Evenin' all :-) Before I tell you about the fun that was the August bank holiday Bar-B-Q!! I want to show you my new computer wallpaper!! I made it last night...........
Isn't that good?? It's a mixture of friends, Roger, Peter and Patrick (all the things I like and love :-) I'm thinking of doing some more - all different themes and stuff............ well it keeps me occupied ;-) One more thing before I continue - aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh I'm on a TV advert!! Alright you can't really see me but I was there and I know it which is the main thing ;-) If you see the ad for Queen's 'Return of the Champions' cd, it shows clips from the Sheffield gig!! :-) Avid readers will back me up that I was there LOL............ So ladies and gentlemen you're reading a journal of a TV star (ok that's going too far........)
Right the BBQ!! It was decided that Trina was gonna hold one after she got married and at Hyde Park we invited as many Queen friends who lived in the South West as possible!! The day before we found it most weren't going to turn up but Cat, Sarah, Jamie and Sarah's other half Dan, were coming so it'll still be a laugh :-)
Cat and I travelled down to Trina's together on the Friday!! I managed to find Cat on the train :-) Got to Torquay about 7pm ish!! Went straight back to Trina's and got some pizza and watched Peter Kay live at Bolton Albert Halls. It was hysterical!! We went to bed early knowing the next night would be a long one!!
Got up fairly earlyish on the Saturday - about 9.30am ish!! Went and did some shopping. Came back and watched some crap on the TV. About 12ish Cat went to prepare the food - Trina was ill from her trip to Kenya and had been told by the doctor to cancel the bar-b-q but she was adament she wasn't doing that!! Besides which Cat would do the cooking and wouldn't let her do anything anyway!! I was bored watching the TV, apart from the fact there was nothing on and Wayne had found the football *groan* so I went to help Cat make the kebabs etc.....and watched her making the burgers :-) Learned quite a bit, considering I don't do cooking!! (Wish I could!!) Anyway Trina's phone started ringing and it was Sarah, asking for directions. As Trina opened her back door, Sarah's car drove past!! So let the day begin :-)
Sarah, Dan and Jamie came and said hello's and then Cat and Wayne fired up the bar-b-q, (which had taken Wayne and Trina 3 hrs to buy)!! The kebabs started cooking and the drink started flowing :-) We all got to chatting!! I think Wayne couldn't believe it!! He was used to me, Cat and Trina but Sarah and Jamie were two he had not met before!! He was about to meet the loud side of Trina LOL........So the kebab's were first, then the burgers, then sausages etc........ Jamie started taking pics!! After the food was gone and the drink was still flowing we showed the girls our shirt that was owned by Roger ;-) We brought it at a convention one year!! Then we went inside and showed the girls our movie clips from the gigs. Mainly all the talk so far had been about the shows!!
Then we put 'Roger live at the Astoria '99' on the videoplayer and Sarah got very excited coz you could see her hands in most of the shots. Wayne and Dan were very quiet most of the day! Once we had seen Trina's very strange dancing on the video, we all agreed to go down to the fair!! Wayne was the only one who hadn't been drinking so he drove us down. Cat and I stayed behind whilst he took Trina, Sarah, Jamie and Dan. Apparently they were quite noisy!! Jamie and Sarah had spent the trip shouting 'Queen' and asking people if they were Roger Taylor LOL........... The madness didn't stop there. By the time Cat and I arrived they were still in full swing and asking passer by's if they were Roger, Brian etc...........So we went across the road to the fair.
Jamie and Sarah decided to go on a ride and Cat joined them whilst we were waiting for the ride to start. You could tell Trina had been drinking coz this little boy walked past with curly hair and I said 'ooo look mini brian' Trina ran after him screaming 'Brian, Brian!!' *shakes her head* LOL.......... Eventually the ride got going - it was that one that spins round and up and down - you know the one I mean!! Anyway Trina and I had never laughed so much in all our lifes.......... It was one of those moments when your not sure why your laughing - you just are :-)
When they got off, we went on the bumper cars. Me and Trina, Sarah and Dan and Cat and Jamie. It was all going well until Trina kept shouting, 'get her, get her' and eventually took the wheel from me!! Apparently some little girl had been ramming into Cat and jamie on purpose!!
