going to have to catch two buses to get to Tescos and see if they've got any!!  That sounds like desperation doesn't it??

Have you been voting in the next round of journal awards?  I couldn't believe it last night I thought I'd pick one of the nominee's at random to see what it was like and the first thing I see once I've clicked the link is the guy has Brian May in his favourites - how cool is that??!!  LOL............

Right well as you know it's quiz night................(damn me having the tv on at the same time...........!!  I must concentrate on my journal LOL)  Here's the questions, if your taking part don't forget to EMAIL your answers :-)

1 - Clive Rice played cricket for which country? South Africa

2 - The green jacket is presented to the winner of which event? US Masters

3 - Gnocchi is a food from which country? Italy

4 - Which British jockey was jailed for tax evasion in 1987? Lester Pigott

5 - You Can't Hurry Love was the first no 1 for which male singer? Phil Collins

6 - Which Rik starred in The New Statesman? Mayall

7 - Michael French left which soap to star as Slade in Crime Traveller? Eastenders

8 - The three Christian brothers founded which group? The Christians

9 - What colour wine goes into sangria? Red

10 - In which decade did the driving test introduce a written section? 1990's

11 - In verse, which bells said You owe me five farthings? St Martin's

12 - Who was Ginger Roger's most famous screen partner? Fred Astaire

13 - Which pianist Russ had a 50s No 1.?  Conway

14 - Which green plant is widely seen on St. Patricks day?  Shamrock

15 - Who sang with Elton John on True Love? Kiki Dee

16 - On which radio station does Jimmy Young have a morning show? Radio 2

17 - Which Pat was flat racing's champion jockey in 1993? Eddery

18 - The warmth rating of what is measured in togs?  Duvets

19 - The song Memory comes from which musical?  Cats

20 - How many feet in a nautical mile?  6,080

Well that's it for today, Good Luck and don't forget to email your answers!!

Take care everyone


Jen xx


P.s this is just personal but been watching the NTA's on ITV and I reckon Peter and Paddy were robbed of the comedy award.  I would say that though, but only coz I don't find Little Britain funny!! 

Sunday, 23 October 2005


Hi Everyone - Firstly congratulations  to all those who have been nominated in the journal awards.  It was nice to see so many of the journals I voted for in amongst those!!  I think this next round is going to be difficult ;-)

So it's been a fairly quiet weekend.  Trina's taken Wayne to watch a football match as part of his thirtieth birthday.  I have no idea when they are due back - it's weird not to have any contact with her!!  Still I'm gonna see her next weekend so I shan't moan too much LOL........

What've I been up to then??  Well work was a nightmare on Friday both team leader and I were VERY stressed.  So many people rang up with bizarre queries but the answers were just not easy to find and just when you think you were getting somewhere the phone went again!!  The most annoying was this bloke (or at least we think it was a bloke ;-) rang up to say we were taking Direct Debits from his dad's account.  I explained that this was not the case as his mum was no longer having charges raised and therefore no DD could be taken.  He was adament that it was us and our fault.  Eventually I asked what it said on the bank statement and he said that his father had told him it was us.  I gave him the number of a district office as they may have taken it.

He came back to us through the other team at the end of the office, this time he was transferred to our team leader.  She said the same as me!!  He came back a third time through to myself!!  Eventually he caved in and suggested that he goes and has a look at the bank statment himself!!  uh duh I suggested he does that in the first place..........We expected him to come back in the afternoon, luckily he didn't!!  Pray for no phone calls tomorrow!!  I also had to write a letter of apology as this woman shouted at me down the really was a day for it on Friday

I left earlish on Friday and made my way into town.  Jeez the traffic, I'm so glad I walk to work!!  Couldn't handle that everyday - mind you when it gets darker in the evenings I shall have too!!  Grrrrrrrr.......Managed to take the trousers back no probs!!

Saturday I cleaned the flat, did my shopping (still no gromit mug ), came back and dyed my hair!!  The colour was mocha and a garnier essentials :-)  It's darker than it was which is cool!!  Didn't do anything else significant worth telling you!!  Outraged regarding x-factor........Yay at Bullseye being on the gameshow marathon.  Couldn't watch it without laughing........if any of you have seen Peter Kay live at Bolton Albert Halls you'll know what I'm on about ;-)  If you haven't seen that - go out and get it :-)  I couldn't watch it properly though I wanted to know what was going on in Casualty, otherwise it would've been the 3rd week in a row of not watching it and that's just not right!!