Next was candy floss and the ghost train. Cat and I didn't go on but everyone who did was laughing their heads off. All it was, was some bloke walking behind the car and growled at you!! We then went onto the octopuss or whatever you wanna call it!! Cat, Trina and myself went in one car and argued about a)who was gonna get squashed and b) the fact I didn't want to squash Trina :-) It went on for ages and Cat got suitably squashed. Dan took a pic of us on it but I'm not showing you that coz I look flippin' awful LOL.......
Once we got off we walked round and Sarah spotted the 'Hook a duck' stall that was selling inflatable hammers. Of course she wanted one, so paid to get one, Jamie got one too and they started having a fight with them. I got one and Trina took it and joined in the fight!! Some young boys had the hammers too and so they went to fight them. When they came back we continued walking and Sarah heard the Wurzles playing and went and danced to it on the ride that was playing it. Another octopuss!! She started chatting to the carny and he played Don't Stop Me Now!! So Trina and I got on as did Sarah and Jamie. £2.50 for one song and it wasn't even the whole song - was not amused!! They played Don't Stop Me Now again!! I remember the lady coming out of the food van parked nearby and asked them to put some decent music on............(ooooooo swear words out of my mouth do apologise!!)
The gang went on the big wheel next. I managed to convince Trina to go on it but I declined :-) So I stood there watching them go round enjoying the peace and quiet for a few moments LOL..........Once off of there Jamie, Sarah and Dan went on some little roller coaster thing. They were at the pay desk for ages. Apparently they were asking for Queen to be played, what did they get?? Michael Jackson!!
We went on the bumper cars again after that!! Trina informs me we're swapping partners so this time she was with Cat and I went with Jamie!! NEVER AGAIN!! She was mad, she drove the wrong way round, hit people head on, at one point I hit my knee and had a lovely bruise!! Someone went into the back of us and I jarred my back. But it was funny coz everyone was trying to hit everyone with the hammers!!
Next Jamie, Cat and Trina went on the Waltzers. Been on them before and was definitely not going on them again. Apparently Jamie was very quiet but Trina was not!! She kept screaming......I was reminded of the saying 'The louder you scream the faster the ride!' So of course the bloke stood behind them turning their car all the time............LOL
When they got off we'd all had enough by this point so Trina rung Wayne to come and get us, (he would after Match of the Day) and we went and sat down on a bench to wait for him. I felt my pockets coz I suddenly realised I didn't have my wallet. On the first Octopuss ride I passed it to Trina to look after coz I couldn't put it back in my pocket. Anyway I asked her if she had it, she felt her pockets and told me not to worry she had it :-)
A bit later the little girl who had been ramming Jamie and Cat on the bumper cars came up and asked us for a fag. Told her we didn't have any and she suddenly realised it was Jamie who shouted 'Queen' at her!! So she said 'why do you keep doing that?' Which sparked off a whole argument fiasco!! It was quite amusing, especially when we told her we thought she was 12 and her response was 'oh I'm 12 am I?? So how old am I then?' We all went 'duh, 12!!' LOL...........Sarah, Jamie and Trina got in a slanging match with her. I got Trina away by shouting that if she didn't come and stand near me I wouldn't be her bestmate anymore LOL...........It worked ;-) Eventually the carny nearby had to get rid of her!!
We crossed the road and Wayne turned up and took the first bunch home. Cat, Trina and I waited for him to come back!! Apparently they had screamed out of the windows again LOL........By the time we got back I was knackered. Wayne and Cat had said goodnight!! Dan started falling asleep on the sofa, Jamie was still taking pics and Sarah was singing along to the downloads, even though we could hear them from her Ipod!! LOL.............About 2.30am I said goodnight but the party still went on - I managed to fall asleep pretty much straight away!!
The next day, Dan, Jamie and Sarah had to go and meet some friends in a pub. Sarah was hungover and didn't surface till about 3 or 4pm and ready to go!! Also I discovered thatI had lost my wallet. Luckily my pin number wasn't in it - but there was a lottery tix and my photo with roger :-( which was laminated!!
All in all a good laugh and Trina reckons it's now an annual thing!! Hopefully those who couldn't make it this year will next year :-)
Hope you all had a good weekend - I'm off to watch my ad again (yep I did video it :-)
Take care
Best wishes - Jen xx
Photos c/o Sarah www.girlonfire.co.uk and Jamie http://www.livejournal.com/~myprettycabinet/
P.s if anyone can tell me how you get the name to be the web address thingy then I would be grateful - thanks :-)