Today I went for a walk up to Somerfield (still no gromit mugs !!  I'm thinking about wording a letter of complaint to PG, mind you there was an empty space on the shelf so I wondered if they did have some but don't anymore!!)  then went to the Range and got a frame for Cat's pressie for the princely sum of £2.09 LOL.........I really must start working on that, I've only got till Friday!!

Can't wait to get the DVD (Queen one that is ;-) *stop reading here Trina* Apparently there is a close up of yours truely and my condom catching incident is on there - how COOL is that!!  Hopefully gonna see it at the weekend - have to wait till xmas to own it!!  Shall probably ask Trina to get it for me, gonna ask my brother to get unofficial ones and mum to get Peter Kay live at Manchester, wasn't gonna bother with that one but I like the look of the extras!!  Oooooooo and Max and Paddy's fitness dvd whenever that comes out LOL............  Lotta watchin' over the xmas period me thinks :-)

Onto the quiz!!  Thanks to those who are taking part - hope your enjoying it :-)  Also thanks for the answers coz they make me laugh!!  Anyway I've put the answers up and here's what people scored:

In no particular order:  Phil 13, Claudia 16, Sara 9 1/2, Trina 17, Sandra 14, Caff 18, and Denise 15.

So that makes the leader board look like this:

1  Claudia - 55

2  Caff - 53

3 Denise - 51

4 Sara - 46 1/2

5 Sandra - 45

6 Phil/Trina - 44

7 Jan - 19

8 Suzy - 17

9 Jeannette - 16

So Claudia's hanging onto her top spot!!  Can Caff beat her next week?  Stay tuned to find out :-)

Hope you all have a good week

Take care

 Jen xx

Wednesday, 19 October 2005

Just the usual madness!

Alright??  So it's Wednesday and you know what that means!!  Yep it's quiz night..............

News first!!  Apparently about 6am this morning there was an almighty thunder storm, torrential rain etc, guess who slept through it??  *big grin* yep yours truely!!  So glad!!  I need my sleep!!  Was obviously worth not going to bed too early last night!!  After I logged off I thought I'd sit down and watch a bit of tv - ended up sewing my t-shirt back together :-)  Gettin' good at sewing me!!  Saying that I don't know how long it will last the stichin' was a bit haphazard!!  Thought I might be able to sew my jeans too but no such luck!!  Just wear them around the flat then me thinks.

Everyone was talking about the thunder though!!  I remember something waking me up but I was too dozey to care and went back to sleep.  I remember hearing a gurgling noise and wondered if it was the drains outside or my loo..........When the alarm went off the people on the radio were saying how bad the weather was like an hour ago.  Some part of town was flooded!!  Anyway I slept through it and that's what counts.  :-)

Calculated my finances last night!!  They are not looking very good at all!!  Especially as I have to go away next weekend for a birthday bash!!  At least the pressie isn't too expensive ;-)  Have something in mind see........

Work didn't go too well today, brain was not connected to fingers for a start!!  Snacking after lunch went out the window too coz James brought in a packet of cookies and team leader brought back hot cross buns :-)  Didn't do any real exercise tonight - perhaps I should try those trousers back on LOL.........Ooooooooo that reminds me I must look at the returns policy thing and if there's a time limit to it!!  Need that money back!!

Well I shall stop divering and just point out a couple of things - I know most of my readers would've checked out Jeannettes map but if you haven't make sure you do so coz it's really cool :-) ---------> link over there somewhere!!  Secondly here's a game for you all  a bit addictive and aren't the little guys cute ;-)

Onwards and upwards to the quiz!!  Usual rules apply 20 questions blah blah don't forget to EMAIL your answers through to me!!  Denise try not to forget this week hun xx

1) Which Elton John song includes the words 'Goodbye Norman Jean?'  Candle In The Wind

2) Who is R2D2's robot companion in Star Wars?  C3PO

3) If you were in France and crossed La Manche, where would you be?  England

4) Which Pink character appeared in three top films of the 70's?  Pink Panther

5) June Croft is associated with which sport?  Swimming

6) If you practised callisthenics what type of activity would you be doing?  Keep Fit

7) The letter R is on which row of a typewriter or computer keyboard?  Top letters row

8) Who was Bristish monarch throughout the Second World War?  George VI

9) Which German player effectively created the sweeper role?  (hint: in football)  Franz Beckenbauer

10) Which prime minister held office first - Eden or Macmillan?  Eden

11) In mammals, the Asian elephant is second but man has the longest - what?  Lifespan

12) The characters Alf, Else, and Rita appeared in which TV series?  Till Death Us Do Part

13) Who recorded Rubber Soul?  The Beatles

14) Desmond Douglas is associated with which sport?  Table Tennis

15) Which Clive chaired, 'Whose Line is It Anyway?'  Anderson

16) Diaghilev was associated with which brand of the arts?  Ballet

17) In rugby, what did Keighley add to their name in the 90's?  Cougars

18) Which Attenborough brother directed Gandhi?  Richard

19) Agar-agar is a type of gelatine made from what?  Seaweed

20) What is the first name of the supermodel Ms Turlington?  Christy

Right that's your lot - bit of a mixed bag me thinks!!  Good luck peeps :-)

Take care

Jen xx

p.s still no gromit mug :-(

Tuesday, 18 October 2005


Hi - Don't have much to say just had it in my head to make an entry!  I suddenly realised that I haven't posted the quiz answers I better do that LOL..........New quiz tomorrow peeps (if I remember ;-)!!

Did you see that rain this morning??  Guess who walked to work?  Yep yours truely!!  I have a new weapon you see (something I forgot to mention from the shopping trip on Saturday!!) and I nearly had to use it on the way home but that's another story!!  I brought a golfing umbrella from Woolies :-)  I didn't get wet at all!!  Plus I must've saved myself like £2 from not taking the bus!!  I said to my team leader the brollies gonna pay for itself!!  LOL.........

So why did I nearly have to use it??  Bicyclist!!  My new word LOL......Can't be bothered to say cyclist!!  I was happily walking along (listening to my walkman as usual), this was on the way home and it wasn't raining at this point.  I looked round like I usually do to make sure no-ones behind me trying to get past.  Anyway I look and a bicyclist is behind me so I move out of the way, but to begin with I was shocked he was there so it took me a few seconds to move.  As he went past he was shaking his head................. What was that about??!!  I moved - I tell you something they shouldn't get angry with me when I have my big brolly.  Put that in their spokes and they won't be angry anymore will they??  (sorry just had to get that off my chest!!)

Worked quite hard today!!  Paulines on hols until next Wednesday!!  Feelin' quite tired - I should go to bed but I wanted to post an entry!!  There is so much to do and read on the internet, most of my evenings are taken up by it LOL..........

Ooooooo that reminds me - I got the results back from the test I went for the other week and they've come back normal - which is good news *yay*

I think I might dye my hair again at the weekend.  I was gettin' it cut on Saturday and the light that was in there wasn't flattering for my hair - the top is covered in grey it's so depressing!!

I'm still not getting my comment alerts.  A few but not all of them - I must look into that.  My computer is playing silly bananas at the moment!!  It takes two attempts to turn the flippin thing off!!  It won't do the disk defragmenter thing - only reaches 4% and won't go any further.  I turned it on at 10am on Sunday to do it by 3pm it was still on 4%. Grrrrrrrrrrr.................I think maybe I should do a system restore but I can't be bothered with that at the moment!!  I can access the internet and that's the main thing :-)

I seem to be going on a bit in this entry aren't I??  I think I should go to bed and try to wake up in a more cheerful mood LOL.........Don't you find it hard to get up at the mo, in the dark?? I soooooooooo want to stay under my duvet!!

Anyhoo.............time to go!

Take care all xx

 Jen xx

p.s better go and update the answers to the quiz!!

Sunday, 16 October 2005

The Weekend

Hey all!!  So the quiz has finished - I'm guessing that those who wanted to take part have done so (apart from Trina!!  I'm being mean where she's regarded ;-)  So here's the results:

Jan 9, Sara 13, Sandra 17, Claudia 14, Caff 16, Phil 16

So that makes the leader board look like this:

Claudia - 39

Sara - 37

Denise - 36

Caff - 35

Sandra/Phil - 31

Trina - 27

Jan - 19

Suzy - 17

Jeannette - 16

So we have a new leader - well done Claudia!!   (I wonder if she'll win the prize ;-) It's a shame she's on her hols, I think I'll send her an email so she'll know that she was in the lead at one point!!  :-)  New quiz on Wednesday!!

So the weekend has come and gone...........I must say that yesterday everything kept going right and I was loving it!!  Oh before I forget I too had the pressie from AOL that Sara got!!  I can't be upgraded either - what I thought was funny was I didn't even know they were trying LOL..............Anyway then I went and did my big shop, and got to the checkout and the woman asked if I was saving my nectar points.   I said no, and the bill which was £28 something turned into £15 something.  How cool is that - well surprised I was!!

Back to yesterday, went to get my hair cut.  Thinking I was gonna be in there for hours but came out in about 1/2 an hour.  Didn't like the way she did my fringe, but I think my fringe is a sore spot with me, can never get it right!!  Then I went up town, with a few missions inmind.  I managed to fulfill them all :-)  I brought a sieve for the next time Trina and I have rice, and a new pair of trousers for work!  I am sure there was something else but I can't think of it.............I didn't manage to get any more hoover bags but I managed to clear some room in the one I have to make the hoover work better :-) 

And...................if you think it ends there your wrong!!  This pair of trousers that I brought for work, well basically I tried two pairs on!!  I really liked one pair that were really comfortable but were too wide in the leg.  The other pair were too thin for my liking, it's gonna get cold going to work and I can't have cold legs can I??  So I decided to go for the thin pair in the end but I went back to the trousers and saw this pair hanging up that I thought were like the other pair that I'd rejected (are you keeping up with me??) So I paid, got them home, realised they were a totally different kind anyway!!  So tried them on and guess what??  They are TOO BIG!!  I did buy them in my usual size so putting two and two together it obviously means I've lost weight  All I've been doing is my exercise video, walking to work and not snacking between lunch and tea, which is difficult not to do especially when I get home in the evening.  The temptation to sit down with a cuppa and eat something!!  Anyhoo I have to take this pair back!!  I'm estatic and I have found a formula that works for me ;-)

Then coz I was on a high and it was an absolutely beautiful day I went for a small walk and sat on a bench near the river and tried to read my book for about 1/2 an hour.  I say tried, but because I'm a people watcher whenever someone walked past me I was watching them and stopped reading...............*rolls eyes*!!

Today I've done nothing.  Well i tell a lie!!  I went round to Sainsbury's to get some t-bags.  I saw an advert last night that says you get pg tips and get a gromit heat up nose mug.  So there was me really lookin' forward to it, but do you think I could find one?? No!!  I wonder if I saw the advert wrong!! Never mind I shall keep an eye out for it coz I really want one :-)  I did manage to get some Disney kitchen roll LOL.........a big softie at heart me!!

I haven't posted the answers to the quiz, as Trina wanted to have a go!!  Her score won't count but she can have a go  *mean laughter*

What else is there to tell you?  Nothing I shall leave you here, hope you all had a good weekend!

Take care xx

 Jen x

Thursday, 13 October 2005

Yay me!!

Hi everyone

I'm feeling pretty good about myself in a mo!!  This all stems from the team day, which as you know was today so I thought I'd post an entry  to tell you about it (and bore you rigid no doubt!) before I forget something.............I won't tell you all of it!!

First off we had it at Padbrook Park, which was opened by Joss Stone at some point this year (I know that coz I heard it on the local radio at the time ;-) if your interested!!  Especially those golfers out there!!  Mind you if you do go I don't reccommend getting an alcholic drink there, apparently it's like £2 something for a half!!  So I was told.................But £15 for a 3 course meal which isn't bad........apparently, I'm not very knowledgeable in those aspects!!

Anyway the first exercise we did was bingo, you had to go round the room ticking off things when you asked people questions.  For some reason everyone kept asking me if I sing in the bath or shower??!!  Do I look like the type of person who does that!!  When I looked at the list I thought immediately of listen to music, coz I walk to work listening to my walkman, obviously their minds don't think like that!!  Anyway of course I answered yes!!  Don't we all ;-)  I managed to get two full lines, trouble was we couldn't find anyone who could wiggle their ears.  Pauline said she could if she held them LOL...............

Next was a horse race.  We had to work in teams to find out the order of the horse race.  The team I was in finished within 15 mins and the bloke doing the course was well impressed!!  If only he knew!!  Katherine had done the thingy before so she knew the basic formula and we just followed her leadership which worked :-)  Nearly started an argument with another team.............sad losers.........LOL............

After a break for danish and tea :-)  the squiggly square exercise came up!!  Don't get too excited, it wasn't as great as it sounded!!  Basically he had four shapes, a green circle, a blue square, a (supposed to be yellow but it didn't show up) orange squiggle and a red triangle.  We had to go and stand in the corner of the room which corresponded to the shape we thought we were most like.  I was torn between the circle and the squiggle, but i went with the circle.  He then read out what it meant.  Apparently circles motto is 'don't worry be happy' I'd go along with that.  The reason I was torn between them is because squiggles are creative ones!!  That explained a lot :-)  It was good coz our little team were all split into different sections which shows we must work well together!!  Pauline was a blue square, Mary was a squiggle and I was a circle!!

Later we had to build a crazy golf run.  Spilt into 5 teams we all had to build different parts of this run.  All we had to build them was cardboard, string, sellotape, paperclips, you get the idea!!  Luckily our team had the end of the run.  A straight line and something to catch the ball in!!  The others had the difficult bit.  We finished ours pretty quickly and it worked and was the right lenght etc.  So we started decorating it with foxes wrappers and saying it was sponsored by them LOL............Then J (manager) decided to come up with the idea of writing something on the side.  She'd already added a little flag at the end with the word 'yippee' on it!!  So on one side they wrote Julian's Patented Ball Track (he's the boss!) and one the other side 'Julian's Balls R Best!!' LOL............When they put all the finished bits together it worked and the blokie was well impressed :-)

(this is turning into a long entry I do apologise!!) We had lunch which was either roast lamb or fish and chips followed by mousse or chocolate fudge cake.............mmmmmmmmmmm..........when all we expected was sandwiches!!  We had to write 3 things which we thought described us best at work, then stick this to our backs and people could tick the ones they agree with or write something postive.  The term for this was 'positive stroking' apparently!!   A good giggle was had at that ;-)  I was told I was patient so I wrote the following three things - Patience, Sense of Humour (all 3 of the team I'm in wrote that one day :-)  Pauline added Warped to hers LOL), and Good Listener.  Went round the room, came back and read what they'd written.  I had 13 ticks for patient, 11 for SofH, and GL.  People had also added Helpful, Loyal, Calm, Thoughtful (which the boss added, totally agree with that!!), Very good listener.  All very positive but the one I felt the best about and still do, under sense of humour someone's written 'quietly commical' I LIKE THAT!!  Thinking about it now it could be taken in a nasty way but I'm not gonna think like that no more!!  I reckon it's coming from all the comeidians I've been watching lately.......................

Still I've come away from the day thinking I'm a really good worker and they are LUCKY to have me, big headed too LOL......... Seriously I do feel good about myself and that's good isn't it?  It won't last but never mind.................

Take care everyone and I do apologise if I've bored you all!

  Watch out for those penguins!!

Jen xx

Wednesday, 12 October 2005


Hiya Everyone!!

Just a quick posting as tonight is quiz night!!  First a little chit chat between friends :-)  I've noticed that I don't appear to be receiving any alerts for comments - well maybe one or two!!  It's quite disappointing as I think no-ones reading   I shall have to go and investigate the here to help journal and see if there's any pearls of wisdom over there!

Did you see that rain today?  I couldn't believe it!!  You know how I walked home yesterday, well it started belting down when I left this morning so I resign myself to having to catch the bus and I get more soaked walking from my flat to the bus stop, than I did walking home last night!!  I walked home again tonight and didn't get very wet at all!!  I hate catching the bus to work especially when it's raining.  Firstly I don't get there till about 9.15am, if I was walking I'd be there by 8.45am.  Secondly the money aspect, and thirdly there's those people that say 'oh it's busy but only coz it's raining''s not our fault it's raining!!  We don't really want to catch your precious bus and if we had a choice we wouldn't!!  I was thinking about purchasing one of those golfing umbrellas, mainly coz when I reached the bus stop it died off a bit double

Had a good day at work - brain was working LOL.......managed to balance accounts that I wouldn't have done about a month ago ;-)  Learning all the time see..........Team day tomorrow and team leader and I will be lucky if we make it there!!  Lady we're supposed to catching a lift from is not feeling well and went to the docs today!!  She doesn't have team leaders phone number so we could be waiting for ages for someone whose not turning up LOL.........Anyway I shall probably post on Friday to let you know how it went :-)  Bet you can't wait for that one.............

Stop babbling jen and get on with the quiz - right here we go 20 questions EMAIL ME your answers!!

1) Who made the 'wind of change' speech?  Harold Macmillan

2) Elvis Costello was born in which country?  UK

3) Which planet is closest to the sun?  Mercury

4) Who sang 'Like a Virgin'?  Madonna

5) Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker and Jack Bruce formed which group?  Cream

6) Jack the Ripper operated in which city?  London

7) Which Mia married Andre Previn?  Farrow

8) In which series did the London copper say 'Evening, all?'  Dixon of Dock Green

9) How many yards in an acre?  4,840

10) Who won a BAFTA for his role in Lawrence of Arabia but not an Oscar?  Peter O'Toole

11) Who was the outgoing American President when Bill Clinton took office?  George Bush snr

12) Which British daily paper was founded in the 1960's?  The Sun

13) Michael Hutchence dated which model Helena before Paula Yates?  Christeanson (wrong spelling, can't read what I wrote)

14) Who was the first female presenter of 'Desert Island Discs'?  Sue Lawley

15) Ian Botham first played for which county?  Somerset

16) In which country is the city of Alburquerque?  USA

17) Which Spaniard won a British Open at golf?  Severiano Ballesteros

18) Tony Blair is MP for which constituency?  Sedgefield

19) Whose first chart success was 'Your Song'?  Elton John

20) In Dad's army who called Sgt Wilson Uncle Arthur?  Pike

That wasn't really gonna be number 20 but I couldn't put the original one down coz it would've given the answer to number 19!!  Some of them were tough!!  Still in the easy section of the book though so you have no excuses!! LOL............

Don't forget if your taking part EMAIL me your answers and I shall post up the scores on Sunday or Saturday :-)  GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!

Well take care xx

Tuesday, 11 October 2005

Another Day Gone Past......

Hiya Peeps - how's it goin'??

One day I swear I will catch up on my journal reading!!  I keep thinking I'll do it during lunch but by the time lunch is over I've managed to read about 4 entries and that's it!!  In the evening's I seem to be wasting my time searching for other things on t'internet!!  Never mind - these new fads will NEVER last and I'll be up to date then LOL.......

So what's new and exciting in my world since I last typed you a message............Nothing!!  Oooooooo I tell a lie......big excitement this evening, when I was putting my washing away I found my Gromit :-)  So he's been rescued from the cupboard!!  I did think about taking Shaun out as well but decided against it...........You must remember Shaun the sheep from A Close Shave??!!  Wasn't it sad to hear about their studio place going up in smoke.  Luckily the characters are on tour at the mo coz of the film but all that history gone, just like that!!

My Nan rung me this evening.  She seems to have it in her head that I was gonna visit her in November..........God do I feel guilty now!!  I can't help it if I can't afford to visit her can I??  It's one of those times when I wished I could drive and I'd just jump in the car and go!!  But coz I can't I have to plan down to the last detail..........One day I'll get there!!  I am worried about her though coz she must be getting weaker and now she's got a cold!!  I know colds are bad but when your weak it's hard to get rid of isn't it?? 

Busy at work at the mo!!  Accounts..........There's not much more to be said about that!!  Like I said in the previous entry we have our team day on Thursday and we've been sent the itinerary!!  I'm soooooooooo not looking forward to it.  It's gonna be all team building exercises - take the first one we're doing for example - squiggly square exercise - what's all that about??  I don't wanna know LOL........ Still at least I've got my lift sorted, just need to figure out what I'm wearing now LOL.......Oooo the trials and tribulations that is me!!

I shall put up a new quiz tomorrow :-)  Sowatch out for it folks!!

I got wet walking home but I managed to save myself at least 2 quid  :-)  It's funny when I get an idea in my head I usually have to do it.  Like I was thinking I wanna walk home, so I did even though it was chucking it down LOL.....Thing is though, it's fairly sheltered for most of the walk home, until I get to the riverside and the rain mixed in with the wind and got worse!!  Still better when I'm going home than if I was going to work and would have to sit there all day in wet clothes - yuk!!

Still reading the same book - lots of people are dying in it!!  (That's a cheerful topic for you!!)  It's quite sad really but I hope all the main characters live to the end.......

Did anyone watch Mastermind?  Some bloke's specialist subject was Queen :-)  I managed to get 9 right *woohoo* Yay me!!  He did better he got something like 16.  But when I didn't get one I was shocked and so didn't hear the next question..........Good job I wasn't there for real!!

Anyway as I don't know what else to bore you with I shall say.........

ta-ta for now :-)

Take care peeps xx

Sunday, 9 October 2005

Quiz results and stuff!!

So I've put the Quiz Results up and the final scores are............

Denise aka Wobblymoo - 19

Caff aka Iklemisssexpot - 19

Trina aka bestmate - 17 (glad she's not scoring more don't want you lot accusing me of having a favourite ;-)

Jeannette aka Jeanno - 16

Claudia aka IrisClyde - 16

Phil aka Scribbler - 15

Sara aka Sarajanesmiles - 12

Jan aka Jeadie - 10

Well done everyone (new quiz on Wednesday or Tuesday ;-)

So this makes the leader board look like this:

Denise - 36, Trina - 27, Claudia - 25, Sara - 24, Caff - 19, Suzy - 17, Jeannette - 16, Phil - 15, Sandra - 14, Jan - 10

So Denise is winning - will she win the prize in the end - stay tuned to find out :-)

I've not done much this weekend!  Yesterday Trina and I went to the cinema to see the new Wallace and Gromit movie, (the preview)!!  It wasn't too packed which was good :-)  The movie is great, typical wallace and gromit.  I won't say too much coz (Around the world in 80 days in the documentary countdown - loved that programme :-), I expect you will be going to see it.  What I shall say is the bunnies are cute and Peter Kay as PC Mackintosh is the BEST!!  There are some jokes for the adults and some for the kids, definitely reccommended!!

Today I've finished a letter and making new wallpaper!!  Here's what I've come up with.........

 a mixture one again!!

 Friends - an Ode to this year :-)

I'm sure there was a lot more I was gonna talk to you about but I can't remember any of it LOL..........*rolls eyes*

Things to look forward to this week - team day (sarcastic) woohoo!!  Still at least we have the accounts to keep us busy this week!!  What a nice feelin' to know there's work on my desk when I go in tomorrow!!  Not that I wanna go in but still..............(what is up with me and exclamation marks??) 

Max and Paddy DVD is no 2 in the DVD charts!!  If you have sky one and are currently watching 'The Match' give a cheer for Paddy from me!!  He's probably still on the bench and I understand the legends are winning but still cheer for me :-)  Thanks to the person that does that - much appreciation!!

Queen played aruba this weekend.  Sarah's over there and from the photos she's posted it looks great - wish I could've gone!  :-(  Never mind eh??

Well don't know what else to say so I shall leave you guys here!!  Looking forward to the second round of nominating in the journal awards and to see whose up :-)  Good luck everyone............

Best wishes  xx

Wednesday, 5 October 2005


So it's that time of the week - I promised you all yesterday that I would post a quiz today (and big thanks to jeadie for reminding me ;-)!!  Firstly I just wanna go yay!!  Trina and I are going to see the Wallace and Gromit movie at the weekend.  I can't wait haven't been to the cinema for ages.

I shall be submitting my votes for the journal awards soon - haven't voted in every category, I must say for a first timer like me it's all a bit daunting!!

Not much else to report - a week to go for a the team day ugh!!  So not looking forward to that - I have no idea how I'm getting there for a start!!

Anyway onwards and upwards.....................Quiz Time - 20 questions, email me your answers - Good luck!!  :-)

1)  How many zeros in a million written in digits? Six

2) What name is given to a small, portable computer? Laptop

3)  In the 70's which future MP had a shaved head to play a Tudor monarch? Glenda Jackson

4) Who played the head of the Corleone family in The Godfather? Marlon Brando

5)  Which TV show has an anagram puzzle called the Conundrum? Countdown

6)  Which Ben won the US Masters in 1995? Crenshaw

7)  In Cockney rhyming slang what are 'plates of meat'? Feet

8)  Which Anne presents 'Watchdog'?  Robinson

9)  Which Michael won an Oscar for Best Actor in Wall Street? Douglas

10)  Reykjavik is the capital of which country? Iceland

11)  Live Aid raised money for famine relief in which country? Ethiopia

12)  What colour was Bombalurina's teeny-weeny polka-dot bikini? Yellow

13)  Which vitamin deficiency was responsible for scurvy? C

14) Charles Dodgson wrote his classic children's story under what name?  Lewis Carroll

15)  What colour was the contestant's chair in 'Mastermind'?  Black

16)  Which actress married Andre Agassi in 1997?  Brooke Shields

17)  In the 90s who had a No1 with Some Might Say?  Oasis

18)  Which Gaby Roslin game show has contestants aiming to fulfil an ambition?  Whatever You Want

19)  Which country does Ian Baker-Finch come from?  Australia

20)  Which classical overture became the 'Lone Ranger' theme?  William Tell Overture


Well I hope you've done ok!!  See you later on in the week with the answers and I shall probably post another entry before that anyway :-)

Take care

Best wishes

Tuesday, 4 October 2005

Quick Entry

How are you all??  This is just a quickie to thank you all for the well wishes for my appraisal!!  I had it today at 11am.

I am very relieved to tell you it went really well My Team Leader had written out the form for me and we just talked about it - we were done by 11.20am so stayed in the room for a chat for 10 mins LOL......

She said that I am 'easy going' which was great to hear and she said that she was glad I choose to stay as she thinks the team work well.  Pauline had said something to me in the morning and as usual things had been taken in the wrong context so she had mentioned it to the TL to bring up.  Apparently she's always been like that and if you don't let it get to you then it's okay!!  She even knows she's doing it LOL........I said that I think it works both ways, coz a couple of times I've said things this week and Pauline's taken it the wrong way and as long as you take it like a pinch of salt or whatever then no harms done.

I have to say I felt really positive about it all when I came out.  Funny to think on Monday I was looking at the jobs bulletin.  Well the job is still annoyingly boring so I shall keep an eye out.  Besides when it went on about career in the appraisal form I said I don't have a clue.  I don't - I think maybe a year ago I had something in my head but not anymore!!  The only career I want I can't really have unless I knuckle down and do something about it.  Seeing as how I'm such a lazy person that ain't really gonna happen.  At the end of the day as long as I can pay the rent and eat then we're okay!  Oh and afford to see Queen shows :-)

Well I said this was gonna be a quick entry!!  My backs hurting (obviously doing far too much exercise!) and I have washing up to do, coz due to slackness it wasn't done earlier!!

Take care everyone xx

P.s Quiz tomorrow

Best wishes

Sunday, 2 October 2005

Lazy and Bored

How's you all doin'?

Firstly thanks to those of you who took part in the quiz - you'll see I've added the answers to the last entry!!  I don't have excel or word so I've made a leader board in paint LOL............and here it is!! ...................Well I did make a leader board and it's rubbish so I shall just tell you who scored what by using a different font and some colour ;-) 

Denise aka Wobblymoo = 17

Suzy aka SuzyH73 = 17

Sandra aka Labdancer51 = 14

Sara aka Sarajanesmiles = 12

Trina aka jensbestmate = 10

Claudia aka Irisclyde = 9

Well done Denise and Suzy - so we have a tie on our first match!!  I think I shall have to think of a prize to send to the person with the highest score at Xmas ;-)  There's a thingy (sorry can't remember the word) for you to keep playing -  oooooooooo I think the words incentive  LOL..............  Next quiz appearing on Wednesday (if I remember ;-)

As you know I had Friday afternoon off!!  I managed to defrost my freezer.  I wrapped all the food that was left in there in Trina's sleeping bag.  I was getting bored of waiting for it to defrost and it had been going for about 3 hours, when I went shopping.  Came back and the frost had disappeared - how cool is that??!!  My freezer is lovely and clean and full of lovely food again :-)  My chocolate ice cream had gone a bit soft wrapped up in the sleeping bag so I got a spoon and started eating it but I managed to find some courage to put it back LOL.......

Yesterday I went to visit mum and Megan.  We popped into town for a while, had lunch in Wimpy and then went back to mums.  We tried to log onto the internet so I could show her Trina's wedding photos.  Unfortunately I only showed her the Hen Night ones before the computer started playing silly beggars and refused to work again!!

I love going to mums coz I usually come home with lots of books and dvd's :-)  This time she did not let me down!!  I had taken my big backpack for that particular reason LOL........The book I'm reading at the moment is one I borrowed from mum.  She's getting into crime books, I don't know if I can take the credit for that or not!!

Came home, had a nice taxi driver on the way (no I didn't ask if he'd been busy!!) When he wished me a good night though, I said 'yeah you too' and he said 'it will be if I'm busy' so I said 'I hope your busy then' LOL..........

Tried to watch Casualty but they'd put X-Factor on at the same time!!  Grrrrrrr..........why do they do that??!!  It's like that drama Elizabeth on channel 4.  That was shown on Wednesday and I could only watch an hour coz there was something else on the other side.  Well they repeated it yesterday and again I could only watch about an hour coz Casualty etc was on................Why don't you video it I hear you cry.....I would but my TV is a video combined and won't video seperate channels!!  :-(

Today I've been sooooooooooooooooooo lazy I've not even ventured outside.  Had a nice long lie in, read some of my book - it was getting interesting!!  It's called Bluebirds by Margaret Mayhew and it's about the introduction of WAAFS to the RAF in the second world war and how they coped.  Of course it's fictional but it's very good, I like history so it makes me wanna find out more :-)

I've managed to finish my letter to my Nan!!  I started thinking that I should ring Dad and try to find out the name of the B&B which is opposite the home she's in.  I really don't want to speak to him though!!  Long story don't ask.....................

Oh my goodness me I have my appraisal this week - wish me luck :-)  Have you voted in the journal awards yet?  i've been trying to think of who I shall vote's tough!!  I probably won't nominate in every category!!  Well good luck everyone *fingers crossed*

I've borrowed a scrabble cd of mum and have been playing that today - managing to beat the computer LOL.......mind you is it fair when he's on the lowest setting ;-)

Mmmmmmmm......not sure what else to write so I shall leave you here by saying I'm so jealous of anyone who has Sky One this week :-(  You get to watch the match and see Paddy in shorts :-(  I wanna see that too!!  I finally understand what women talk about when they mention footballers and the attraction ;-)  LOL............Obsessed what me??  *innocent face*

Take care everyone

Best wishes (second time lucky for trying to post this entry!!)

Jen xx